How Do The Japanese Feel About China? | ASIAN BOSS

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I think it's terrible that Japanese people are not being educated about the unspeakable crimes in the past. How can they even talk about the relationship to China in an elaborate way, if they don't know the key reason of the tensions between the countries. As a German I learned about our WWII crimes and I'm even trying to talk about it with people when I see nationalism growing too strong in their countries, to warn them. Japan is a mature industry nation that should face it's past and take the responsibility. Many Chinese people told me that they do not only feel sad and angry about the crimes, but also about the fact that Japanese people are not teaching their students about it and even honour their WWII soldiers in an official celebration. As a Chinese I would feel deeply disappointed too.


Well, Chinese young people didn't just learn about the history of WWII from textbook and news, we actually have families, relatives, and other survivors who lived through those times and told us what had happened according to their own experiences, so we definitely have a more complete understanding about that part of history.


Some stories from Singapore/Malaysia’s Chinese perspective:-
My grandparents survived the 4-year Japanese occupation in Singapore/ Malaya in early 1940s.
When I was little (around 6 yo), I asked my grandpa why there is a deep wound at his lower back near where his spine is, It’s so deep that I was able to put my thumb into it. Later I found out from my dad it’s pierced through by a bayonet by Japanese soldier. I also heard that my grandpa was one of the few survivors in his village because he happened to be a good chef.

My grandma, usually taciturn but kind. She never mentioned a word about the war to grandchildren. During her old age (around 80years old) and she was suffering from dementia, whenever she saw me, she would whisper, “ hey grandson, be careful, they (Japanese) are hiding at the corner (my grandparents lived in the deep jungle for two years hiding), let me go kill them for you!” and she would proceed to the kitchen and bring out kitchen knive, stood at the front door with posture that she’s ready to fight them with her feeble hands that’s still trembling”.
I wrote this with a heavy heart especially I felt bad for my grandma, why she held this trauma so tightly that’s inflicted her for so long and never expressed any anger. And it’s only towards the end of her life all the horror images just kept replaying in her mind came back to haunt her.
I don’t hate Japanese but My message to everyone who reads this is to have an idea the trauma of a war could have inflicted the person for decades..

World peace .. pray for no more wars... price too high to pay

Btw My grandma has a nice name “Xie Qiao Zhuang” 谢巧莊 (born 1912 in swatow) She’s not educated but she has a big heart- for eg, when others suffered from hunger, she would donate her savings to them to buy foods... Hope she ascends to heaven..


Bro people just don't realize how bad those crimes were, including rape, human experiments, massacre of children and women, forced incestuous actions between the victims, forced murder between family and much more atrocities that are just not written but are deeply remembered by the Chinese people. After all those experiences people still wonder why so much tension.


What do you know about the Chinese
Random guy: They copied Doraemon 😂😂😂😂


As a Chinese I love Japanese people and culture but what Japan did to China can never be erased. In America we get taught about how bad the nazi are but never about the things Japan did to China. Hope more people learn what happened during world war 2 not just the nazi’s but also what the Japanese did.


Don't hate the people, hate the government.


Speaking as a Chinese, I too want China & Japan get along well (and all countries as well). We were taught about the war history here, and we are constantly told to remember the history. So quite often, we have negative sentiment towards Japan (especially when the Japan leaders denied what happened during the war and vist the temple). But I think this video delivered an very important message: don't judge people based on their nationality, but judge them based on their actions and character.

China and Japan are both great countries. I grow up watching Japanese cartoons, playing Nintendo, used Sony Walkman, Canon & Nikon cameras. I think it's important for the world to unite in harmony. Especially so with the recent situation happening in Ukraine.


My great-grandfather's parents and two brothers were all killed in the Nanjing Massacre, my great-grandfather barely came out with one arm.

My great-grandmother was raped by Japanese soldiers at the age of 19 and her sisters were killed after being raped, and two of her three brothers were tortured to death in the attack of Shanghai.

I can't forget that three days before my great-grandmother's death in 2011, she said to me that she would never forgive the Japanese soldiers and the government despite she received compensation and apologies and I can understand her.

And now I hear some Japanese people don't acknowledge this event just makes my heartbroken, my great-grandmother will have a heart attack if she is still alive. We don't want any apologies from the young Japanese since they didn't do it, but my family wants them to acknowledge what their ancestors had done to many East Asians instead of evading it like nothing happened.


I don't hate Japanese individually, however, they're really good-mannered and respectful. But please admit what your army did to the Chinese during the WWII, which was traumatizing and firmly unacceptable. Hiding behind the truth is a threat to both Chinese and Japanese people. IT'S STUPID.


what do the japanese people think about chinese : they are hard working
what do the chinese people think about japaneses(another asian boss video) : they are hard working

I have been to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. Because of the large number of people in China, you often need to raise your volume to have a conversation, but everyone was very quiet when I went in that day. I was very sad that day. On this matter, Japan has until 2023 This incident, including the comfort women incident, is still not recognized. The German government is also the country that launched World War II. They actively admit their mistakes and compensate the victimized countries. The Chinese do not need compensation, and they must apologize. Most of these comfort women are already 90 years old. Death has not yet received an apology from the Chinese government. The Japanese government is still enshrining the Yasukuni Shrine, a place where Class A war criminals of World War II are worshipped, which shows that Japan's militarism is still very strong.


Those two girls with the same white fluffy ear rings, they got a really good history teacher who taught them to see the world from other people's perspective, and got to know same thing from different sources could vary. Good teachers could change kids lives.


You guys can never imagine an 80 years old woman cries when talking about her father, who was killed in the street by Japanese soldiers for nothing. Yes, that’s my first time and the only time seeing my grandma cry. Although I was just 8 years old then, I would never forget the scene and the feelings. Mostly, we are angry at the situation—Japanese know nothing about the history. Even it dose have nothing related to my daily life.


My grandmother used to duck in her mud house in China when she hears gun shot. The Japanese soldiers used to “sweep” mud houses from outside with machine guns for fun. They don’t even bother going in to kill you. One of my distant relatives was killed as a result of this and he was 10.


As a Chinese, I have always had a good impression of the Japanese people, but I will never forget that period of history. I deeply detest the behavior of the Japanese government not acknowledging history and not apologizing.I believe that one day, China and Japan will be on the right track at the national level


Man, I'm not from Asia, but the idea of people in my country not knowing about our war crimes would be wild


I am a Chinese. I think that whether it is Chinese or Japanese, it is worth mentioning. Born to be human, we should be kind.


As a Vietnam people, i just wanna say “both of you are super great! Chinese and Japanese”. We are young peoples, we should live for the present & future, not for the past.
I love China no matter what!
I love Japan too!


seems like everyone trying to avoid Nanjing Massacre topic in japan
