All For Us - Zendaya Only (Euphoria HBO Original Soundtrack)

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All For Us by Labrinth and Zendaya is a masterpiece, and I wanted to make a "Zendaya only" version so that's what I did.

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This is a fan-made version, I do not own in any way the songs represented in this video. This is purely for entertainment purposes. All rights go to their respective owners.
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The line that says “dreamers are selfish” I always think of Jules. I feel like the lyric was written with her character in mind.


She’s a model, actress, dancer, singer and more and she’s so beautiful and gorgeous like how is someone so perfect


I love how in Zendaya’s version the choir is louder


I feel like the version with them two together is above all other versions. Their voice together is like butter on toast. It feels like there’s some empty parts without Lab’s voice here and the emotions aren’t as intense.


zendaya needs to release another album immediately


Every time I hear this song I start throwing my self into objects, stumbling, and falling like she did. Makes the song 10x better


Zendaya’s such an amazing actress that I almost forgot she can sing... what an actual goddess 🤩


Y’all are being so extra, just cause people like this version better doesn’t mean they don’t like Labrinth like🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


Zendaya really said: just incase y'all forgot


never forget euphoria would never be euphoria without labrinth.


Don’t hate on Labrinth, both versions are beautiful


The fact that there is like 4 different versions of this song, and they all have a different vibe to it, it’s incredible


I have no idea why but this song makes me nostalgic and sad :(


(I'm taking it all for us)
(Taking it all)
(Taking it all for us)

(I'm doing it all for love)
(I'm doing it all)
(I'm doing it all for love)

Taking it all for us (All)
Doing it all for love
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Too much in my system (Famine, famine)
Money MIA (Pockets hell-a empty)
Mumma making ends meet (Making ends meet)
Working like a slave (Mississippi, aye-aye)
Daddy ain't at home, no (Father, Father)
Gotta be a man (Michael Corleone)
Do it for my homegrown's (Sisters, brothers)
Do it for the fam (Yeah, so tell em Labby)

Hey (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Just for your love yeah I'll
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Give you the world (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Mona Lisa's smile (Ah, ah, ah, ah)

Hey (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Hell, I'll do twenty-five to life
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
If it makes me a king
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
A star in your eyes
(Ah, ah, ah, ah)

Guilty or innocent
My love is infinite
I'm giving it
No need for prisoners
Please hands up this is a stick up, 'cause I'm

Hey, yeah
I'm taking it
Yeah, yeah
I'm taking it all for us, all
Doing it all for love
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Guess you figured my two times two always equates to one
Dreamers are selfish when it all comes down to it
I hope one of you come back to remind me of who I was
When I go disappearing into that good night
(Good night, good night, good night, good night)

I'm taking it all for us, all
Doing it all for love
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


The thing with this song I think is that both versions are great but because everyone loves Zendaya as a person and have such a close emotional connection to Rue it resonates differently with the listener which I think is the reason why people prefer this version.


Everyone's hating on Labrinth, stop forgetting this is HIS song, not Zendayas.


some of yall need to relax lmfao Labrinth is an amazing artist period.! yall wouldnt have even had the song if it wasn't for him


2:23 - 2:44 the best part in my opinion. actually no the whole song is amazing what am i thinking?



In general, the song is about Rue's addiction. Rue is the protagonist in this song, and drugs are the enemy of this protagonist.

The verses "taking it all for us, doing it all for love" have 2 meanings, depending on whether the choir (which represents drugs) or Rue is singing.

When the drugs (the chorus) say "taking it all for us" they are referring to how Rue takes the drug. When they say "doing it all for love" they mean that Rue takes the drug because of the "love" she has for them. Clearly that it´s not love, it´s addiction. It's not good for her, and she knows it, but because of her addiction she can't contain herself and takes the drugs.

When only Rue says the verses, it´s when she lets us know that she is " taking it" (or putting up with) her addictions for her loved ones and for herself, and she is doing it because of the love she has for them.

Now I will explain my theory of what each verse means (this last scene and this song have a lot of content)

*|| Too much in my system (famine, famine)*

Here Rue lets us know that she was very eager or very hungry to take drugs, and she probably overdosed.

