10 Unusual Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

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10 Unusual Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms
1. Insomnia or Reduced Sleep
If you’re finding it difficult to go to sleep at bedtime or waking up at night, it may be a hint that you’re pregnant. We suggest that you stay calm and relaxed, exercise and reduce your caffeine intake to get better sleep.
2. Nasal Stuffiness or Bleeding From the Nose
As strange as it may sound, some pregnant women experience nasal stuffiness or nose bleeding early into pregnancy. This may occur due to lack of moisture in the body. You can either use natural remedies to provide moisture or talk to your doctor about it.
3. Excessive Passing of Gas
If you’re feeling all gassy and bloated, it may be a sign of pregnancy. Yes, it’s possible! Pregnancy takes a toll on your gastrointestinal tract and leads to gas. If you’re burping more than usual and it’s not because of something you’ve eaten, you should get a pregnancy kit and check for yourself. Stay away from gas-inducing foods to avoid putting your stomach under too much distress.
4. Increased Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy, and if you notice that it has increased of late, it may be an indication that you’re pregnant. However, if your vaginal discharge is foul-smelling or has a changed colour than before, it’s best to consult your gynaecologist.
5. Changed Bowel Movements
Pregnancy hormones tend to make the organs slow and sluggish. So, a change in bowel movements is also a sign of pregnancy, though an uncommon one. Slower functioning intestines means difficulty in passing stools, and thus, constipation. We recommend that you add a lot of fibre to your diet and drink adequate water to keep your bowel movements smooth.
6. Metal Taste in the Mouth
Some pregnant women feel that they’re chewing on something made of metal. This occurs due to the surge in estrogen and progesterone in the body and is called dysgeusia. It’s a condition which leads to a distortion of the sense of taste. You can relieve this by sipping on cold drinks, eating sugarless gum products or even trying out some spicy food.
7. Heartburn
Pregnancy hormones affect the valve between the oesophagus and the stomach, causing leakage of stomach acid into the oesophagus and further leading to heartburn. You can reduce the severity by consuming small and regular meals. Refrain from eating heavy, spicy and fatty food items, and caffeinated and aerated beverages.
8. False Period
Experiencing bleeding even when the period isn’t due may be another sign of pregnancy. Bleeding happens when the implantation process takes place, that is, when the embryo attaches itself to the uterine lining. However, sometimes a false period could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, cervical irritation or other pregnancy-related complications. Get immediate medical help if you experience heavier bleeding, a piercing backache, excessive cramping or other such unusual symptoms.
9. Changes in the Breasts
If your breasts have started becoming bigger and you’ve also been experiencing breast tenderness or soreness, it’s probably good news. The areola or the dark part around the nipples may also become darker for some pregnant women. This happens because the body preps up for breastfeeding.
10. Changes in Libido
Pregnancy does all sorts of weird things to your body, so changes in your libido are also possible. Some women who’re carrying a tiny one may show a drastic rise, while others may see a considerable fall in their sex drive. However, this is normal and shouldn’t cause any worry or concern.
The human body is very complex, and when any change takes place, signals are noticeable. As soon as you get pregnant, your body starts showing all sorts of symptoms that act as cues. As soon as you register any of the common or uncommon pregnancy symptoms, we suggest that you take a pregnancy test or meet your doctor to confirm the good news and have a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

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