How Pants Should Fit - Ultimate Guide To Mens Dress & Suit Trousers - Gentleman's Gazette

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00:00 Introduction

Finding a perfect fit for pants is a huge challenge and although most people look at the jacket, it's a more difficult garment to fit, getting pants to fit properly is very very difficult as well and often neglected.

01:56 Components of Pants

Waistband → the strip of fabric sits around your midsection.
Front & Seat → the area around your butt, between the waistband and upper thighs
Rise → the measurement between the legs from the front of the waistband to the back; Low rise sits on the hip, mid-rise between the navel and hip, and high rise sit at the natural waist ( close to the belly button or directly on it)
Cut → the style of the trouser with regards to how close-fitting it is to the body
Inseam → the finished length of the legs of the pants, measured from the inside seam

One aspect of pants that depends on the current fashion is the fit. If you go back to the 20s, they had Oxford bags which are cut extremely wide, lots of volume, lots of fabric.

04:55 How Should Pants Fit?

A classic pair of pants should never have any puckering, pulling, or wrinkling. A wrinkle that shows that something is too tight is usually in the shape of an X and so you can always tell "Oh, something is too tight here and needs to be let out." Of course, you can only do that if there's enough fabric to let the pants out. Back in the day, tailors would use heavier fabrics that draped really well and would create a clean, nice look. Today, most fabrics are very lightweight because most people assume that they are too hot.

The second hallmark of well-fitting pants are the pleats. If you have a single center pleat, it should go down all the way to your shoe in one straight sharp creased single line and it should just slightly open up on top.

Three, the line of the pants should be straight. there should be no breaks in the front or in the back except for the amount of break on top of your shoe in the front.

The fourth thing I look at in pants is the knee area because if the crease hangs straight center in the front and in the back, you know you have a well-cut pair of pants. If it's slightly off to the side, to the outside or to the inside, you know an alterations tailor will have to make adjustments.

07:45 Final Tips for Great-Fitting Pants

Overall, you may think this is a lot of things for such a simple garment and yes, our standards are quite high and personally, I would say that I only have two pairs of pants that I think fit perfectly for me so high standards are a good thing because there is always something you aspire to but don't be afraid and here are a few final tips that help you in getting pants that will fit well.

Do not buy goal pants because chances are, you won't get it in the shape you want at a point in time so the pants will never fit and stay in your closet.

Do not be afraid of pleats. Most men today think that pleats are outdated but in fact, you should just look at your body and if you have bigger thighs, a bigger seat, pleats are always more advantageous for you.

In the same vein, don't be afraid of cuffs or turn ups because they provide extra weight at the bottom of your pants.

#pants #trousers #dresspants
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I just got fitted for my first suit, and the stylist insisted that I not get pleats. She tried HARD to talk me out of pleats. No way. My thighs are way too big for flat front to look good. I tried on the pleats and really liked the look. They are not just for old men!


When I was younger I used to just buy OTR and not give a crap about the fit. Now that I’m older and more experienced with fashion thanks to these videos, I am obsessed with the perfect fit so I need to tailor every piece of clothing I own. Even my condoms are now tailored fit to accommodate my slight curvature. I have an exclusive contract with Kimono.


I am so thankful for this channel even as a woman those videos has helped me a lot with getting the perfect fit on my suits even though some things differ. Please keep up the good work, I understand that this is a gentlemen's channel but I would love if you did some videos on women's classic fashion as well! It's pretty hard to come by.


It was a great comfort to hear that even sensei Sven only has two pair of pants that fit perfectly. It surely is a lot to consider!
Thanks for a great video. This is the only chanel on youtube that I really trust when it comes to clothes!


Thanks for the very informative video. I like how you admitted that you only have 2 pairs of pants that actually fit perfectly. That type of cantor is greatly appreciated and makes your videos very credible. I will look forward to your future posts.


I have a tailor that made me a 50 $ custom suit in Pakistan. Cloth in Pakistan is VERY INEXPENSIVE. This tailor makes suits for brands in bulk (off the rack suits) which then retail for 300 - 500 $ or more. I went to the guy and got a custom suit made for 50 :-D


These videos are an absolute wonder and I’ve applied the knowledge here to my navy uniforms as well, to ensure I can really take my professional look to the next level! I highly encourage my fellow officers and junior sailors to watch your channel so that we can look our absolute best and take a sense of pride in our uniforms! Also to see what little things we can do to express our individual tastes (such as cufflinks, time pieces, pens, etc.).

I sincerely appreciate you all taking the time to make these videos since it has helped me and many others! Thank you Gentleman’s Gazette!


This is so helpful even for me, because women's trousers are often too tight and I didn't know how to make them look good. I think all these tips are applicable if this is the look you want, regardless of your body shape (ie my female bum and thighs!)


Thank you! I was so tired of people telling me that my trousers should be tight, which is why i stopped wearing any. I didn't like that they didn't drape, and just felt uncomfortable.
Please do Jeans Next!!!
Thank You


Sean Connery wore great suits in his 1960’s James Bond movies, can you do a vid on that style ? Thanks !


I hate pants, so hard to find quality pants for less. Custom is not in my budget at the moment. Make Kilts great again


In my recent experiences it has become exceedingly more difficult (and more annoying) to find slacks that sit high among the waist, especially since I have lost an amount of weight around my waist due to exercising. I wear a 30" and to correspond with Sven about racks, I always run into off the racks from 32" down always seem to be low rise.

I have went to tailors but sometimes they ask me why I should want a higher rise when low rise is currently "popular". I always tell them I think it looks silly on me.


He is floating from right to left and back. Def He is wearing confy trousers! ;)


Love the Channel, since I discovered gentleman's gazette you have really helped me elevate my wardrobe. Keep the excellent videos coming


Great video as per usual. Can you please do one on matching different coloured waistcoat, trousers and jacket? It appears to be considered tricky but some chaps seem to pull it off successfully. Is there a secret to matching three distinctly different coloured pieces? Also, could you do a video on safari jackets?


I am not even a man nor am I in a relationship with one but I do love your videos


Very Informative as always. Please make a video on your tailor taking your measurements. Tips on how you can make sure measurements are done perfect. Thank you.


I prefer real pictures of poorly fitting trousers to those drawings. Thanks. Also, it would be nice if you did a video in which you go out and buy trousers, showing the complete process.


After seeing this video I urge you to make a video on all type of waistbands


Awesome backdrop for this video, Raphael!
