How single-payer health care works, in 2 minutes

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Vox explains how single-payer health care systems work -- and how well patients do in them.

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First off, I studied health care in Sweden. Second, single payer, which is what Canada has, is different than government provided health care, which is what Sweden and the UK have. Single payer is when providers, like doctors, hospitals, etc., are paid by the government for services, but the doctors, etc. are still privately run and operated organizations. Meanwhile, the systems that the UK and Sweden have are government provided healthcare systems, in which the doctors, hospitals, etc. are owned and operated (and paid for) by the government. The key difference here is who owns the services - the doctors, etc., or the government. In government run systems, where the healthcare system at all levels is beholden to the national government, you're more likely to see shortages and wait times. However, in a single payer system, where doctors are also running businesses, you're less likely to see shortages and wait times.

Also, unlike the American health care system, medical bankruptcy is not a thing in either government provided or single payer systems, because the government controls the cost of care, making it manageable for patients. The US has the least efficient, most expensive, and poorest performing health care system in the OECD. We need to move past private health care to a single payer system.


I had a kidney stone that needed operated on, all free in Canada, took about a week. Costs $10, 000 dollar in the states.


Damn, you guys should really be careful about putting Jane's social security number in the end of the video there.


Why can’t some Americans just accept that their healthcare system is very much broken and learn from other countries? Australia has an objectively better system, and the health spending is only 8% of our GDP, rather than the 16% of the US.

It’s time to abandon the idea that privatisation is always better. It simply is not true.


Canadians overwhelmingly support our healthcare system. I can't believe the sums of money that people who don't have insurance and are are very ill (for example cancer) need to pay to receive treatment. If 300 million people all pay into it the cost will be low. You may not need it now but you or a family member might one day. And you'll be happy you don't need to re mortgage your home for treatment .


I came here because I thought it said single player. :(


ill agree with most healthcare ideas that abolish private insurance companies


38% of Canadians are satisfied with their health care? What poll was that?In 2016 the Globe and Mail reported: "A majority of people surveyed in every region of the country said they would agree to tax hikes in exchange for more services being placed under the rubric of publicly funded care. That ranged from a high of 70 per cent in favour in British Columbia to a low of 53.6 per cent in favour on the Prairies."So the "major changes" that Canadians want is more taxes for more health services. So they have and want even more socialized medicine.


1:44 "Who knows what could be next ? 😊 "
.... Me watching this video 3 years after it was posted. 😩


where was the "explanation" ? your college girl reporter seems to have missed that part. Nice job Vox


I feel betrayed by myself. Only watched this thinking it was a guide on how to be an expert in single player games.


"Works well"

38-44-62% satisfaction rate

There's only one instance here where people are truly satisfied with the state of their system.

I'm not sure what the problem in Sweden is but yeah, we need major changes in Canada (nevermind there's no complete uniformity in how care is delivered throughout the country - BC has a health tax, for instance).


I was looking for a good explanation, but when this valley girl started yapping, I knew she knew nothing about what she was about to "lecture me about"


Thank God for Vermont! I hope Vermont can be very successful in implementing single-payer health care. The United States gets bad feedback and reviews on their health care because it is a bad system. It seems like if you want to get a procedure done you have to go through the doctor, the billing receptionist, and your health care provider. This process can involve a lot of time on hold during a phone call and sometimes you even have to wait for letters to get reviewed then faxed back and forth. The video shows other countries that have single-payer health care and how their citizens like it a lot more compared to the United States health care. Yes there is some down falls to it like more government control and they get to pick and choose what will be covered. That's nothing though compared to what Americans go through now with their health care. Most of the time it seems like you still have to pay a lot out of pocket when your insurance says you are covered. Is single-payer health care the best solution? I don't that for sure. Evidence does show that people are more satisfied with it in the video. Also with the messed up situation we have in the U.S. this could be the right step to take to find a better solution then we have now.


Thanks for explaining the ups and the downs in this. I hate it when people try to weasel by the costs and risks, like that the SP system can still deny things as an insurance company can.


Totally informative! Great visual metaphor too; beautifully shows why the current system of healthcare is so complicated, and why people need guidance in determining what they're eligible for.


Omg the voice fry!! But thanks for the info.


Being from the UK, it is literally amazing that Americans don't want state funded healthcare


Sarah, your narration is great! Also, I love the animations.


Single payer health care does work when its in a whole country example: Canada. But if for example if single payer health care passes in one state like where I live Colorado then it will either have to raise taxes immensely to keep paying doctors the same or they will move out of the state to another where it pays better.
