Arduino Tutorial 47: Binary and Hexadecimal Bit Flipper

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In this lesson we show you how to make a binary bit flipper than inverts each bit of a 8 bit byte. We show the simple code and algorithm for doing this function.

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Hi Paul, I an a 76 year old BitFlipper. An having a great time learning new stuff... possible because I gave a GREAT teacher. Thank You!


These tutorials are awesome, Paul! I'm particularly grateful for these 74HC595 lessons because they're solving a problem I didn't even know I was having yet. I've bought an 8-relay board to control a future sprinkler project and I now know exactly how I'm going to control those 8 relays without having to occupy 8 pins on the Arduino! Incredible!


I'm a bitflipper with the ~command


I am a bit flipper. I did it with no help, but simply used the "~" operator to do the entire thing instantly. As a fourth year engineering student who needs to actually understand the algorithms used to perform logical operations, I totally appreciate the more complicated way you did it showing the logic to do it manually!


just when I was about to give up, I became a bit flipper!


Wait a minute, What's up with the extra coding? "mybyteflipped" etc?? All I did after I figured it out at 5:23 was "mybyte=255-mybyte;" and it worked.


I discovered the exact same way of doing this.
I'm loving learning Arduino with u in Quarantine.


I'm also a bit flipper. myByte = - myByte; works fine :-)


Not going to lie Mr. Paul, you stumped me these last few lessons. I'm a mechanic/truck driver by trade so this is all new to me. But you do an awesome job at breaking it down barney style for those of us that have never used this kind of stuff.


I used the ~ command. i.e myByte = ~myByte, simple as that.


As always doing the homework! I went even further and combined the last couple of videos the create an interactive programm : the user can choose a number to represent myByte and choose between multiple actions (shift, rotate, flip and bounce). Every action comes with a set of other questions so the user can specify things such as direction or how many times something should be repeated. This akes it possible to choose whatever pattern you want and also do all those actions for a limited ammount of time without having to upload new code or having to reset it every time. By far my biggest programm so far (245 lines). I made it in Tinkercad but I don't know if I can share it if someone would like to try it.
Figured everything out on my own except the left/right shifting. Probably should have given it some more thought than I did though. You explained very well how to actually use and programm for the shift register but unfortunately not really how it physically works which I find unfortunate.
Anyway, very looking forward to learning how to implement an lcd dislay to my projects. and I will definitely keep continuing to build further on what you teach on the videos and try to implement it in a different and bigger project!


I AM A BIT FLIPPER. Even when these videos were uploaded two years back, it still is the best arduino tutorials online. Thank you, Mr. McWhorter.


I tip my hat to the "BIT FLIPPERS", maybe sometime I can be one!


I am a bit flipper! one way was to create the number in HEX and then do this "myByte*16 + myByte/16" worked for me!


To flip a byte you can simply use the NOT bit operator which for the Arduino IDE is dataFilpped=~data BTW excellent tutorials.


I just make the use of bitwise not operator, i.e myByte = ~myByte, and it is working


Instead of writing the shiftOut command twice (once before flipped and once after), all I wrote was myByte=255-myByte at the end. It will produce the same result and continuously flip bits


Hi, Paul...and greetings from across the pond here in the UK. To be honest, I tackled this project a bit late in the day and my noggin wasn't exactly working at full capacity...a bit tired and all that. However, curiosity got the better of me, and I continued with your tutorial and got the gist of how this works. Again, your method of teaching has been excellent and little by little I am digesting all this information that you are passing on to us. Thanks for a great lesson. Take care over there, mate. Love and respect to you and your family. Cheers, the Grumpy LImey.


I'm a bit flipper! I used "myByte=255-myByte" Now to see how you did it...


I am a bit flipper and I used the (~) command
