Jehovahs Witness Death Phobia - Escaping A Cult | Witness Underground

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The chilling reality of the Jehovahs Witness death phobia is shocking. Listen to Miranda's escaping a death cult story in this exclusive Witness Underground short. This gripping exploration sheds light on the psychological toll of the death obsession within the Jehovah's Witness community, exposing the narratives of those who have dared to challenge and break free from this pervasive fear.

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00:00 Introduction to former cult member activism
00:12 Witness tells daughter to kill herself
00:22 Death is not a solution to problems
00:32 Use suicide to get into paradise
00:42 Jehovah's Witness abuse starts with baptism
00:55 Dedicated to "The Society," not god
01:05 Witnesses are coerced to shun you until death
01:15 Don't indoctrinate your kids
01:33 Life improves when you escape
01:44 Take your freedom, get out of trap
01:56 Prioritize freedom of thought
02:11 Guilt is their method of control, get out


Embark on a poignant and deeply personal journey with Miranda, a ballet dance studio owner and instructor, as she bravely shares her story of escaping a death cult in this eye-opening video. Delve into the harrowing effects of the Jehovah's Witness death phobia, unraveling the chilling revelation that her mother suggested suicide if she didn't adhere to the belief that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only channel for truth on earth.

This installment is a powerful addition to the Death Cult series, shedding light on the psychological toll of death phobia within the Jehovah's Witness community. Miranda's narrative becomes a focal point in the Liberation Journey series, exploring the process of awakening from the confines of the cult and finding freedom from JW doctrines.

Join us in this Leaving Religion podcast episode that exposes the shocking reality of the Jehovah Witness death phobia and its impact on individuals like Miranda. The video not only delves into the question of "Can you leave religion?" but also highlights the resilience of those who have chosen to break free from the truth they felt trapped in.

Miranda's story is a testament to the strength of artists Escaping Cults, using their experiences as a form of art for healing trauma. This video aims to be a source of support for those navigating the complex terrain of leaving a religious cult, uncovering the chilling truth behind the Jehovah's Witness death phobia, and providing a platform for stories from cult survivors. Witness the underground reality of those who dared to question and break free from the clutches of a belief system that once held them captive.


Please watch: "Big Announcement - ExJW-Live - Are we bashing Jehovah's Witnesses?"
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Kingdoom hall is the Kingdoom Hell. Makes more sense now.


My family and I are so happy since we left the cult, you will never amount to anything if you remain in that cult, they discourage self improvement


I didn’t believe my dad, an elder at the time; when he told me nonchalantly that I am spiritually dead and thus will be treated as being dead. Little did I know he was stone-cold- and dead-serious! I was dead to the whole family! 

I now live halfway around the world. Alone and none of them want anything to do with me.


Well done guys I am one of you...we are stronger now and most importantly FREE!


In their own words Governing Body is NOT Inspired by the True GOD!


I left when I was 12 years old. Around that time, I tried to get baptized, and the elders had a meeting with me and told me I was too young. It was the best thing. I had survived molestation, emotional abuse, etc, at the hands of JWs. My mother tells me, "I can't believe I gave birth to a child who is not a JW." It's a painful thing for a mother to say. I remember when JWs were told not to go to College because the world was coming to an end. Charles Taze Russel abused his wife and was a freemason. He also took a small group of JWs to Mt. Olives, thinking the world was coming to an end. (He was originally a follower of MILLERISM and later created Dawn Bible Students, etc. JF Rutherford, a Jewish lawyer, created the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. I know thousands of JWs, but 99.9% don't contact me anymore. I'm an outsider, but I have freed my children from the cult!!


A very close family friend that was recently disfellowshipped took her own life a few days ago because of the cruel treatment from the Elders and members of the congregation. She was only 21 years old with extremely strict parents. I’ve been so distraught since I found out and angry that this beautiful young girl felt like if she wasn’t a part of the religion she had no purpose to live and it’s so heartbreaking. I left the cult 7 years ago, I wanted my kids to have a normal and fun childhood with out having unrealistic pressures from the cult to be perfect but we are not perfect. It’s insane!! These elders need to go to jail for the public shame and depression they caused her. Justice needs to be served.


Armageddon is not a event !!
It's a place !!


I have a JW over the fence in Australia. We used to have spiritually based conversations over that fence. I even entered her house once, with my brother, and we chatted politely. Then she revealed her identity; a bloody Jehovah's Witness. She used to invite herself over that fence for any pathetic reason. She does not visit anymore. Months have passed, and she has kept herself well away from me thank God 😀 .


