Animal Crossing REMAKE Coming Soon? (Rumours & Theories)

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👍'Like' for Animal Crossing Remakes in 2023 🏝

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📜 A Little About Todays Topic:
Welcome to my Animal Crossing channel. Today's Animal Crossing New Horizons video is all about the latest Nintendo headlines, and how this could affect the future of Animal Crossing.
We breakdown the latest Nintendo news surrounding the shutdown of the Dolphin Emulator, and discuss rumours and theories as to why Nintendo decided to do this.
We highlight how this could be the first hint that Nintendo may be bringing Nintendo Gamecube games to the Nintendo Switch (as part of the Nintendo Switch Online service).
We speculate that if this were true, that Animal Crossing would be the perfect candidate, based on the popularity of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and the time that has passed since launch. Would you play a retro Animal Crossing game on Switch? If so, which version?
Let us know and thanks for watching 🥰

🥁 Word Of The Day:
If you read this far, please post "RETRO" in the comments 👾

On the off-chance you're reading this far in the description, I just want to say thank you for being so awesome, and I want you to know how grateful I am for being able to make Animal Crossing content, and having you click in and watch. It truly means the world, and I'm way beyond grateful. Thank you, stay awesome, and I hope you enjoyed the video. See you in the next one 🙏❤️

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►Dirt/Stone Path Patterns: Creator ID: MA-6647-9230-4716
►Wasp Sign: MO-QBWW-CT0W-832D

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Рекомендации по теме

I hope the older Animal Crossing games get rereleased one day


I wish we at least got a feature like in New Leaf that let us reset by selling our town to Nook for money and keeping our catalogue. Id love to reset but the amount of loss is extreme.


I'm new to animal crossing, and after all of the praise of heard for new leaf, I'd love to see it remade or ported over to the new consoles. It sounds like it was a really awesome game and I'd love to play it


If they ever plan on doing a remake then I can hardly wait for resetti to scold me again x)


I’d love to think they had something like this planned but to me it just looks like Nintendo trying to stop piracy. That being said, if they ever do bring out remakes (and I hope they do) they need to update them so fruit stacks. Every time I try to go back and play one of the older games, it’s such a pain when your inventory is full after shaking a couple of trees.


I feel this might just be Nintendo being Nintendo tbh.


This is somewhat similar with what happened before Metroid Samus Returns released. The developers of AM2R were issued a similar notice out of the blue and shortly after Nintendo dropped the announcement on us.


Considering how Nintendo is handling their classic games this generation I'm inclined to think this is just a power move because they don't want people to have access to their games if it is not on their terms. I'd love nothing more than to get the original AC on Switch, I'd be so happy... but at this point I'm kinda doubting it.


I’m trying to keep my hopes down but I’ve wanted something like this for so long. I played Population Growing & City Folk so much growing up and I’ve been missing ACPG a lot for awhile. If I’m ever able to play it on Switch I definitely want to, that game holds so much nostalgia for me.


I would LOVE if Animal Crossing gamecube came as a port, it gets tiring trying to recreate it in new horizons all the time, with so many limitations 😂🙄


I want a bundle of all older games on one cartridge 😻


So I’m planning to save up to buy a GameCube for animal crossing, Mario kart double dash, and Mario Sunshine. Should I wait around to buy one?


Please, Gods of Nintendo, bless us with a new Animal Crossing soon!!! 🙏💕


I'm sure most people would much rather play old Nintendo games on the Switch than buy a Steam Deck just to emulate them. But getting your hands on a gamecube or a WiiU (with the shore closed) isn't exactly easy or cheap nowadays, not to mention that neither is handheld.

Nintendo has created *an entire market* around emulating software and hardware by making their products so inaccessible.


I got started on AC since Wild World and remember staying up late to catch bugs and sell them off to the Lord of the Underworld(Nook). Unfortunately I never played the retro versions like the first on GameCube, nor City Folk on Wii. But I am hoping that Nintendo will somehow, someday put all of them on the switch cause I wanna experience what I wasn’t able to before. Here’s hoping that it’ll happen. Even if they failed us a few times, still hoping!


If anything it shows they plan to put gamecube/wii games in the NSO catalogue. That's their proprietary emulation method


I guess Nintendo doesn't like emulators on Steam due to the large user base on this platform. Guess it's safe to assume that many Stream user wouldn't go through the hassle of installing an emulator on their own.
But I hope you're right, with all the AC assets being available in HD I hope they would rather port these games to the switch instead of publishing them in their own emulator. I wouldn't mind having a different art style being reminiscent of the older games, they look lovely.


I’d love to have a remake of the GameCube animal crossing! I played that game so much as a kid. It would be amazing to have that game brought back, with updated graphics 🥺


I'd love to get a port of some older games. I started playing City Folk on my Wii U again. Unfortunately online play isn't supported for WW or CF anymore so if they do a port I'd love for them to support that again


I would love to play the GameCube version but can’t justify buying a refurbished GameCube to do so right now. I was actually recently looking into the emulators online and wondering how the experience would be in all honesty. I hope Nintendo does do a port of GameCube version because that version looks so fun to play and is the only one I haven’t played yet.
