Arduino Tutorial 52: Portable Temperature and Humidity Sensor with DHT11

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In this lesson we are create a portable temperature and humidity sensor using the DHT11 sensor and an LCD display. In order to facilitate a more practical portable system, we are using an arduino nano, since it can be plugged directly into the breadboard.

You can get the kit I am using for this series at the following link:

I strongly suggest picking up an arduino nano, since it can plug directly into the breadboard, making a portable system more practical. You can pick one up here:

As projects get more complicated in these lessons, you guys really need to get a set of breadboard jumper wires which allow you to make neater connections on the board in your projects. You can pick a pack of these wires up here:

In addition as projects get more complicated, you are going to need a bigger breadboard. This is a reasonable one here:

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Рекомендации по теме

I am legend. 3D printed a holder for my uno and bread board.


Paul is a legend, I am an apprentice appendix😂. One is never too old to learn. Thanks, Paul!


I am glad you pointed out the polarity issue. I am accumulating things and after your video I looked at my kit. I had assumed, without thinking that the outer rails would be labelled commonly and the inner raile commonly.and the power supply unit similarly. I think this is not sensible. I also got the impression that if the sensor and the pot were on opposite sides of the board the Nano could move up several holes. But this is hindsight.
The reason for my accumulating stuff is for me to make something almost identical. I think I have some wire wrap wire and twiddly thingy remaining somewhere from 35 yrs ago. I knew it would come in handy.
Many thanks for these tutorials.


I am legend. Did it first on UNO and now Nano. Thanks Paul for the great Tutorials.👍


I AM LEGEND. Yep, got it to work after correcting several wiring mistakes. Including: putting the power source on two rails without realizing that - & + are reversed on one rail. That one really got me for a long time. Before I saw the - sign on my voltmeter while checking voltages. But, everything worked great.


Since buying a Nano is not an option for me, I had to dig up some ingenuity to make the Uno portable. So I moved the LCD down onto the breadboard proper and used the precut jumpers (plus a few I had to make myself) to make the connections. I was thus able to eliminate the flexible jumpers, making the whole thing pretty "solid."
I put the whole thing on a small sheet of corrugated plastic, plugged a 9V battery into the DC connector, and voila! I became a legend in my own time.


I am legend!! Thanks to you Paul!! Used a power bank, but only because my 9v battery I ran dead playing with the stepper motors!! Guess I’m also a legend in troubleshooting, because your polarities were swapped on your power supply board to the breadboard!! 😊


Completed the deLuxe Portable Temperature and Humidity Sensor Independently! Watched Paul the Master Coder and got many ideas for simpler and cleaner design!


I had a hard time with the library for the sensor. After several hours that included removing and redownloading the ide, no matter what I did there’d be a different error. If I fixed what it didn’t like, something else would be wrong, so I change that and the original thing would then be wrong. I tried several versions of the DHT11 library. The only way I was able to solve it was to copy another sketch I found online and add the lcd code to make it do what I wanted. It was by far the frustrated I’ve been so far through all these lessons that I’m enjoying.
Thank you for making the them for us.


I am a legend, I use the same power adapter board and a 9 v battery. I used also an I2C lcd 1602. I like you way to explain everything. Thank you very much.


I am legend, little things like this makes your videos very enjoyable.


I am Legend and I am Legend as a Troubleshooter! I was having difficulty with the Nano I purchased through the link in your description but I got that figured out and got the project to work while connected to the computer. Then I attached the power module but it would not fire up. I realized the + and - were switched on the power supply module and I went ahead and rewired the rails for the correct polarity and it worked perfectly! Very satisfying project, I ran around like an idiot measuring the temperature all over the house. Thank you for another fine lesson!


As instructed, I am reporting that I am legend in ts! 😁 and you are legend period!
UPD: In regard to placing the power module, I think it was just designed to be on the other side of the breadboard.
UPD: watched the wire wrapping video too, great stuff, I highly recommend everyone to watch it!


I am legend. I did the project before watching the video. This project really pushed me to move forward with my prototyping skills. I got a nano; made my own "neat and tidy" connecting wires from 20 AWG solid wire; laid out the project so the breadboard power supply was on in the correct orientation. I had the same orientation issue as you did and had to fix it. It was a great project. Even my engineer hubby was impressed with this one. Thanks!


I am legend. I purchased the Nano and the breadboard jumper wires as well as the larger breadboard for later projects. Thank you so much for having the passion to share your knowledge.


I AM LEGEND IN TROUBLESHOOTING. These are so good Mr.McWhorter


"I am legend". Thank you Mr. McWhorter.


C++ is the most suitable programming language for knowledgeable people like Paul. Both the programming language and the engineers are beautifully intelligent. I love both.


You are legend. homework went well. library wouldn't take. Had to go into manage libraries and get one from adafruit. jumper threw me for a loop for a while. smooth sailing after that.



I defended my thesis. I am now a master. Also, I got a Nano and powered it with the power supply to run this project, That makes me a legend.

I guess I'm a master legend! I am untethered!
