The HU - The Legend of Mother Swan (Official Audio)

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Official audio for ‘The Legend of Mother Swan’ by The HU.

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© 2019 E7 Music
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Ху би Мексикээс ирсэн бөгөөд таны соёлыг маш өндөрт тавьдаг бөгөөд таны хөгжмийг маш их биширдэг, энэ бол эргэлзээгүй гайхамшигтай, хамгийн шилдэг рок, би чамайг хүндэтгэж, биширдэг.


I am 67, i haven't gone mad or have early onset dementia, i have just found THE HU and they are amazing.


Энэ дуунд дурласаан хэд ч сонсчив. Хүүгээ салхилуулангаа сонссоор л суунадаа 💙


This song mashed with Song Of Women could bring even the simplest men to tears.


Аль ч дууг нь сонссон үнэхээрийн сонсголонтой юмаааа😍😍😍


🥰🥰🥰 хэд сонссон ч уйдхааргүй маш сайхан дуу юм аа 🇲🇳🇲🇳🇲🇳 гайхалтай сайхан юм


My mom died 2/weeks ago. Unexpectedly after dialysis her heart stopped beating. I am still crying. I miss my mommy so much. It was a shock. She was sweet and loving. I miss my mom so much. She was on the road to recovery. Its a shock


Here's the literal translation by a Mongolian bar by bar.

A long, long time ago
At the north of the golden earth,
Near the edge of the world
In the virgin natural wild countryside,
By the bottomless blue lake,
At the dawning of the warm seasons,
From far away, the migrating birds
Came flying in with the sounds of glee.
At the sight of the growing younglings,
Elder (grandfather) lake became joyous in its waves,
Everyday, every being was delighted,
Every night, every one was shouting in rejoice
Long time has past,
Middle of the summer came,
What a joyful time this is!
What a delightful wave this is!

Oh my, oh my!

One lonely swan with sadness,
Seeking its other in its stride,
Looked all around and about,
Suddently found the one,
In the love that was found in their later lives,
Dove head first and enjoyed the love they had (have),
So deeply in love, not even the universe mattered, (forgot the universe in their joyous love)
So many more days had passed during their love,
As she let known of her newly conceiving,
She vowed to be together forever,
As they married in the lake they grew together in,
Forever they'll rejoice as they promised.
The seven eggs hatched,
Brought an unbelievable joy.
Life became so good.
It was full of joy and happiness.

Oh my, oh my!

Bright and lively day had reached its end,
Hid all that it had to show,
Bright white moon had dimmed,
Hid behind the clouds of the night.
Pupils almost froze,
As it got so cold,
As so the water frozen shut,
As the whole world became harsh,
As they began their migration,
They counted their cygnets,
Ones who weren't ready for flight
Gave all they could

Many of her offlings,
She wanted to leave living on this earth,
As she held them under her wings,
She couldn't hold on to her own life

Oh my, oh my!

As the light in her eyes dimmed,
Tears never stopped pouring,
As the warm life parted her,
The sorrow never decreased.
As the light in her eyes dimmed,
Tears never stopped pouring,
As the warm life parted her,
The sorrow never decreased.


Because of the love for her cygnets with half grown wings,
She passed away with her tears, the motherly being,
Between the living and the passing moments,
Still lullabied during the ever lasting night.
And, of course, this is a legend of the birth of the Mongolian people in the world descended from the 7 surviving cygnets (baby swans) hence the cold world (ice age etc maybe) and what our ancestors had went through so that WE have a life to live and experience this world in all its glory. That's, in my opinion, the best interpretation of this tale/lengend that our proud Mongolian band THE HU sings about!


Манай герман нөхөр бид 2ын хамгийн дуртай, би чинь бүүр биеэлгээ хийгээд явчихна. Харь газар нутгаа ээж ааваа санаж байхад бас л сэтгэл тайвчируулаад.., 🥰🥰🥰


Youtube algorithm made me known you. I will spread your songs over Brazil better than corona!! cheers and be safe!


The Finnish national bird is the whooper swan, in our language we call it a singing swan. 🇫🇮 This music is worth it ❤️🇫🇮🇲🇳❤️


THE HU is the best thing happens to me during lockdown, anyone else??


Сүүлийн үеийн зүгээр л нэг утгагүй дуунууд шиг биш Монголын ард түмэн маань хүртэл үгийн сонсоод ухаархаар өв уламжлалаа шингээсэн маш гайхалтай дуунууд юм. Маш их бахархаж байна.💙


I am chippewa single mother of 3 boys. Mediation is a daily ritual around here. The 1st time I heard this song. It stopped Me n my tracks
I set down and was pulled n2 the most beautiful content trans ever. I do not know the words. But I know they are strong💜💚💛❣




i can imagine Mongol warriors sitting around the fire in the night, the sky covered with shining stars. And they start to sing this song for their mothers and mother land.


Маш сайхан үгтэй, сайхан бүтээл болжээ.


энэ дууг би маш олон удаа сонсож байна. сонсох тоолонд орчиноос тасраад явчих шиг болох юм .надад их бодол эргүүцлэл өгдөг тэгэхээр хүү хамтлагтаа асар баярлагдаг юм .баярлалаа.та бүхэндээ алив хар цагаан хэл ам хол байх болтугай гэж ерөөгөөд та бүгдийгээ шүтэж амьдаряадаа.


Гайхалтай сайхан байна аа. Өвөг дээдсийнхээ дуу хоолойг хөвчин дэлхийн хүмүүст хүргэж гайхуулж бахархуулж чадаж байгаа та бүхэнд маш их баярлалаа. Мянга мянган жил хүрхэрсэн энэ сайхан амьд дуу хоолой түмэн хэлийн олон сая хүнд таалагдана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна. Бусдыг дууриаж хуулбарлалгүй өөрсдийн үндэс язгуур дуу хуурыг сонсголонтой сонирхолтой хэлбэрээр гаргаж ирсэнд талархаад баршгүй ээ. Баярлалаа залуус аа


Давным-давно на краю света, было озеро бездонно,
Прекрасная, дикая, необитаемая земля.
Пришла весна, вернулись птицы, они пели и летели с самых дальних краёв.
Отец-озеро радовался и плескал, увидев выросших потомков
Он радовался весь день и пел всю ночь.
Пронеслось время, пришло лето, полны радости волны его.

Была лебедь, что не нашла свою любовь,
Она искала-искала и наконец нашла.
В счастье полюбили друг друга как никогда никто не любил.
Пришла весть радости - они поклялись вместе быть.
Семь потомков у них родилось.
Как же сладко было счастье, как же вкусна была жизнь.

Солнце село за горизонт, вот и холод наступил,
Свет луны за облаками скрывает хладный свой отблеск.
Наступил лютый холод, водоём похолодел
Замёрзли воды, замёрзли земли.
Время пришло - пора возвращаться в тёплые страны,
Но её птенцы были слишком молоды
Они так старались взлететь, но перья были слишком коротки.
Она взяла птенцов под свои крылья, чтоб от холода спасти.
Свою жизнь принесла в жертву и покинула этот мир.

Когда огонь глаз её угас,
Слёзы литься продолжали.
Когда сделала последний вдох,
Её душа ещё пылала.

Умерла в слезах за своих детей Лебедь-мать
Последняя колыбельная звучала, погружая в сон Лебедь-мать.
