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@daytonmandir Namaste. My name is Anand and I’m here to talk about Hinduism and the history behind this beautiful temple behind me, also known as the Hindu Temple of Dayton.
The temple was established in the early 80s, which aimed to be a permanent venue for Hindus in Dayton and vicinities to congregate for worship and people to learn and practice about Hinduism. The temple aims to promote positive interactions, harmony, and spiritual growth within our community. Let us fold our hands and repeat the word, “Om” slowly together, Each time you say “Om,” visualize yourself feeling more connected to Bramhan, also known as the Creator.
Om… the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. Om is the universal vibration. It’s the manifestation of consciousness. AUM represents the Consciousness/Divinity within us that is Aware of our 3 states of Existence, Waking Dream and Deep Sleep state
Hinduism, known as ‘Santan Dharma’ or ‘Eternal Way’ is our planet’s original and oldest living religion. Hinduism never had a single human founder. It’s simply a religion that helps a devotee to search for truth from within. Many sages of India shared their experience of Creation being part of the Creator and passed on this knowledge through oral traditions which was compiled by Sage VedVyas, approximately 5000 years ago as Holy Scriptures called Vedas. Vedas are Books of Knowledge that guide Hindus how to live their Life.
As you can see, when we fold our hands and say Namaste, we are bowing down to our Creator, which is also known as Sashtang Pranam. This means surrendering my ego in front of the deity and in respect for elders.
A Hindu lives his life following 4 Purusharthas [Pursuits/GOALS of Human life DHARMA [Righteous & Ethical Conduct], ARTHA [Earning Wealth, Name, Fame according to Dharma], KAMA [Fulfilling Desires according to Dharma] & MOKSHA [Liberation] the ultimate goal… to reach the
pinnacle of consciousness where man JIVATMA and God/Bramhan are one.
Most people have a very linear approach when it comes to time. Hinduism believes that the concept of time is cyclical. It’s a continuous circle in which life begins to end and ends to begin [Reincarnation] Creation begins and ends and begins again [YUGAs] according to Bramhan. He’s beyond time & Space. He’s omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. All-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present. Since Hinduism believes that time is cyclical, this explains why we believe in reincarnation. It’s the idea that people go through the cycle of life through multiple lifetimes.
WHO AM I ? Am I this Body? Mind? Or Intellect or The Divinity/Atman within me the life Spark Hindu Dharma teaches various Methods to reach the ultimate goal of Moksha live your life according to Principles of a Good Human Being including Ahimsa [Non Violence] compassion, friendliness, Truthfulness and Absence of Kama[Desires] Krodha[Anger], Lobha[[Greed],Moha[Attachments] and Ahamkar[Pride], unpretentious Selfless service [Karma Yoga], passion for Knowing truth [Gyan Yoga] and broadmindedness. Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. And our actions must serve the purpose for the good of Humanity/ the world. This is otherwise known as Karma-Yoga [Selfless Service. Individuals create their own destinies by their thoughts, words, and deeds. Thoughts-Words-Actions-Habits-Personality/Character-Destiny Being a Karma Yogi means doing Selfless Actions in daily life take you on journey towards Moksha.
Lord Ram ji… symbol of courage Incarnation of God Born in Human form to teach us Dharma. His life is relevant for us even today.
Beside him, stands his beloved Sita, symbol of purity and divinity, and his faithful brother Laxman, symbol of bravery, and his loyal companion Hanuman, symbol of wind and strength.
Lord Krishna… symbolizes compassion, love and tenderness.
Besides him is Shree Radha ji. Their unity represents their ideal relationship that every human desires in his/her life.
LORD BRAMHA VISHNU and MAHESH GOD/BRAMHAN in the Forms of HINDU TRINITY. Bramha[Creator with Consort Saraswati-Goddess of Knoledge Vishnu, the Preserver with consort Lakshmi-Goddess of Wealth] Mahesha/Shiva God of Dissolution with consort Parvati/Durga -Goddess Shakti/Power] Last, but not the least, Lord Venkateshwara, Preserver of Creation, Sustainer also known as Maha Vishnu. ‘Ven’ means keep away and ‘kata’ means troubles. Essentially, Lord Venkateshwara is the destroyer of sins. Pray to Him and one begins to feel more calm and more at peace with oneself.
To Conclude, Hinduism is beautiful religion with many values. The Hindu Temple of Dayton provides and insight into the Indian culture, which could be a great way to find spiritual connection with oneself. Hinduism teaches you about truth, love and divinity, while still making sure you stay true to the people around you, as well as True to yourself. Jai Shri Ram. Glory to God… Namaste.
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