SHOCKING Reason Your Cat Won't Cuddle! How to Fix It

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Discover the shocking reason why your cat won't cuddle and learn simple steps to fix it. Unveil the surprising truth behind your feline's behavior and transform your relationship with your furry friend. Don't miss out on these essential tips for creating a closer bond with your cat!
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Remember: All cats are different. They each have their own personality.


My buddy is a cuddle bug in his own way. He hates being picked up and hugged. But he will hop up and sleep next to me. He’ll flop onto my foot while in bed. He will jump up on the sofa and crawl onto my lap. And fall asleep. He will rest on my chest as we watch tv. I can pet him.. and snuggle.. but if he even gets a suggestion about a hug, he will jump down. It’s just his personality. I don’t mind. He’s a great buddy. And he’s just living his best life


I've been adopted by a cat who had chosen to be feral rather than stay in a home which had reclaimed her once with the admonishment that they wouldn't come for her again. She broke into my home soon after my dearest cuddle bug passed and spent the winter with me. She's very different from any cat I've ever shared my life with. No picking up or hugging but will accept some short strokes. The most difficult part of our developing relationship is on me, I must not expect her to react as my dear one did. She's her own cat.


My parents used to have this cute tuxedo cat that came from an abusive background before they adopted him in. He had lost all his teeth. He did liked to be petted with one hand more than one he did get pissed off. Even this one cat had abandoned issues when we had him that he hid underneath a bed or a pool table. That cat was a big sweetie towards his human family. He was more than my cat since I met him when he was a cute stray. This one was a big red tabby cat. I was glad that he was a big sweetie just over a few minutes of cuddling him. I just gave him the loved and attention towards him. He did loved his belly rubs on my belly. He did trusted me the most. I was very lucky with that cat. He was my 2nd cat. My 1st cat was my family’s 1st cat. He was also a stray red tabby cat. He was very down to earth. I treaded him as a buddy. He did cuddled with me with those head bumps on my nose and chin. He did got along with the 2nd and 3rd cats. He was besties with the 2nd cat for a long time. He even got along with the tuxedo cat during his senior years. He was with both of my parents for almost 18 years. He gotten very sweet and friendly elderly cat. He even did sat on my grandmother’s thigh a couple times to wanted to be petted by her. She didn’t liked him because his face looked liked a fox’s face. I never even noticed it. I liked the friendship that I had with him. He didn’t have any issues from his past before we adopted him into our home in mid July 1979.


I adopted my cat 8 years ago. She was 9 months old at the time. She's never liked being held but is less aggressive about it now. She sleeps next to me most of the time and when I work from home she is in a cat bed rt beside me but never on my lap. This is so different from my previous cat that it was heartbreaking 💔 at times. My first two cats were both cuddlebugs. She follows me everywhere so I console myself with that and she lets me pet her most of the time. She's my princess and best friend. ❤❤


It's more of a charity case rather than a love affair. We aren't a good match actually, but she was sickly and was born with IBS. After finally finding the right prescription for her vomiting, I could never send her out to the world for rehoming. My cat follows me just about everywhere, she loves to be petted while she is laying down, but she hates heights and hates cuddling. I wasted a lot of money on cat towers and I miss being affectionate.


our cat was once feral. she loves touches, but cannot stand to be held.


My Nina was a feral rescue. I’m used to these cats as I used to foster a lot but Nina hated to be picked up. She will not get on my lap Pt even on my bed or chair. She likes the floor and notnot higher places. She’s never tried to get in the counter for instance. She hates to be on any thing soft. She likes the floor. She doesn’t like treats or catnip. She hunts put d doesn’t play. Won’t get in a box. She’s ok with a loud noise but is scared of the breeze coming in the windows. Yet, Nina is so sweet and loving. She lets me maggage her and rub her belly and tail. She loves her ears rubbed and nuzzles me all the time. It’s the oddest relationship I’ve even had with a cat. Oh, she also has zero food motivation. She won’t eat 99 % of foods. No people foods and only Turkey flavor. I’ve tried everything but after almost 3 years I’m going to so trying to change her and just love her as she is ❤


My black cat is an attention seeker and loves being petted. She doesn’t like cuddles or being picked up or held


They are as varied in personality as we are.


My cat chose me one ago today; she was about three weeks old and she and her five littermates had been abandoned in a neighbor's yard. She didn't seem to want to be cuddled much so I didn't force the issue. She does like chin/jaw/shoulder scritches and will close her eyes and leans her head down for head strokes and sometimes rub against my legs. She does have plenty of comfy places to sit and has a couple of favorite chairs :). She's also started sitting where I sit on the couch. Her name is Muggsi Blanche McGraw but I also call her "Sweet" or "Sweet girl." She does like treats but plays with them at first. And she's got toys to play with.


I don't agree with a lot of reasons given here. I have a cat, 12yr, who was a rescued 8wk old feral kitten. I think they got her when she was 5-6 wks old. She has been in a very loving home. Never mistreated or any trauma. She's a happy cat. She does like to be petted and is affectionate on "her" terms BUT she absolutely freaks at being held or cuddled. I've had cats all my life and love cuddling with them and that close contact. Miss it. I just chalk it up to the fact that this just her personality type. She's just a way different type. For instance, most cats will head rub or head butt as a sign of affection, my cat will head "ram" you. She is showing affection but she weighs 27lbs and she uses such force that its quite painful. He


I’ve had three Russian Blues, and they were much more cuddly than the mix cat I have now from a shelter. After the last of the three Blues past away, I thought I’d do a good thing and give a shelter cat a home instead of going to a breeder. I adopted a 1.5 year old (Carmen) and there’s been good days and bad days. The socialization when they are kittens is much more important than breed. I am seeing progress with Carman as I interact with her on her schedule, play with her a lot, train her to do tricks (which she seems to love), and reward her for positive behavior. Not matter what, she has a home with me forever.


Working on mine. He was severly traumatized and was a rescue.


Norwegian Forest Cats. Very aloof by nature. Affectionate, like to sit near not too close.


I trained one of my cats who I recued from a dumpster 10 years ago as a kitten to become more affectionate. It took around 5 years but he came around. I basically let him have his own space for that long and petted my other cats and just let him hang around us whenever he wanted. I think he wanted to be cuddled but just couldn't process it. Now he wont leave me alone 🙂and has integrated well into he family unit. Not always purrfect but well enough (he still finds it challenging at times to tolerate my other cats). It is his personality and that is great.


My kitten was very cuddly. Then he hurt his leg. And was on pain meds for 2 1/2 months. He needed it operated on. Now he doesn't want to be held.


Will cuddle ...for FOOD 🥘🦁❤️
Thanks for the video 👍🐾


Ahhh, my baby was a cage kitten. He was at the Humane Society. Apparently joy handled enough. We got him as a kitten, now he’s 2 and is slowly getting more lovey.


Not all cats want to cuddle. Don’t force the issue. You can end up with greater behavioural problems.
