Magento 2 - Source code management

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Source code management is an important aspect of software development that helps to maintain the integrity, quality, and version control of the source code. In Magento 2, source code management is facilitated through the use of version control systems such as Git.

Repository: A repository is a central location where the source code for a project is stored and managed. This can be a local repository on your own computer or a remote repository on a hosting service such as GitHub.
Branches: Branches are used to manage different versions of the source code. For example, you might have a branch for the development version of your code, another for the production version, and another for bug fixes.
Commits: Commits are changes made to the source code that are stored in the repository. Each commit has a unique identifier, making it easy to track changes over time and revert to previous versions if necessary.
Merging: Merging is the process of combining two or more branches into a single branch. This is useful when you want to combine changes from multiple branches, such as when you want to merge the development branch into the production branch.
Pull Requests: Pull requests are a way to suggest changes to a repository. They are typically used to request that changes be incorporated into a repository, either by the repository owner or by a member of a development team.
By using source code management, developers can ensure that the source code for their Magento 2 projects is well-organized, easy to maintain, and version-controlled. This helps to streamline the development process and make it easier to collaborate with others on complex projects.
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