Developing for Linux on Windows - Scott Hanselman - NDC Porto 2022

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Can you really use Windows to develop Linux apps? Should you? How real is WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and how close is it to reality?

Join Scott Hanselman as he walks you through the state of the art of Linux on Windows. What's possible, what's not, what about the Windows Terminal and Docker? Tons of lives demos in this highly technical session.

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as a hardcore GNU/linux user, but not windows hater, I have to say that this talk is a great resource to show win users an easy way to embark on the power of GNU/Linux. WSL is a great way to get a Linux Environment without setting up a dual boot and messing with partition tables. Thanks for sharing!


this has nothing to do with my daily life, I thoroughly enjoyed this hour


As someone who just started using wsl recently, this video blew my mind. I didn't realize you could do so much with wsl. Particularly the explorer trick. Amazing talk!


Scott Hanselman is a global treasure. The amount I've learnt hearing him speak is priceless!


Amazing talk. I had no idea WSL had advanced that far. And just for fun, I installed gimp and ran it from ubuntu on WSL, and it just worked. Wow.


This talk a a bit all over the place and I love it


informative session. As always Scott's talks are amazing.


One of his best sessions. The nostalgia that popped up was cool.


This is the best talk about modern development I've seen in decades concerning Windows. I'm back to Win from Ubuntu as my primary OS after 12 years. Infeasible a few years back but I'm happy! It's always a pleasure to hear an OG get into the "why" things are that way simply and it makes sense. That context is important. It's not magic. Gives the broad overview of how things fit that is usually missing from the "How to build X with X" crowd that just glosses over the reason things work. The TCPView and Terminal stuff is wonderful. Thanks so much!


Great presentation. Very informative. Brought back a lot of good nostalgia as well. :) Well done, Microsoft, on WSL.


the best part is actually the dev container for vs code, that solves an issue I always had (too many extensions for different projects)


TTYs use CR+LF too behind scenes (and emulation does that too); in fact, real TTYs often require extra time to reposition the head in addition to the sequence (often handled by sending NULs); this is one of the reasons that prompted Multics to have a streamlined I/O translation framework (idea inherited by Unix, called "line discipline"), which also made adding extra features easy; using just LF represents a saving of 2.5%-3% depending on the nature of the file (based on modern UNIX code and documentation files), and storage was extremely expensive back then, plus these were research products (innovation + little baggage). LF was chosen over CR because in practice CR was also used to fake a boldface in real TTYs (also works in matrix printers). Windows inherited CR+LF usage from DEC, indirectly, through DOS, for compatibility with CP/M. DEC systems were dumb, and CP/M was heavily influenced by DEC's TOPS-10 in all aspects because Gary Kildall used it for development and thus wanted compatibility.


Fantastic talk, Scott - really enjoyed hearing more about WSL (or should that be LSW 😂), also great hearing the history of consoles 👌🤓


I started using WSL just a few months ago, and installed Windows Terminal just recently. Yep, absolutely great stuff, both are amazing. If I had only seen this talk before, it would have saved me a lot of trouble I learned the hard way... And now I see the background behind that old CMD program, that I have been hating with a passion, since I usually work on Linux command line terminals (real and git-bash-mingw ones), that have always been much much better.


@56:23 "Googling with Bing" is the best quote!


I’ve been using Wsl2 for a couple months, Microsoft did a fantastic job, switched from jetbrains ides to vscode


Love the work that has gone behind WSL. But I just hate that I have to use a mouse every now and then on a windows machine. TIL every windows process has an interactive window attached


This is pretty good. I tried WSL some time ago (1 or 2 years) and it was using lots of ram. Maybe it's because I tried to go full Hyper-V? From the video, user experience seems pretty good now


Many years ago this experience was unthinkable, ask Steve Ballmer and his "Cancer view from Linux". It was resistance to change and fear to the opposite way to do things in Microsoft. I love linux and I'm very happy with this effort from Microsoft. A good example that fear to opposite ideas or antagonistic situations is not well funded and maybe it is better to ask ourselves what if... Linux and Windows work together! Still, work to be done but this is a good signal. Talk was asome!


1:14 "Where the Sound Card works!" HAHA LOVE THIS! SO APT AND STILL FUNNY. 👍👍💛💛🤣🤣