*|| Money MIA (pockets hella empty). Mama making ends meet (making ends meet) working like a slave (Mississippi, ay, ay)*

Rue's mother has 2 jobs since Rue's father became sick, so it is clear that the effort she is putting into keeping the family going and continuing to be financially stable is impressive, that' s why Rue says she works like a slave. Now, what does "mississippi" mean in all this? Well, relating Mississippi to slavery in this verse is just a historical reference, because Mississippi is the U.S. state that took the longest to abolish slavery.

*|| Daddy ain't at home, no (father, father)*

Rue´s father died, that´s why she says he´s not at home.

*|| Gotta be a man (Michael Corleone)*

When Rue says "gotta be a man" she means that, like all humans, her father was unfortunately going to die one day. This shows that Rue really misses her father. In fact, just when Rue says the phrase "gotta be a man" her father (which Rue is imagining) grabs her.

Michael Corleone is a character in the film The Godfather. This character cared a lot about his family and gave everything for them. That connects with the next verse of the song:

*|| Do it for my homegrowns (sisters, brothers), do it for the fam.*

Rue imagines that she sees her father again. He tells her indirectly that it´s not yet her time to die (because he grabs her first and then releases her), that she must fix her life, and that she must do it for her family.

*|| Just for your love, yeah, I'll give you the world. Mona Lisa´s smile.*

Rue tries to tell us that she would do the impossible (impossible as the Mona Lisa's smile) for the love of her family.

_INCISE: The "OH's" that the choir sings, represent drugs tormenting Rue's life and thoughts._

*|| Hell, I'll do twenty-five to life if it makes me your king. A star in your eyes.*

This verse reinforces the previous. No matter what sacrifices she makes, if they make her a better person it will be worth it.

*|| Guilty or innocent, my love is infinite. I'm giving it. No need for prisoners. Bitch please hands up, this is a stickup.*

This is a metaphor for drugs trying to convince Rue not to let them go, and doesn't matter whether she feels guilty or innocent about it. Of course, in the most ironic way possible (if you notice this line it´s only sung by the chorus, which symbolizes the drugs in the scene, because they carry it around and basically don't let her go). The love of her family is infinite and, also, drugs do make you a prisoner.

Drugs really have nothing to defend themselves with, they have no arguments to convince Rue after all she has been through, and that´s why they finally say to Rue "hands up, this is a stickup", referring to the fact that drugs will steal the love she could give to her loved ones.

*|| Guess you figured my two times two always equates to one*

Rue makes an assumption: Her family believes that she never stopped drugging, even though she told them otherwise, since, as I said at the beginning, she fell into another overdose (that's why 2x2=1, it's like a metaphor for her being drugged because clearly 2x2 is not 1 lol).

*|| Dreamers are selfish*

Many people relate it to Jules, but I think Rue says it to herself. Her dream is to be clean and finally be happy with her family and herself. But, even so, to have at least one joy for a second she takes drugs, and so she calls herself selfish. This theory takes strength when we see the scene. Just when Rue says "dreamers are selfish" she throws herself into the chorus, which as I have said several times, represents drugs.

*|| When it all comes down to it*

When she says "When it all comes down to it" she means "when i wake up in the hospital" because it is most probable, as i said before, that she has overdosed, and if so, it´s most logical to think that she will wake up in a hospital.

This theory takes strength thanks to what is heard after the song ends in the last chapter of the first season: if you remember, at the beginning of the last chapter, when Rue is in the hospital because of her renal infection, she tells us that at night, when everyone is asleep, she closes her eyes in the hospital room and imagines that the little beeps are sounds of birds and that the warm air coming out of the duct is a warm breeze. Well, this is precisely what you hear after "All For Us" ends; sounds of birds and a breeze. She says it in this unclear way because she doesn't feel proud of what is happening, so in order not to feel so bad with herself she expresses it that way.

*|| I hope one of you come back to remind me of who I was when I go disappear into that good night*

Rue is requesting this of her loved ones. She says she "disappears" because, as I said before, she overdosed. She says that is a "good night" because the drugs make her feel """good""".

That´s my theory. I hope you like it :)


Imagine if they opened szn 2 with this song...🥵🥵🥵
