David Goldman | Five Myths About China and Why They Could Get Us Killed | NatCon 3 Miami

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David Goldman's address at the Miami National Conservatism Conference on September 11, 2022.
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It is not invading Taiwan, it is unifying with Taiwan. Get your history right.


The truth of the matter is that politicians in the West and the US including Australia (Australia which is psychologically totally confused and suffering from an identity crisis as it thinks it is "west" when the reality is that it is geographically part of Asia!!!), are still stuck in their mental capacity and attitude in the glory days of "empire" 5-6 centuries ago.
They may have learned to wear Gucci suits nowadays but nothing else seem to have evolved in their psyche and consciousness from their barbarian days. Instead of recognising their sordid past and history, they celebrate their delusions like "Thanksgiving Day" which the Native American Indians rightly and clearly remember and commemorate as their "Day of Mourning" being the beginning of the murdering, genociding, plundering, stealing, raping and ultimately, OCCUPATION, of their land uninvited, without any due compensation even till today.
But these thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories they tell themselves and sell to the world how great their "founding" was!!! Same stories with the "Empire" where the sun never sets. Australia with the Aborigines. New Zealand with their Maoris. The African continent with all those goes on and on. This is the 21st Century, for chrissakes! Grow up and come out of that sick and primitive mentality of never ending desire to dominate, control and subjugate.
The zillions of dollars spent on wars and "defence" and the other zillions being hoarded by the 1% is more than sufficient to provide every human being on the planet a very decent and never anything wanting life on this planet with the healthiest and cleanest environment. And we pride ourselves as being the only creature on earth with the intelligence, consciousness and capacity of free will and choice. And these sick politicians choose never ending squabbles, tensions and wars!!! Go figure.

Julian Assange on Afghan war in a 2011 video

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From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580, 000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history. The bombings were part of the U.S. Secret War in Laos to support the Royal Lao Government against the Pathet Lao and to interdict traffic along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The bombings destroyed many villages and displaced hundreds of thousands of Lao civilians during the nine-year period.
Five years ago, the US forces, using the fake intelligence of a staged video by “White Helmets” as evidence, conducted the so-called “most precise air strikes in history” in Syria, killing more than 1, 600 innocent civilians. In recent years, the international community has been calling for investigations into the killing of civilians in the US’ overseas military operations. On Syria alone, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic pointed out several times in its reports in September 2019 and February 2021 that the US failed to distinguish military targets from civilians in its air strikes in Syria, which gravely violates international humanitarian law and may constitute war crimes. However, the US government has been turning a deaf ear to all this. 
According to reports, over the past nearly two decades, the US conducted over 90, 000 air strikes in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which may have killed up to 48, 000 civilians. But the US military time and again covered up the facts and refused to apologize, admit its crimes or hold the perpetrators accountable. It did everything possible to evade its responsibilities.
On the drone strike of civilians in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesperson said openly in December 2021 that no US soldiers will face disciplinary action over it. The US media also disclosed at the end of last year that from 2014 to 2019, the US military turned its guns on farmers in the middle of harvest, children playing in the streets, families fleeing the fighting and villagers taking shelter in buildings. These disastrous crimes were deliberately concealed and whitewashed. US media revealed last year that according to the US military’s own confidential assessments of more than 1, 300 reports of civilian casualties, civilian casualties in US air strikes have been “significantly undercounted”. Larry Lewis, a Director at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) of the US said that on average at least one incident of civilian harm has happened every week since 9/11.
There has been an overall pattern of negligence with regard to the US government on the issue of civilian harm. The US has also obstructed the International Criminal Court’s investigations into its war crimes in Afghanistan.  Every human life, regardless of nationality, race, religion or values, is equal and precious. The US should earnestly respond to the strong call of the international community, conduct a credible, independent and impartial investigation into civilian casualties caused by US air strikes, and hold the people concerned accountable.

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Monday Wednesday Friday — China is a developing country.
Tuesday Thursday Saturday — China is a threat to us.
Sunday — go to the church to ‘love’ and ‘bless’ some total strangers.


US and Japan sending troops to defend Taiwan would actually be ILLEGAL according to international law, because Taiwan is not a UN member and most nations recognised it is part of China.

