Exposing Resurrection Falsehoods Fed to Jehovah's Witnesses By the Watch Tower

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We were just free magazine salesmen and quick build employees. Generating cash for the governing body to buy Rolexes.


Hard to believe after most of my life spent as a true believer only to finally discover we were just another fear-based religion. As bad as any other I suppose. Some preach its adherents into eternal hellfire; some have elders that can erase you.


WT theology is so complicated. I kinda think that’s the point, they want their followers thinking they have special knowledge and insight into the Bible’s teachings, when in actuality, they’re being fed a lie.


I came to the conclusion that the other sheep were the gentiles a few years ago. Thank you for covering this.


Eric thank you! An elder sent this article to me in hopes of getting me to ask this question to myself. I realized that no matter what scripture I use to rebuke the WT false doctrines, It will take a willingness, on the part of a JW to stand back and really meditate on the teachings vs. The "USAGE" of the Holy Scriptures when being taught. This is what you have done so wonderfully. I pray that you continue to snatch them out of the fire. Blessings always to you, and Thank you! I will continue to also help where I can.


I was told at a bible study that we all pay for our sins by dying. So when resurrected we have a clean slate. I was stunned. Gods plan of salvation through Christ was nulled so casually.


Oh my goodness. This was my LAST in-person meeting. I was so confused and couldn't believe anything else the GB says. I'm an investigator and have had this hunch for the past 10 years about our teachings. I was PIMO because I couldn't agree with some of the info coming out, but I was busy raising a family. I have never ever watched "apostate" material, but since the org has been warning even more lately I thought "wait a min, what's going on?" I decided to look into outside information not controlled by JW and treat it like a normal investigation I would do for my job. Unbiased, seeing the big picture, not assuming without first considering all the facts. 3 months later I decided there was enough evidence that led me to believe this is not "the truth." Seeing these type of videos allows me to open my mind. As a religion, they are THE most judgmental. I have learned more about the Bible watching lectures on YouTube than being in the KH. I am still grieving, but looking into the facts make it so much easier. I am done with the FOG (fear, obligation, guilt) and have to tell my family next week that I'm leaving. I'm trying to finish up care packages to be delivered before they shun us, but I have to stand for what is right. I cannot continue to live my life in extreme anxiety, looking over my shoulder, not being able to question without being frowned upon.... if my family wants to follow their teachings and shun me that's their loss not mine. This religion has taken good-hearted, God-fearing, decent people like me and completed discarded us as "unfaithful to God" smh.


Thank you Eric for your great work and your book Shutting the Door. . . You are a good man and your work is of great value to me and those that want to know Jehovah and Jesus. Keep it up.


You know how hard it is to shake free from a bad smell? When I left the org. I guess I automatically assumed I had left these teachings in the dust...and now, I'm just finding out I can't even fathom the depths of spiritual depravity I was steeped in...AND how much I appreciate the inroads these videos are giving me to getting things 'the right way around'. If you decide to not do the next article, that's okay by me. I will be watching this video many more times and making this the new focus of my Bible reading. [However, thank you for persevering through this article!]


Excellent Eric. Your explanations help me to understand what I missed out years ago. I used to read those magazines from cover to cover, so dedicated until I stopped and will never go back. So many readjustments once again. Thank you so much for your dedication and sharing with us.😊🌹


Merci Éric, je vous écris de France j'étudie et j'écoute beaucoup vos vidéos avec beaucoup de plaisir j'étais en train justement de lire la tour de garde et au même moment j'ai reçu votre vidéo qui m'a permis de mieux comprendre la signification de la résurrection des justes et des injustes, je ne supporte plus l'hypocrisie de cette organisation qui détourne la parole de Dieu des gens sincères, encore merci pour votre travail mille merci ☀️


Eric, Thank you for bringing forth the FACTS/TRUTHS of the matter on WT once again, It's so sad, and I pray that there will be those in the org who have the courage to look at this video, and see for themselves how reading the bible and CHECKING all things being taught to them is vital. My spouse is still in there, I saw things for years, and left finally in 2015. It is things like this that make one LEAVE THE apostates of Watchtower! We are commanded to not sit with men of lies and to EXPOSE them.


Oh How, Do I (as MANY Others who tune in) APPRECIATE
The Time And Effort 🕑📝, You and your cohorts Sacrifice to
Bring forth a CLEARER🤓 Understanding of Scriptural📖 Subjects !!!
THANK YOU 🤝, So Much !! 😌


Eric, I will keep you in my prayers from this day forward. You demonstrate a patience that is remarkable. I chide myself for not being able to look at the publications or suffer the GB for more than a moment without the fear of internal explosion. Then I beg for forgiveness because the Lord has forgiven me for so much more than most JWs have ever contemplated. I want to shout out from the mountain tops, get yourself a different bible or many bibles to compare, read and pray and ask for truth, now, please do it now. When the Lord Jesus comes to gather his faithful church I fear there will be very few people from this organisation available. You are correct in saying we were all spoon fed with pretty lies. We thought our preaching to others would make God happy/not if it's a lie! Lies come from one source only! Thank you Eric


Thank you Eric for your great work
This is my first time, write the comment for your .video
Several years ago, I was a minister in JW. When the elders wanted to appoint me to be a elder, I want to make sure something which may be uncomfortable, such as 1914, GB, Memorial of Christ’s Death, I have wrote two letters to branch office and the elder gave me that response: Some questions may be wait for Jehovah answer. Even Branch office(Organization) can't answer it. Later, one circuit overseer came back from china for some reasons, and I can discuss with him about my questions. At the end, I showed him the strong evidence to prove that the organization deceptive and lied us, but he said that "If we leave organization, how to serve God?", Now, I am PIMO and continuous to do my best to serve God


My wife and I were baptized as JW's in 1974 the same year we were married. We practiced until about 1994, when for whatever reasons we "drifter away." We never went back into the "world, " and kept most of the JW followings as to celebrations, but we stopped going to the memorial around 1999.
My wife of 47 years passed away, which broke my heart, and I thought about gong after her, but being a coward, I am still here. I just can not stand to the fact that I will Never see my wonderful wife again, talk to her, hold her or kiss her again. Life to me is not worth living anymore.


Yes, it is such an exhausting undertaking to remove the “defiling” caused by the hypocrisy, false teaching and spiritual adultery. Personally, it’s been a twelve year process so far. By the grace of Yah true spiritual health can be had. Many have been blessed through the efforts of the truth-seekers. Many thanks.


Thank you so much for this information and I truly appreciate you helping so many. After leaving so many years ago I can’t stomach how people believe this false religion!


I remember when I realized that there was no resurrection, I was driving home from work. I cried for 45 minutes straight! My mother died in 2009 and I stopped myself from crying at the funeral because back then I kept telling myself .. this generation will not pass away I will see her soon stay strong stay strong 💪🏾…. Then the overlapping generation came out and I was shocked but I stayed in ….. I spent the next 10 years miserable frustrated annoyed. Finally did research and realized no resurrection! I cried…… I’m hopeful I’ll see my mother again 🙏🏾


Oh my goodness your insight is amazing i knew allot of what i was told didnt make sense..my spiritual eyes are being opened..thank you
