Guido Burkard | Towards high-fidelity quantum computing with spins in semiconductors

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▶Title: Quantum Position Verification, Quantum Nonlocal Computation, and Surprising Connections with Holography and Classical Cryptography
▶Speaker: Guido Burkard (University of Konstanz)

▶Abstract: Spin-based quantum bits in semiconductor devices allow for high-fidelity quantum gates and long-range interconnects via on-chip superconducting resonators, while their nanoscale dimensions offer various routes to scale-up [1]. This talk will describe recent progress towards high-fidelity quantum operations, as illustrated in Figure 1, the implementation of small-scale quantum algorithms, as well as some of the remaining obstacles and challenges. We discuss the importance of spin-charge hybridization for spin-qubit control and measurement. Electric on-chip spin control with synthetic spin-orbit coupling provided by magnetic field gradients in combination with the exchange coupling has allowed for one- and two-qubit in silicon quantum dots. In this context, we also discuss the valley degeneracy in the conduction band of silicon and other semiconductors which offers both challenges and opportunities. Recently, the use of hole spins in germanium has attracted great interest because it avoids both the valley degeneracy and the need for magnetic field gradients. Finally, we briefly overview alternative approaches to all-electric control of spin qubits with the help of multi-electron qubits, such as the singlet-triplet, exchange-only, and quadrupolar qubits.

▶ About the MCQST Conference 2023:
The Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2023 brings together the Munich quantum community with international invited guests in academia and industry for three days of talks and poster sessions. Join hundreds of guests from around the world in the beautiful Bavarian Alps from June 20-23, 2023 to exchange ideas, learn about innovative research, and discuss the latest advancements in all fields of quantum science and technology.

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