It would be similar to okinawa politicians holding an illegal independence referendum and got majority vote for independence with uprising all over the island, and China sending troops to Okinawa to defend the okinawa militants from Japanese aggression.


I doubt whether the claim that only 30% of Chinese speak fluent mandarin is accurate for the current generation of Chinese.
The overall literacy rate has gone from 20 percent in 1950 to 99.83% in 2021. Most children are taught mandarin in school. They speak more than one dialect. Or languages; since a growing number of them also speak a second language such as English and Russian etc..
In any case, it is the WRITTEN form of the Chinese language that has bound the nation together since the first dynasty was created over 2, 000 years ago.


Any foreigner who wishes to have respectability through a decent level of credibility from an informed view should live 3 years in China, travel across different cities, towns and villages to form an independent opinion vs. relying on second hand smoke of experts who are neither onsite, understand the language, culture and have relationship with real people. Americans would also reject any European voicing their confident opinions on the version of USA based on MSNBC, CNN, BBC or Fox. Then we all will understand that people around the world have greater commonality in values and aspirations. And we have been manipulated by politicians, war mongers and corporate news that thrive on dividing the world.


Very practical speech. However, if US is not promoting Taiwan independence, China will not view US as enemy. Two countries can live in peace instead of fighting. The common challenge is global warming and poverty, let’s work together on those issues instead.


Brutally honest truth is, US and China are not peers, one has 1.4 billion people and top PISA scores, one has 300 million and is below average.
US simply does not have the population to match China when it comes to talent or industrial output, the people just isn't there even if quality is equal, and quality isn't even equal
America benefited from an early start and great staring location, but neither last forever.
China wasn't a peer 10 years ago, and China won't peer in another 10 years. In an unrealistically rational world the US would be focusing on securing a solid place in a China-lead world, but in the real world, sooner or later, it will come to realize war is the only chance it has of maintaining it's unsustainable position, and it will lose everything because of it.


So sad to hear men like him who seemed educated and sophisticated etc talk like this. Whatever he said makes one thing clear and that is he still thinks China is the enemy. China is no one's enemy, least of all the US. But she/US is too proud and arrogant to accept that someone else is doing good and better than her. It's not China that brought her downfall. It's her own pride and arrogance...."Because in her heart she says that 'I sit as Queen and I am not a widow and I shall never see mourning.'" Revelation 18:7. Revelation tells all the reasons for her downfall and it is God Who is against her. Rev 18:5 "....and God remembered her crimes."


All nothing to do with the USA so mind your own business


Excuse me, but the USSR had a very capable space agency and military electronics up until 1991. Venus and Mars missions, ICBMs., Jeezuz, not every electronic innovation of the 70s, 80s 90s was American.


I think he erred that only 30% can use Putonghua or "Mandarin". That might be true pre Communist China. To date, although there are regional dialects, they use a common script and almost 70% of the population can use the common dialect Putonghua. Due to the common script, even in the old days of dialects Chinese can still communicate very well inter regionally.


Taiwan young people don't want to do more than 4 months military service. So is the US going to do the fighting for Taiwan?


Goldman's diagnosis is correct. His prognosis looks too optimistic for the degraded America of our time. It is difficult to imagine incremental restoration of functionality in American institutions. It is much easier to imagine either decline, slow or fast--or a hard restoration such as Napoleon instituted in France.


Keep guessing. China will always surprise "China experts."


The most important thing in America right now are LBTQ+@#$ issues and gender pronouns, we should spend our tax dollars on that!


Wow I am glad someone is speaking something that is sensible, relevant factual and effective. Constantly blaming others for our wasteful spending on continuous war is detrimental to our well being. It is about time to seriously invest in R/D and education.


9:19 "China is Marxist, the same way that the Mafia is Catholic." Honestly, have not heard that before and it's brilliant.


People is key. All these "need" to innovate for hegemony purpose will do you no good. China got way more talent than the US can harness.
The key is to learn to live along with others. Not to dominate others.


Since when has the USA done anything Legal ? Iraq Afghanistan Syria? Hawaii? Taxes? Even the whole nation was it Legally Occupied?
