3 Minute Renata Glasc Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Renata Glasc Support?

Renata is still one of the newest champions on the rift with an incredibly unique kit! She brings with her, her own unique CC of Berserk forcing enemies to fight each other with is always brilliant when their fed AD Carry goes to absolute town on their support!

0:00 Why Play Renata?
0:17 Renata's Abilities
1:22 Combos
1:34 Match Ups
1:40 Runes
1:42 Build Order
1:52 Skill Order
1:56 Summoners
1:58 Lane Phase
2:41 Mid/Late Game

In this video we see the 5 Renata Glasc Tips and Tricks - League of Legends where we see NEW CHAMP RENATA: The ONLY Guide You'll Ever Need - League of Legends Season 12 going over 9 MUST KNOW Renata Tips to Climb comparing COMPLETE Renata Glasc Guide [Season 12] in less than 5 minutes | League of Legends (Guide) seeing IN-DEPTH RENATA GLASC Support Guide Season 12 | How To WIN & CARRY Step-By-Step | Full Build
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It's important to note that Renata's ult is terrible when you have a numbers advantage. Don't use it 2v1 against the enemy marksman, you'll just end up giving them an attack speed stim.


You can R Flash before the animation comes. Also, self-casting W before casting R gives you an extra few seconds to complete the R animation.


The attack speed boost on her ult combined with ADC champs that build attack speed items in the late game can be devestating to the enemy team (Jinx, Ashe, etc.)


I love these videos. I learn the same things as I do in a 15 minutes video in these 3 minutes.


Honestly, Tank Renata is just way better than AP. Her ratios are so weak that building tanky helps more. You're playing her for her great engage and less her damage. Being in the front lines with a locket just feels more impactful.


Another great thing about Renata is that her rune pages are some of the most flexible in all of League. Because she's a support with passive empowered auto-attacks things like Fleet Footwork, Press The Attack, Electrocute, Hail of Blades, Aery, Comet, Guardian, Glacial are all viable options. I'd recommend fitting the Resolve page in somewhere though for the extra tankiness because her abilities are so impactful. She's almost like a ranged version of Taric.


I love seeing my core main here and i'd like to give some advices for right investments.
1) Zhonya's Hourglass is must-item for Miss Glasc. If you self-W and going to zombie status, you can extend your life for 2.5 second.
2) Q is more disengage tool instead of engage. Her Q travel time is slower than Thresh and Nautilus. If you use for engage, pls use e before q. And if you're pushing, you should save your q for counter gank.
3) W in late games are gamble because of High-burst damage and Even if your friend survives, there is no time to escape. So give W to champs who can live after they come back to life.
4) Her E are like double-trade because of damage/shield but it cost high mana and slow travel time. Don't use your E if you think it's not worth it. 5) Renata Glasc should play responsively and counter-playstyle. You may use her offensively good but in defensive, you can see her true potential and game changing moments.


I’m new to league and renata glasc has one of my favorite designs. Even though this guy just spoke gibberish I’m probably gonna main her


Renata voicelines be like:

- Screw you, you're poor
- Screw you, I'm rich
- I miss my parents sometimes.


Than you for this Support guide. I occasionally play Supp because autofill in Viet Nam is hell.


As a Renata main I would not that secondary ruin. she is a mana drinker, so I would take mana flow band instead, and second wind to help her regen better when lanning.


Thought of trying out Renata -> Go to Youtube -> Video uploaded 36min ago o_o


600k Mastery Renata here, usually there would be games where you dont use ult at all since people usually and should use it reactively. But I think you can use it more proactively with combos like:

Ult Buffer + Flash

Usually harder to react to over a wall, the closer they are the better. Making it more deadlier with Zhonyas

With ally minions around your enemies, you usually can dive with:

Ult, Enemy Hits minions/you, leads into E + Q, into Q2 combo stunning if you fling them into each other.

Q into E + Ult also works espescially good for a cc follow up 3:00 .


Why do people bother build AP on her? passive isnt AP, nor is ult. the only thing that gets ratio is the shield. I build her like an ADC and do much better then *anyone* ive seen going AP.


first videp on the internet that i played at 0.75 speed.


Why does she do good into engage supports? I find I always lose when I got against Alistair as her


Would summon Aery also work with her? I'm used to using this one for most of my support characters


toplane playlist:

aatrox, camille, cho'gath, darius, dr mundo, fiora, gangplank, garen, gnar, gragas, graves, gwen, illaoi, jax, jayce, kayle, kled, k'sante, kennen, lillia, malphite, maoki, mordekaiser, nasus, olaf, ornn, quinn, renekton, riven, sejuani, sett, singed, sion, shen, tahm kench, teemo, tryndamere, urgot, vayne, warwick, wukong, yone, yorick

midlane playlist:

ahri, akshan, anivia, annie, aurelion sol, cassiopeia, corki, fizz, galio, heimerdinger, irelia, kassadin, katarina, leblanc, lissandra, malzahar, neeko, orianna, rumble, ryze, sylas, syndra, twisted fate, veigar, vex, viktor, vladimir, yasuo, zed, ziggs, zoe

botlane playlist:

aphelios, caitlyn, draven, ezreal, jhin, jinx, kai'sa, miss fortune, nilah, samira, sivir, tristana, twitch, varus, xayah, zeri

jungle playlist:

amumu, bel'veth, diana, ekko, elise, evelynn, fiddlesticks, hecarim, ivern, jarvan iv, karthus, kayn, kha'zix, kindred, lee sin, master yi, nidalee, nocturne, nunu, pantheon, poppy, rammus, rek'sai, rengar, shaco, shyvana, skarner, taliyah, talon, trundle, udyr, vi, viego, volibear, xin zhao, zac

support playlist:

alistar, annie, ashe, bard, blitzcrank, brand, braum, janna, karma, leona, lulu, lux, morgana, nami, nautlius, pyke, rakan, rell, renata, senna, seraphine, sona, soraka, swain, taric, thresh, vel'koz, xerath, yuumi, zilean, zyra


does the damage done by taunted enemies count as renata damage ?


Would an assist bring ur partner back to life with the W?
