Все публикации

Securing Global Communications: Introducing QUBE

How Secrets Remain Secret: Alice and Bob Explain Quantum Key Distribution

Licht & Materie Ausstellung Eröffnungsevent Deutsches Museum

Exploring supersolidity with spin-orbit coupled BEC | Leticia Tarruell (ICFO & ICREA)

Quantum simulation and quantum computing with neutral-atom arrays | Johannes Zeiher (MPQ)

Viviana Villafañe | Ultrafast electrical switching & charge state control of SiV− centers in diamond

Alvise Bastianello | Towards a sine-Gordon Quantum Simulator with a Quantum Gas Microscope

Aashish Clerk | Dissipative approaches to quantum metrology

Hannes Bernien | Quantum networks with neutral atom processing nodes

Jan von Delft | Quantics Tensor Cross Interpolation

Tilman Esslinger | Emergence of topological pumping in atom-light interaction

Pau Farrera-Soler | Quantum information experiments with single atoms

Sebastian Paeckel | From wheels to qubits: Geometrically tuning the error rate

Flore Kunst | Exceptional non-Hermitian topology

Zahra Khanian | Rate distortion theory for mixed states

Robert Raußendorf | Computationally Universal Phases of Quantum Matter

Jeanette Lorenz | What can we learn from applications for the development of quantum computing?

Samy Egli | Handling Stress and Crisis – Strategies and Tips

Torsten Zache | Digital quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories with qudits and fermions

Akira Ozawa | Extreme ultraviolet optical frequency combs and applications

Loïc Anderegg | Laser Cooled Molecules for Quantum Science and Fundamental Physics

Monika Aidelsburger | Quantum simulation – Engineering & understanding quantum systems atom-by-atom

Laura Classen | Field control of many-body phases in frustrated moiré bilayers

Andreas Winter | Hidden Markov models – classical and quantum mechanisms, and beyond