The US Is SCARED As Hell: Hegemony Or Bust | Prof. Michael Brenner

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Well, this is it. The end of the road is in plain sight for everyone to see. But the driver is still hitting that gas pedal as if there was no tomorrow. The game of chicken is on, but this is one that the West cannot win.

The rise of China is the greatest existential threat to the USA in its history not because of any security, economic, or epistemic dangers, but purely because it invalidates the self-conception of the Washington elites that equate themselves with "the world." The sheer fact that there is a counter concept on the global stage that is successfully rivalling the US in all spheres–from the economy, to tech, to culture, and foreign influence—invalidates its hegemony and thereby the core of the modern self-image of the USA.

Listen to the explanations of Professor Michael Brenner, who explores both, US relations with China and Russia to make sense of the suicidal policies that the US is taking toward its rivals.

Turns out that hegemony—once the mindset has firmly taken root—undermines the very foundations upon which it is built. Or, put differently, success is blinding the US into defeat.
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US has 800...1000 military stations outside of US all over the World.
But Russia and China threaten us 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Countries want to join BRICS because you're accepted as you are - democracy, autocracy, theocracy, as long as you respect the other side, offer trade opportunities that enable uplifting of peoples lives on both sides, and want to peacefully exist without trying to impose your thinking on everyone at gun-point or dollar-point. No such US-type nonsense or Western pontificating!


US wanted to make a fool out of China. But instead, the US made a fool of itself. Let that be a lesson.


27:20 "The United States is a political culture in which people wear their ignorance like an insignia of rank..." Michael BRENNER


Prof. Brenner recited the exact and accurate Thesis and China has being preparing for the threats and containment strategy for the last 20 years, waiting patiently and working hard to build a capable and competent force to deal with the evil hegemon.


NATO! NATO! NATO! Its all rotten Tomato.


Hegemony is no longer an option for the US.


'Elections are the entertainment division of the military industrial complex' -Frank Zappa


We need to prepare the tribunals. A lot of people who have been hurt by these Anglo Americans need justice to heal.


Thank you Pascal. You interviewed the right person


"What would I be if I were less than a black guy?" - this phrase, which Gene Hackman's character attributes to his father in the film Mississippi Burning (1988) secretly haunts and dominates the consciousness of the American elite now and totally guides US foreign policy. The modern version of it is: "What would we be if we were less than a Russian or a Chinese?"
In the context of the film, FBI Agent Rupert Anderson refers to the violent and shameful way his father used to prevent his black neighbor from prospering. In the context that interests us here, the violent and shameful way used by the USA to humiliate Russia (imagining that it could be defeated by Ukraine) and to impede the development of China (microchip war, pressure on the Netherlands not to sell EUV lithography machines to the Chinese and so on), allows us to realize the mediocrity and racism that dominates mainstream American thought is not qualitatively different from that which is problematized in the film Mississippi Burning (1988). The US government elite can now be described as a crazy gang of jealous KKK knights. And they are galloping not to impose their hegemony but to be destroyed. It is impossible for other people not to laugh at Americans.


“An evil enemy will burn their own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” Chinese philosophy.


"America’s exalted sense of self is the principal obstacle to its coming to terms with this discomforting reality." Prof. Michael Brenner 👍


As a Black Citizen of the United States I personally have always wondered how a nation with such a childish inferiority complex culturally can behave with such dictatorial and brutish paternalism.


I suggest that the existential threat the world faces is the very existence of the US as demonstrated by its now historical behavior....and can the "leaders" (yes in quotations) of Australia understand this? Of course not as they stand mentally paralyzed in perpetual salute to the threat they have wedded Australia to.


Absolutely brilliant. Hope to see/hear Mr Brenner again.


The US has acted like a world class idiot with its endless wars since WW2 which it either loses or loses the subsequent peace, Iraq and Afganistan being the latest ventures. Without having the petrodollar the US could not afford these pointless ventures. The US since Vietnam has never had hegemony in practice.


Professor Michael Brenner, thank you.
Pascal, it is always a pleasure to listen to your insightful discussions. 👌


Good that you speak with your elders, provided they have learned from past errors of our Western culture, which seems now in rapid decline.


All this talk how bad the US Hegemony has become with the deep mental manipulation of US population, the most important factor that has made this possible is, IMO, the massive consenration of wealth in to hands of so few profit hoarding individuals.
These people are funding these apparatuses that have been pressing this global path towards destroying everything.
