How the Best RENATA SUPPORTS Carry Games

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Mommy.... I mean Renata is leagues newest support champion that's been taking the rift by storm. Today we go over how the highest elo players, from master tier to challenger, are piloting her and how they're achieving winrates updwards of 52%+ even in the first week.

0:00 Intro
0:47 Who We're Analyzing
1:15 The Problem with Renata Glasc
1:52 How it Works
2:28 Winning Every Early Trade
4:07 Early Game Combos
5:05 Renata's Most OP Ability
6:46 Always Hitting Ult
7:46 Full Combo & Midgame
8:42 Teamfighting
9:45 Item Build
10:52 Runes
11:28 Synergies & Counters

Topics: renata support, renata season 12, renata support runes, best renata support player, renata support build, renata combo, renata support analysis, renata support keystone, is renata support good, challenger renata support, renata support montage, renata lol, renata support guide, renata support synergy, renata support counters

#leagueoflegends #support #renata
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I love that the end of the vid is literally "Renata works with all ad carries, renata struggles against everything that isnt janna and soraka"


Quick tip on renata: if you use W, and that person dies, but then uses zhonias, it stops the timer, allowing his team to have more time to kill someone before he dies ( this includes renata herself)


The problem with Renata Glasc is, .. her kit relies so much more on her allies TRUSTING her. This is actually more of a problem with marksmen because they are more inclined to disengage when threatened. I actually think the most interesting thing to do with "Mommy" is to pair her with a champion that is really good at going all in. Think about it, .. her steroid is a lot like Shimmer from Arcane. The characters that are juiced up on Shimmer are INSANELY AGGRESSIVE. It really works to give those hyper aggressive characters up to 3 extra seconds to get an extra kill when they would otherwise have inted. So playing with something like a Yasuo ADC is incredibly strong. I know, I've done it! The problem is, the Yasuo tends to think they are stronger on their own than they really are. If they end up abandoning her to chase after kills, they are much more likely to just die, .. and if the enemy catches onto her being your carry's drug dealer, .. they will just one-shot her first, then wipe the rest of your team.


This is some high quality content for the amount of views it has. Keep up the good work.


I'm really liking either Guardian page for aggressive matchups, or Grasp of the Undying for matchups against melee, and pretty much full tank.


Another solid release as a champ! No 200 years type design, she has a clear playing identity, she has clear weaknesses but still has really solid strength in her kit.

So happy with her personally.


The thing I hate is that she has a very unique playstyle. Obviously that's usually a good thing, but not in her case. Since your ult is slower than a turtle, anyone with a decent brain will be able to side step, and even if you use it in a cramped place, people will still be able to walk out, or just let their tenacity do the work. What I like about her playstyle however, is that she is really agressive, requires you to constantly harass the enemy if possible. Sad thing is she gets outtraded by most other poke supports (Zyra, Brand, Karma etc.)

She is definitely not a low elo pick, as she requires a good team to be functional, especially a good adc. I managed to climb to grandmaster with her, and I can tell you, the difference is night and day between playing Renata on low elo, and on high elo


Very good guide. Excellent tips here. Def can tell 100+ games were played at least before the video was released.


Clarification on Renata's W: The steroid movement speed only works if the target ally (or herself) is moving TOWARDS the enemy.

Also if you're going Glacial, then Approach Velocity is a good rune since it synergizes with the glacial proc (aside from her QER abilities), and helps her mitigate her slow movement speed.


Funny how the things i saw on this vid is exactly my play style. For me I always rush imperial mandate on the mythic item ( i wanna try locket if i have the chance. As for Shurelya's, well its ok too if i wanna play a more enchantress style of play) and then abyssal mask (for the enemy team's reduced magic resistance, especially if we have an aggressive mage on our team) then tank items the rest of the game such as frozen heart, thorn mail, sprit visage or force of nature (depends on the situation) or redemption. I always go Merc threads for boots. As for runes, its either guardian or arcane comet. I'm currently in mastery level 6 and I only require 1 more token to reach mastery level 7~


Well, a year has passed and the meta has changed a lot. As a Renata main I think she struggles with two things. Mages like Lux or Xerath in bot and of course counters like Morgana, Yasuo or Xayah. Having said that the other problem she has is that she relies way too much on your team being "average" at least, meaning you need to remind your adc to constantly be on the aggression whenever we are commited to an all in or Renata has CCd someone. Also not too many people know what her W does and they tend to ran away in fear, W procs and they die like very far away.

Now regarding the pros. Renata is one champion that goes ABSOLUTELY fine with hyper carries like Yi, Tristana, Draven and so on. Her ultimate has A LOT of value and can easily win a 2 v 5 or 3 v 5. Her W is an excelent tool to win those extended trades/fights and ironically her Q is also amazing at stopping strong ganks like Nunu's or Heca without R. I don't really see renata struggling against the likes of blitz, nautilus or any tanky support. Her passive shreds them with your adc.


I've been having the most success with Guardian page and with Locket and Frozen Heart, so I feel vindicated by actual good players doing that as well! I do disagree with maxing E first because it''s a bad ability. Really bad. Short range, small shield, small damage, and has poor AP scaling. I much prefer maxing my W first so that I can get it down to a ~10 second cooldown. When it's that low of a cooldown, it's THE best ability for taking objectives like towers and dragons. Giving yourself freedom to use it more liberally makes it feel so much better to max first.

Imperial Mandate also feels like a weird choice because only her E procs it, and, again, I think it's kind of an afterthought ability.

But yea, Battlesong and Locket have felt the best for me, and while Guardian isn't great, with Revitalize and Locket it becomes pretty okay. I've also had absolutely dreadful games when my ADCs insist on taking things like Ezrael or Sivir or Zeri. Against Renata, I've been leaning on my Morgana to block the CC and for poke, but also, surprisingly, Taric is really good against her. His ultimate just completely negates hers because tends to activate his ult early on in fights, and Renata's moves just slow enough for Taric to generally get his off to negate most, if not all of, the berserk stuff. Taric also shines in those "to the death" scrums in bot lane, so that extra three seconds of life still has Taric pumping out heals and shields.


Oh, I've been waiting for a good Renata guide. Nice! :P


evenshroud pared with firststrike gives insane ammount of money and killing potential with her ult . just my two cents as some one that plays her very often


I had to stop playing kalista as adc due to her. If I get hit by her ult I will put about 100 spears in my teammates


Damn, I've been running radiant virtue as my mythic on her for team fighting


I think they should buff her ult to 1.5 seconds tbh. but what do I know


She's so good, yet players are so confused when I use W on them... You are supposted to go full crazy and go for the kill, not run around. I was on a 20 win steak with her recenly, most games S+, not a single good play with W, because peeps don't know what to do.


A proactive/playmaking enchanter. They actually found a niche for the 159th champion released. Well there was Rakan and Taric, but Rakan is more high engage than enchanter, and Taric is melee. Nice job Riot 👍


I think Morgana counters her terribly too
