Billionaires That Live Like They are Poor

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In a world where immense wealth often leads to lives of unparalleled luxury, there are a select few billionaires who choose a different path, one of remarkable simplicity. What compels these titans of industry to forgo the trappings of their vast fortunes and live as though they have so little? Prepare to be astonished as we delve into the surprising lives of these billionaires who live a life of modesty.

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You never tell us the most curious fact about Mr. CHERITON--how a Stanford professor accumulated his impressive wealth.


The act of kindness is not Rich people that care is!! They stand out because they do have the Money, yet they are no different then u and me!


Some billionaires just like to take the challenges instead of spending money. I don't know if this is a true story or not. Warren Buffet and Bill Gate went to McDonald's for lunch in HK. Warren used coupon for the lunch. I think he paid for the lunch.


I am very impressed by the frugal lifestyle of these billionaires. As to the quality of your reporting, not so much.


All these billionaires are like God. They are Great Souls


A couple of minutes later your narrator says Buffet often chooses to fly economy class, at the same time as you post a photo of him in a private jet. Does anyone check your work before you publish?


Do you check your narration text before publishing? NO, you don't. At the same time as your narrator says Buffett's net worth is $120 billion, the page you have posted says it's $144.5 billion. Sloppy. So, how can we believe anything else you say?




Well the stuff about the two brothers in Germany that on the supermarket is true. But some of the other stuff is not true Warren Buffett owns his own private jet. Warren Buffett also has his own personal security team and is driven around by that security team. Love Warren Buffett he is extremely frugal that is true. But he also has an obligation to his stockholders to protect his life and his family. He is a very important person. If I was a billionaire I would build one house in the state that I'm in. Because a lot of the construction is cheap and I want to house it's a fortress in a lot of the houses are distasteful I want something that if I had to sell it I can get rid of it so I wanted very nice. Basically stays in style. I like another house in Florida. I would just by one. But I would have a private jet for security purposes you don't want to be traveling with the unwashed masses. I would try to get a fuel-efficient jet the didn't pollute as much. Basically stay under the radar.


Hi. Sir... Adakah seronok kamu menjadi orang yang bergelar billion sir.... Huraikan.. Kebenaran sebenar kepada saya.. Agar saya cepat memahami.... Adakah wang pendahuluan dari mencuri kuda... Jiran sebelah...


You did it again with Mr. Huang. At the same time your narrator claimed Mr. Huang personally was worth $6 billion, you posted a screen shot that his entire family was worth only $2.8 billion. You people need to fact check yourselves.before publishing. Your glaring editing errors remind me of US MSM


Living poor dieing rich… then why to accumulate so much wealth?? Any logic ???
