Painting with filament! Convert your images into art with HueForge!

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No I didn't make up "transmissivity", or maybe I did. Who knows. It sounds plausible :)

Pickle: Really? If you want it, I'll upload it :)

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Great overview! This software is incredibly fun to play around with :)


This is truly brilliant!
The first time I loaded white filament after having printed in red, and watched my extruder push a pinkish colour out as I purged the line, made me think why isn't there a print head that takes RGB (and perhaps white, black and grey) filaments in and has a slicer plugin to tune the mixing of them?
This takes that same concept and achieves it in a new and elegant way!
Fast printing, input shaping and perhaps 16 million colour printing? What an incredible time to be alive! :)


Its amazing that this is a more recent development. Its such an ingenious yet obvious way to create multi color prints. I just picked it up today and after watching the tutorials its actually pretty easy to use! Im excited to get some prints going!


Wow a new toy! Going to try the humming bird. My wife loves them. We have tons of them in the garden.


Interested to see what metallic or glossy filaments look like.

This would be very cool if you did it for kits though, like print every leaf of the sunflower and then apply heat to curl slightly making you end up with a pop up still image, or like the AT AT kit you can get and 3d print


Very weird licensing terms. Personal is for your use only. $30 a year to sell physical products only, for people like Etsy sellers. $80 a year to also sell the STLs. What if you just want to share them for free on printables? Do you need to pony up $80 a year? That's a pretty huge downside. It always sucks when sharing and collaboration is capitalism-ed out of a community.


This is one of those innovations that does seem really obvious, but somebody had to actually do it! Looks like they did a great job.


I've been working on similar software but it's way behind the quality this thing is putting out. The UI and polish on this deserves acclaim, doing edge detection and filament fill patterns in itself is quite complex. One thing that is not shown here is there's a limit to how small you can go and not smear pixels, I've yet to determine that limit. The tolerance will be very printer dependent.


amazing, i want it to make board game tokens or textured d&d battle tiles.


This is awesome software! I don't know if someone has created this before but this is exactly what type of tool I've been envisioning on having and wondering why it hasn't been done before. It's jumped me hours ahead of helping print some logos for my kids hockey team out of TPU!


Dude, your sunflower you made looks really really good and I think that's going to be the first one. I try because my wife loves sunflowers


FWIW, there are multiple companies that offer filament that uses the RAL or Pantone colour systems, so you have a *HUGE* selection of colours to choose from and you can be sure that each roll will have *EXACTLY* the same colour and properties of the last, which is *really* important in a commercial venture.


Ok now use this with a diffraction gradient build surface to make bootleg Holographic trading cards


This is incredible. Love how much use the 3D printers are getting because of developers like this.


The Lost In Tech logo looks amazing with this method!


Looking great
Impressive results ❤
Thanks for sharing your experience with All of us 👍😃


What about an extruder combined with a laser inkjet printer head? So you just use one color plastic (ideally white) and after each layer you lay down ink in whatever colors you want. No filament swapping needed.


Minor comment (sorry for being a wise-ass): Other colours do "exist", but our eyes can only see three of them. The reason RGB screens work for us is because we have R, G and B receptors in our eyes, so our eyes cannot see a difference between, for example, a colour that is in between two colours or an equivalent mix of those two colours. Mixing those colours doesn't "create" a new colour, it is just a mix of those two, but it looks the same to our eyes as a solid colour that our receptors respond the same way to. For this reason, animals with different colour receptors would not see those colours on a print or screen the same way as we do. RGB (or CMYK) is tuned to our eyes.


Can you also show the process of setting up yourslicer. Not for those with automatic color changing. Just a regular ender 3. Thanks.


Any consolation 🤣😂
Would be interesting to print some sci-fi vortex on one of those 40+cm printers and place it on the floor for guests to find.
