Breaking down single-payer health care

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In single payer the government pays for healthcare, not insurance. Insurance is not healthcare. Insurance is a way to pay for healthcare.


I don't think your bank balance should be a factor when determining whether or not somebody deserves to live or die


We need to reform healthcare. Prices are unnecessarily high and gofundme isn't the solution for those struggling to pay.


I'm going to call it. The #1 issue deciding the next 2020 president is healthcare.


i live in toronto and I was snowmobiling last weekend and I got frostbite. I woke up Monday morning looking like a zombie. I went to the walk-in clinic to check my face and make sure there is no permanent damage. I ended up waiting two hours but the doctor told me that there was no damage and my face should be normal in a week or two. I am so thankful for our healthcare system because in the United States I would just ignore it to save the fee.


The function of private healthcare insurance company is to make CEO and Boardroom Executives richer and give generous bonuses by squeezing healthcare quality of its customers. All while your healthcare costs go up.

Whether you are liberal or conservative, that’s not a system that anyone wants.


The problem with all of this is they are trying to work out a plan that keeps insurance companies


Imagine if Bernie never ran. This video would have never been made


My personal suggestions;
I would roll Medicare and Medicaid into one, to reduce duplication in admin, and so that the old, poor, and disabled are all covered under one single-payer institution, rather than spread across several. Maybe also include CHIP and the VA in this merger as well.

The next part would be to allow individuals and employers to buy into Medicare, so Medicare is their health plan, instead of their previous insurer. This would be optional btw, so people who are happy with their current plan can stick with it.
A good way to get the ball rolling here would be for the Federal Govt to transfer all its employees (almost 3 million) onto the Medicare buy-in plan, and encourage State and City govts to do the same with their civil servants.

After that, allow Medicare to negotiate with hospitals and drug companies to achieve the lowest possible price for services and drugs respectively. Currently, Medicare isn't allowed to do this, which is mad, as even before people buy in, a combined Medicare-Medicaid would cover over 100 million Americans, and would have huge bargaining power to haggle costs down.

This would mean that for the old, poor, and disabled, there is a single-payer system. For everyone else, there is a robust public alternative to private insurers, but they aren't forced to use it if they don't want. This would also create competition for those private insurers, as they would have to be careful to not piss people off by denying them coverage.


Like health Care is something we can "shop around" for.


I don't mind single-payer as long as you allow private healthcare options as well


You can have both private and government funded public healthcare operate at the same time. We have it here in Australia. Works well everyone gets looks after. Its way cheaper than USA.


Single payer healthcare system is the best, everyone tax needs to pay for people who are injured and needs help, no papers needed


Think of this like a fire dept but that fire dept is private. And will only work if government or you put coins in it. If that fire dept doesn't have enough customer, then it will close..And government won't be able to do anything....Which is exactly what happens in rural areas in America, **hospitals are shutting down.**

Single payer on the other hand allows firefighter to be paid fixed salaries so they don't have to worry about payments at all. And will provide you service regardless.


Public health care is like universal public education from PK to high school. It was unheard of before to spend tens of thousands of dollars in higher education as it is true today. My higher education expenses in the 70s were so low that it was very affordable for students. Now, the tuition in public higher education is not affordable to ordinary Americans and they are forced to take loans. That was unheard of during my time. There are certain areas we need to keep public, public roads, public education, public parks, public sidewalks, and public health care, and more... I think these are not perks but necessary funding so that the citizens are smart and healthy and can create ideas that could propel our economy into a thriving economy.


Single payer seems the better of the two since 28 million US citizens don't have healthcare and the paying individual always have to make up the lost revenue through increases of private health care insurance premiums, prescription medicines, all the fees associated with a doctor visit and other costs. Single payer is the way to go.


You cant compete for business choice when you are literally hostage to their services


As it turns out sick and injured people aren’t so good at negotiating prices on their own.

If the government gave contracts to whichever company can provide a medication at the lowest price that gives those companies a powerful incentive to be competitive.


maybe if we didn’t subsidize healthcare we would have cheaper prices with less repercussions


Less weapons and more heath care! Less foreign aid and more heath care!