The Simpit Driving School - Getting Started

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This is The Simpit Driving School Lesson 1. This is our getting started video fro the driving school. In this episode we cover everything that you should do or consider before heading out on track. These tips will make your learning curve faster and help you get the most out of your car.

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Ever since I started simracing I'v been wanting this. Someone you trust that teaches you the difference between driving a car and racing a car. From beginner to alien technics. Thanks you Shaun.


Really looking forward to this series, Shaun. I've been a Simcade driver for a while, but I'd love to learn more & hopefully try my hand at a more serious driving sim.


Its the simple things you forget like looking for the apex and then the exit. Great video keep it up and see you on the track.


Great start Shaun, I lke the approach you have chosen and look forward to the complete series.



Great stuff Shaun! Very informative and straight to the point, easy for all to understand. I've been through many articles discussing the mentioned points in detail, but you've summed them all up very nicely in your video here.

One thing, speaking of FOV, I'd like to discuss that with you, as I'm currently experimenting a "work-around" or "compromise" FOV for single screens.


Well I'm glad I learned the beginning of rumble strips is an ideal spot to start breaking. It makes total sense too, I can't believe I never realized that. I might not need to use a braking line anymore now which will be good for other sims which I assume probably don't have that anyway.


It's pretty obvious we have two great Sim-Racing channels on youtube now.  Very, very impressed from a casual fan perspective.


Great tips, i've been trying to do this myself @ an office chair and although my GF is laughing her ass off when she see's me sitting so low, with my legs in front. It really does help be more consistent and alert during longer races


Nice idea Shaun, the driving school, some kind of guys on the track over the world, need to learn your driving lessons ;-) See you for the next episode 


Really nice topic Shaun !
Now I know why I have a neck pain !


Personally I really like to sit really close to my wheel. That gives me the best precision and leverage to forcefully make quick corrections when I'm about to spin. The negative is that if you drive cars with lots of steering lock or do some drifting with 900 or 1080 degree wheels you don't simply have enough space to move your arms if you sit really close. 

However if you sit too far back your hands will get tired quickly and because you are sitting so far away from the wheel  it is simply physically harder to make precise movements with the wheel. Especially if you need to use more force to countersteer or whatever.

Also it is important to remember that racing car ergonomics are a bit different than normal road driving ergonomics. When normally driving it is important to be able to get in and out from the car easily so you will sit little further away from the wheel. When racing you want to sit closer to the wheel and that is why racing cars have quick releases on the steering wheels. So you can get out. Of course getting in and out from race car is a different thing but still in race car you want to sit little closer to the wheel than when normally driving.

I agree with shaun 100%. Comfort is really important in sim racing. It will not have any effect on your best lap times but over a lap it allows you to focus better and can get you better results.

Also a pro tip. Place your racing seat high enough so you can climb into the rig - not climb out of the rig. Some people have crazy setups and I can only imagine the back pains I would get if I had to climb out one of those contraptions.


I love the new intro video Shaun, the orange Formula one car looks cool :)


This is great. Can't wait for more.


This is great, can't wait to hear more! Tip for future movies though is to make sure the camera focuses on you Shaun, in these two last vids it's been focused on the SP logo in the background leaving you a lil fuzzy ^^


We tend to forget these things afterwhile good to have a refresher course good stuff.


Came across your channel the other day & subbed. Was a regular viewer of ISR a while back when you were on there but things have obviously changed since then.
After watching a few of your newer vids it got me in the mood for a bit of racing but as i'm a not a top end PC owner i have to make do with my console at the moment (XBox 360...tried the One & Forza 5...sold it a month later, terrible) & decided to dig out my copy of Race Pro for a few sentimental laps.
Were you anything to do with the development of that game as in my 1st race i came across a driver in the Vertigo Streiff called...Shaun Cole! Helluva coincidence i know that : )


ahh...I see, you have one of the new Clubsport wheel rims. Do we see a review of the new Fanatec modular hub in near future? ;)


Not everyone has the space or budget for a proper seating position (car seat). I have to make do with sitting at my desk, suits me just fine though and don't feel uncomfortable doing it.


Hi Shaun. Could you do a toturial of how you made your cockpit with all this aluminium stuff? I'm trying to do a triple monitor stand, and it coud be a great help. I think it could be a good idea. Thanks!


Gah, how can you chose to skip over field of view settings!  This is one of the first things you should be ensuring is set correctly.  You really ought to dedicate a video to this subject if you want people to be properly informed. No chance of hitting your apexes consistently if you're using the wrong field of view and the track looks like a narrow strip of tarmac with misleading corner radii, at least in my own experience. 

 To see you running iracing on triple screens but without having set the option to render separately to each screen... your left wing mirror was taking up 20% of the screen on that side and almost right in the middle of it to boot.  To each their own of course  and I know some people have this option turned off for performance reasons but you could at least discuss this, point out the pro's and cons and show what it looks like with and without it enabled.

That aside sound advice and your videos thus far have had a very professional feel about them.  Keep up the good work and the more people who see all the channels promoting sim racing the better in my view. 
