Dukes of Hazzard General Lee actual color... EXPOSED!

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Gloves are off on this one. Let's get down and dirty on the facts once and for all!
I love keeping up with you all on my favorite subject!
Yee Haa!!
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I'll take the word of a man who was there over so called experts


this proves how our society has become so fragile and petty. "hemi orange", CORRECTING the guy who WAS THERE, DROVE THE CAR, STARRED THE SHOW!


I’m a Ford guy through and through, but there’s one car that has always had my heart and that’s the General Lee! That car in the show has always been special to me, are used to sit and my grandfather’s chair with him every Friday night and we watched the Dukes of Hazzard until he passed away in January 1982, of course I continued watching the series until it ended, but the Dukes of Hazzard always have a special place in my heart because of the time I spent with my grandfather! One day I hope to have a replica General Lee, wish they weren’t so expensive, but that’s definitely my dream car!


I am so glad to have met you in person. I was just six years old and my family was passing through right before you began shooting the first show. My dad wanted to get a couple photos. He sat me in your lap, John Schneider, and I remember I was in an aggravated mood from being on the road so long. You bounced me a couple times on your knee and said something that made my day. You told me that the studio had candy and I would get a great treat if I could calm down for the photos. Thank you! Now I have great memories of the chocolate bar that I got afterward, but my greatest memory of all is the one of me looking slightly distraught as I sat on the knee of the one who is now one of my favorite classic TV show stars. John Schneider, you will always be the greatest for me!


The General Lee. A car for Americans that aren't afraid of snowflakes and what they think.


"...talking with you is like having a great bowel movement!"😆🤪🤣😜😂 Being in the medical field, that comment was SO appreciated and I laughed my butt off!!😁 You are loved, John!! I have a pet goldfish named Bo, and on top of his tank sits a tiny (about 3/4” long) toy car I hand-painted to look like the General Lee, complete with the 01 on the sides and Conferderate flag on top!😁


ya'll know, when I painted my model kit of the General Lee when I was a teen, I just bought the can of paint the hobby shop had that I thought was closest, and it came out great. and all these years later I find out picking out the paint that way was in the true spirit of Duke's and the General. I still have it btw, it's boxed up and safe.


I’m so glad it’s orange and not gray. My adolescent brain fell in love with that car instantly. Not sure gray would have had that effect.


Was really glad I got to meet you in person. Awesome event.


I've always loved the Dukes of Hazzard, and have loved you. Plus the whole cast. And the General Lee. I knew it was orange.


Refreshing to see a man stand his ground and not bow to the loud few who think they know better than the few who were there doing the deed.


John, I am 46 years old and I can tell you that you were my hero as a kid and having found you on here you are my hero again now! Me and my wife sat and watched a few of your videos yesterday and it was great 👍 THANK YOU


I really love how much passion John has for the history the show. It's awesome. He's as much of a fan of the show as the loyal viewers. Keep these videos coming and keep talking about the nuances of the show. These are awesome!


John, you don’t seem like the kind of guy who lies about the General Lee’s color will now be called “Heinz 57 orange”


Well said John, I love it when people (and they are everywhere) are experts about things they have no clue what they are talking about.


Been chilling out and I truly enjoy the comments HERE! Most everyone is enthusiastic, reminiscing about one of the greatest times of our childhood, the respect and the humor, much more found here! So refreshing to see so many people sharing so much positivity and appreciation!

Thank you John for creating such a positive channel! We all love the Dukes and this is almost like a reunion of sorts!


I lost it when you said bowel movement! GREAT VIDEO! KEEP TELLING IT LIKE IT IS!!!! 🇺🇸


like a bowel movement. That may be the most perfect description of social media interaction I’ve ever heard. Thanks John, for your wisdom- I love this.


The original car and the first one that was painted with the flag and the 01 was painted with a mix of various tones of orange, as John said here. Later on, that car was painted green with a 71 on the side, to look like a wrecked racecar and cut some costs. But after the first jump, when the car was still orange, the trunk lid was removed and was taken to a body shop, where it stayed indoors and protected from the outside elements (Therefore maintaining the original shade of orange). Then, in the early 00' a couple of guys found that trunk lid and digitally scanned it to reveal the original color. That color is called TnT Express orange, and the color code is #f66600. That is the exact shade of orange the first General Lee ever was painted with. Now, the color is called TnT Express because it happens to be the characteristic color of a shipping company (Like UPS or FedEx) called TnT Express. And ALL of their trucks are painted in that exact shade of orange. And that's all i remember and know.


My dad had a 69 Charger that was nothing more than primer gray. We called it the Old Gray Ghost. To think it was close to the original idea of the General Lee!

Just bought my own 2019 Dodge Challenger... in Destroyer Gray!