I was born Jehovah’s Witness, and on Aug 12th, 2021, I prayed to Jehovah letting him know how much this religion has hurt my heart. Since I was born I’ve been told that God was going to destroy all who were not witnesses. I couldn’t do it anymore I prayed to God letting him know all the damage this religion has done in my life....I told God that all I wanted was his love not paradise especially knowing all the non-witnesses that I loved were dead and I would gladly give my life in exchange for my children that are not witnesses. I told him I could no longer assist meetings because this religion is making me think badly of him. I remember yelling in my head how I couldn’t understand how a loving God could do this knowing our imperfections...I was sobbing, overwhelmed with grief when all of a sudden I had a thought of : I would never hurt anyone. I felt it down to my bones, I instantly calmed down and felt at peace. That night as I was laying down, my whole body started with intense waves of vibration, I started to sit up and it kept going, then I just had this knowing not be afraid and I just relaxed and immediately I started seeing all these lights and I was in a tunnel of light. I kept thinking if my husband turned around I was going to be sparkling! Then I was inside of this most amazing light that was filling me with so much love, fractals of light were coming towards me and all I could hear was I love you, you are loved over and over again. I felt all the pain and hate and hurt melt from my core, I was just floating there in unimaginable love and bliss, I remember being asked if I wanted to stay and I thought of my kids and then it just melted away and I was sitting in bed. I was drunk with Gods love for 2 weeks, I was healed from a full body skin illness I had been suffering for 3 years. I haven’t been back to any meetings since. Haven’t spoken to any elders about what happened just my mom and husband her reaction was not surprising, immediately told me to talk to an elder. I know they will say it was demonic, but how can a love so complete not be from something so pure? Because of this experience, I started researching and was blown away by THOUSANDS of accounts of others who have had this out of body experience called NDE or STE, I’m telling you it’s mind blowing how death has been held over us. Everyone says the same thing: God is not Judging us WE are!!! I still pray and feel Gods Holy Spirit with me something I had never felt in the Kingdom Hall! I just want others to know that God is not in the religious buildings/kingdom hall he is in our hearts everywhere we go, always. He does not give us the spirit of fear, anything in the Bible that causes fear is a misinterpretation. Jesus came to free us from the lies and it’s happening again, we are the new scrolls...the countless witnesses of how religions are a snare! Jesus said it was done! He didn’t say now we have to follow another religions rules to inherit the kingdom! My Father and I share the same will that ALL WILL BE SAVED!


My Parents are Jehovah's Witnesses and I am Being abused and Have Been abused for Years for Decades. Ever Since I was a Kid I was Being Terrorized by my Mother In the House and in the Car She Would Scream and Cry Go Berzerk and Lose Control of the Car and Threaten to Kill Me and Whoever Else was in the Car and Other Drivers, In 2017 I was in the Bathroom Crying that I was Lonely Like a Dog all of a Sudden my parents Got Tired of Hearing me Cry and They Called the Police and Had Me Arrested. They Manipulated the Police against me and the Cops Treated me Like Crap they abused me as well, Yesterday I was in the Car again Lamenting that I was Lonely Like a Dog and My Mom Went Insane Lost Control of the Car and Threatened to Kill me and My Little Shih Tzu Coco While She was Screaming and Crying and I Had To Stop for my Safety.


Wow, this looks like it has the potential to help thousands. Thanks!


Leaving this organization, we lost our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes, and our sanity and for some, they never recovered from the fallout, my uncle ended up in Broadmoor Prison for Mentally Insane, my father was an elder who could have helped him, but did not. He even joked that he should study My Book Of Bible Stories. This was in the 80s. This needs to STOP.
We will share this video, and we will support how we all can to help others because more children will be abused, more people will lose their lives from the lack of blood transfusions and more families will be broken, more violence, and lives wasted.
I'm 4th Generation and this abuse stops with me. It stops with all of us.


When you leave the religion always send a letter to the association your intent to dissociate from THEIR unhealthy mental health practices, send a copy to your congressman so they are aware of the dangers. Similar to Jonestown, the government was informed of the unhealthy and dangerous practices, this will cause them to receive consequences for their practices till the religion is disbanded.


They make me sick...I left in 98 and it stuns me that 25 years later, people are still in this....


I was raised a JW ... my mother got us in when I was 5 and got us out about 10 years later. I have so much baggage from being so isolated and alone. I hate them for what they did to my mother. I'm not sure what to do ... I was heavily involved in the ex JW community on FB a while back - even married one of them ... but I lost that community too. Part of me wants to watch more videos but I honestly don't know if that would be good for me right now. I feel like I'll never know what a real friend is.


You can also deconstruct morality. It is basically secular dogma. Using same arguments to deconstruct religion you can deconstruct human rights and the like.


Left that (cult) when I was 17. I have lived a better life since.👍


Watchtower is DANGEROUS RIP Raymond Franz please read Crisis of Conscience


Escaped the Tower 10 years ago, after being captive for 12 years. DF twice couldn't see myself going back after last. I had always asked the beard question to the elders and WT, since they bugged me about my Law Enforcement career, carry a weapon, blood guilt potential, blah blah blah(34 years of service and counting). Yup, those 1960's rebels' beards hang on their faces, like banners of societal disappointment. It grows naturally like the real truth, breeds confidence and positive demeanor. However, the Tower preached it must be cut, and cleaned up, like the hopes of All JW's and friends. The Tower participants and captives can't go around looking like Russelites now can we Judge Rutherford. Now, 2024 The Tower has "Allowed" the swag of the beard to walk its hallowed halls of Bethel once again, but the friends better not say Shit!! because we know what's right for our sheepeople. Perhaps The Tower in another decade or two, may stumble in the "Truth" and find the Bible does not direct, condone or direct its organization to practice Shunning of its members family etc. This is a mind control method used and practice in cult entities and never has it been scriptural or decent on any level, but maybe just maybe, I might get my family back.
Mic Drop,
