Extensive Fault Fracture in California is REAL.

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On February 25 between 16:00 and 19:00 local time there was a large emission of gases on the west coast of California. Satellite data for CO, CO2 and SO2 every 3 hours clearly show continued emissions for a day then a decline and spreading of gases.
This is not instrument error. The images clearly show the gases emitted in the spatial pattern of major California faultlines, including the San Andreas.
What does this mean? Not sure, BUT 9 years ago CO emitted in India preceded a 7.4 earthquake by one week.
Today is Feb 29, and not a peep from USGS, govt., NASA, scientists...Why NOT???
This is not instrument error. The images clearly show the gases emitted in the spatial pattern of major California faultlines, including the San Andreas.
What does this mean? Not sure, BUT 9 years ago CO emitted in India preceded a 7.4 earthquake by one week.
Today is Feb 29, and not a peep from USGS, govt., NASA, scientists...Why NOT???
Extensive Fault Fracture in California is REAL.
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