Free Will, Multiverses, Quantum Computing? Physicist REACTS to Devs

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Today I'm doing a reaction to Devs, a show on Hulu/FX about a quantum computing company! Here I managed to talk about quantum cryptography, quantum computing hardware, free will, Shor's algorithm, Quantum Fourier transform, the Big Bell test, local realism, and so many other cool topics. If you're interested in a deeper dive, let me know!

Definitely need to do a deep dive on Shor's and get more into Quantum Fourier Transform soon :)


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0:00 Let's watch Devs!
0:28 RSA/ECC cryptography
2:37 Whiteboard Analysis
3:02 Qubit Counts
3:33 Can quantum computers predict the future?
5:18 Multiverse theory
7:12 More Whiteboard Analysis
7:58 Quantum Applications
8:42 Faraday Shields
9:55 Quantum Cell Phones
11:13 Quantum Computing Hardware
12:45 The Code - Quantum Fourier Transform and T1T2 Coherece
14:53 Free Will, Local Realism and Bell Test
18:03 Superdeterminism
20:30 Encryption
21:15 What I think
21:55 Quarky Clips

Some of the topics I cover:

Can a quantum computer know the future?

A quantum computer cannot predict events, but it can simulate events with some probability.

However, a quantum computer can always be simulated by a classical computer, and vice versa. This means that a quantum computer will never be able to solve a problem that a classical computer can't solve.

It can solve just some problems faster. Quantum computers have speedups for a certain set of algorithms that has applications in AI, encryption, machine learning, biotech, and a lot of other industries!


The many-worlds interpretation implies that there are very many universes, perhaps infinitely many. When a quantum state collapses into 0 or 1, the universe splits into the other outcome, and we continue along one path. But the other path is in a different universe. So, every quantum outcome results in a different universe.

A lot of time has been spent closing loopholes in the Bell Tests, which aims to test whether quantum entanglement theory is correct. Or local realism. Local realism states that hidden variables actually explain the entanglement interactions.

The Big Bell Test, with over 100,000 volunteers, was the largest known experiment done to close the freedom of choice loophole.


In quantum mechanics, superdeterminists still can say there is a freedom of choice loophole in the universe, meaning that before the universe was even created, there is a theory consistent with no free will. Unfortunately, it can't be proven, much like string theory or loop quantum gravity.

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#quantumcomputing #devsfx #scientistreacts
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Honestly, I don't see how anyone can respond to Devs in any meaningful way by only talking about the first episode. You need to watch all of it and respond to it overall. You need to approach it as an 8 hour movie because that's essentially what it is.


The point of this show is to make you think about the philosophical questions like free will, the simulation hypothesis and whether big tech companies can have too much money and power. Not many shows are this thought provoking so I think it should be commended even if it gets some science wrong. It’s also beautifully shot, it’s really a work of art.


The overall story is about how Forest is biased in his adherence to the deterministic view. There are reasons for this that come to light later than in the fiest episode. In the story, he is wrong.


Haven't you thought about the possibility that the universe is probabilistic, but we don't have free will? I mean how can true randomness, as quantum theory is suggesting, allow for free will?
If neither determinism, nor randomness allow for a free will, how can there be a free will?
I also think, that not having a free will isn't negative, but rather a positive thing. As Einstein puts it: "Schopenhauer's words: 'Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills, ' accompany me in all situations throughout my life and reconcile me with the actions of others, even if they are rather painful to me. This awareness of the lack of free will keeps me from taking myself and my fellow men too seriously as acting and deciding individuals, and from losing my temper.”


I think the show has been out long enough not to have give out spoiler warnings, but alas, here it is: spoilers below:

The show didn't just universally adopt this 'the universe is deterministic' stance. It explored the question. The CEO of the company wants/needs to believe it because of a tragedy that he unintentionally caused to happen. It assuaged his guilt and the belief that those events were always going to happen is a highfalutin form of escapism for him. The company is trying to answer that question and most of the employees feel the universe is probabilistic. Ultimately, he is the antagonist of the show and it's revealed that "Devs" was actually a more palatable name to the intended "Deus" because he wanted to play God. It seems unfair to give an appraisal of the show after the first episode when there was far more breadth and depth to the story than just the hard math/science. There's a lot of it, but it's more a story about people.


Nice reaction and discussion. I have watched the whole thing and from a cinematic POV, I think the show is fantastic. I understand your channel is more about quantum computing and your experience in the area, but it would be very interesting to know your opinion on the whole miniseries from your POV. Of course, being a sci-fi show, it is not expected to be scientifically accurate, but (as a fellow physicist) I enjoyed the exposition on interpretations of QM, superdeterminism, and such.


How do you know?

EDIT: First episode - not gonna' do the whole show?


RSA vs ECC: I think the point here is to sub-textually show how their relationship isn't as real as Lily thinks it is. She mentions both being equally vulnerable to quantum computers. He says they're both brute force-able. Maybe he's not thinking about quantum computing, but about normal computers. Just because Lily brought up quantum doesn't mean Sergei will respond within the same frame of reference. He's doesn't bother to tell Lily "well, if we switch gears and consider only regular computing, RSA is weaker." He just threw her established frame of reference out without telling her, which means he's talking past her - which means he's not 100% there with her, and that' supposed to be a clue for what comes next...


I'm going to use that multiverse excuse next time I flunk a test. I'll tell the professor, "We are just not in the universe where I put the correct answers." Hopefully I'm in the universe where that excuse works!


Devs is INCREDIBLE. It's such a shame that it aired while west world was airing and had a similar premise but they didn't execute it very well at all. But because west world was a more popular show it totally over shadowed Devs.


I hope you went back and watched the rest of the series! Even if you don't react to it, I hope you watched it :) It made me so interested in quantum physics that I ended up reading so much about it.


It's already been said, but you can't really comment on the show without watching the whole thing. This is cool though. I also love that you brought up "losing the nobel prize". i'm a behavioral biologist and I always thought that friends I know in the world of high level physics hewed hilariously (dangerously) close to faith rather than rationality, which I, again, as a behavioral bio guy found funny cos.... humans... when they run out of road on ideas, they defer to faith to the detriment of actual discourse. Even the smartest humans find themselves just going "this is my god (unassailable notion)" And that's why we get non-scientists going "you believe in science".... no I believe in refuting hypotheses and getting ever closer to the truth. There shouldn't be "belief" in science.


He wasn't talking about ECC being brute forcible with quantum computers. He was just talking about standard computing. Vulnerability to quantum computers was her point. I'm pretty sure.


quantum computers definitely brute force in order to find solutions, however it's coupled with simultaneous solutions. If there is a function that has multiple solutions it would do all 3 or n at once. The reality brute force just means trying out different answers and qc can definitely do that.


What Impact do you think the new Room temperature Super conductors (carbonaceous sulfur hydride) will have on the Quantum Computing space? (Cost, Accessibility, Qubit counts...)


How does breaking encryption work when there are a limited number of tries before your locked out


To me not only determinism would mean there is no free will, a randomness of events would also suggest that free will doesn't exist. Free will is more of a religous claim that we have some kind of power or soul to controll our decisions but free will doesnt make sense if you believe in materialism.


Did you get a chance to watch the whole show? Some of these earlier threads are red herrings.


Great video, I subscribed to learn more. You explain the science in a way I can understand.


don't have a smart comment, just a wanted to say i find your vids interesting and inspiring!
