2022 Ducati Supersport 950S | First Ride Review

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2022 Ducati Supersport 950S | First Ride Review


00:00 Intro
00:28 Overview
01:15 Engine Start
02:37 Ride
02:39 Tech Specs
05:39 Bumpy Road
10:09 Faster Road
12:45 Walk Around
18:54 Any Negatives?
21:00 Fin

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My Riding Gear:
Helmet - Shark D-Skwal 2.0
Jacket - Merlin Bike Gear Chigwell Utility in Olive
Trousers - Rokker Vintage Jeans
Gloves - Rukka Rytmi
Boots - Daytona Arrow Sport GTX

My Camera Gear:
Helmet Cam - GoPro Hero 9 Black
Handlebar Cam - Insta360 OneX2
B Roll Cam - Sony A6300

My measuerments:
5'8" with 29" inch inseam.
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I wasnt sure but after watching your video I bought a new 950s in white. Was holding back because I thought it might lack power but I was so wrong. When you crank the throttle above 3500-4000 rpm I discovered quite accidently that the front wheel lifts very easily, with wheelie control at 2 or less. Who needs more than that! This bike will make you grin I promise.
And the sound of the engine is so addictive....


Great review Dan! I got my brand new SS (S) last month and love it! I got the red but the white with red wheels is beautiful as well! A few things for anyone looking at this bike:

It is comfortable. The handlebar and seat position are perfect, leaned over but not too much for a long ride.

The mirrors are pretty much useless unless you tuck your arms in to look behind you. They do vibrate a lot.

The engine HATES really low RPMs. It loves being 4K or above (6K after break-in period)

Keep it on a battery tender if you are not riding for a few days and ambient temp is cool. The batteries are very small and the bike will have trouble starting in cold weather if not charging. Ducati dealer told me that Ducatis hate cold weather and it is true.

The quick shifter is AWESOME and fun to use

The bike is easy to ride and very fun and fast. Love the exhaust pops when downshifting!

Cheers from Massachusetts!


The rev limiter which Dan shows in neutral after startup is not only when the bike is cold. It is always engaged as long as you're in neutral. Put her in 1st and you can redline her right from the start. Not that that would be any good towards the life expectancy of the engine, but well... you can if you want to. As long as you're not in neutral. There, a 3000 rpm limit is applied all the time.

Just here to watch someone else have fun on the SS950, while it's raining cats and dogs here and mine is waiting in the garage for some better weather.


Great review Dan. I have owned my Supersport S for nearly 5 years and added Termignoni cans and the OEM panniers which look surprisingly good on the bike. Have spent all day in the saddle as a 50 something and she is so comfortable on long touring days. I bought mine as an ex demonstrator as she is on the expensive side. Cheers Dan.


Great review, add cruise control and heated grips and it’s perfect!


Honda “let’s stop making the vfr 800” Ducati “thank you very much!”


Best motorcycle review I've ever seen.


Haha those faces you pull when demoing the seat height! Please keep doing that!


You say the "mirrors are a blurry mess". I have a SS and I've found that Ducati had actually mitigated this issue by including a BMNL ("blurry mess neutraliser lever") on my bike. It's located on the left side handlebar: simply closing the throttle and engaging the BMNL results in activating mirror function while we're at it, the SFCA ("sketchy fingertip Control Algorithm") is a useful method for navigating very tight, low speed maneuvers without trapping your fingers between the bar a tank.


I watched this video before acquiring my 2017 Supersport - and now a few weeks on I have watched it again.. I was so hoping the review was spot on and now having done a good few miles I have to say your description of the performance of this brilliant Ducati was 100% accurate - nice job Dan! - p.s got a full Akrapovic exhaust system on mine and the sound is amazing!


your videos are getting better and better. fantastic bike btw


I bought a 2019 'new old stock' S Oct last year for the more palatable price of £12k. 0 miles and 71 plate but obviously not the latest model. Mine too had the wire visible in right-hand mirror, just poked it back until it disappeared.


Bought this myself; it'll do a decent B-group track day and be good use as a commuter year-round, especially with the new six-axis IMU - I ride it in all weather short of snow or ice. The Aprilia is a good motorcycle, but it's cheaper for a reason - it looks and feels much, much cheaper, and if you care about fit and finish, it's not a touch on the Ducati beyond being similar in spec. I think the Ducati should have come with another ten horsepower or so, but after-market mods make that easy enough. Solid review.


The lack of cruise control is a bizzare ommision on this bike.


I really wish bikes kept using analog for at least the tach... all of these displays look so characterless and you'd have no idea whether it was meant for a superbike or brandless e-moped special. Ducati is really nailing the rest of the bike with the styling, though. Love the indicators built into the mirror and adjustable windscreen -- wish all bikes had those.


I've a 2018 Supersport S ...quickshifter can be temperamental with occasional false neutrals between 5th and 6th...I agree with the criticism of sound ..not deep powerful hum of other bikes, mirrors are crap too...BUT....ive 4000 miles done on mine in 5 months and it rides absolutely brilliant..the power is down where you need and use it..its cornering is just fantastic and the noise when your slowing down IS FANTASTIC ..makes you smile each time..certainly comfortable on long trips too


Hi Dan, Great to see your review after meeting you and the bike. Brilliant review, thank you, and thank you also for your inspiration - passed my m/b theory test this morning. See you again I hope, and maybe to fly one day too!


Hows the heat management in slow moving traffic? below the seat legs getting toast?


Hahaha that final face in the intro says everything 👍 Nice review.


I had a 937 model…loved it…sold it in the quest for more power and speed. But I miss the tactility and handling. I’ve just sold my S1000RR, and the 950 is on my list of potential replacements. It a big list.
You mentioned that you don’t think it would be great for long trips; I toured down to Southern Italy on mine in total comfort (I’m 5’10”).
