The smartest dog in the world | 60 Minutes Archive

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In 2014, 60 Minutes first attempted to answer the age-old question: does your dog really love you?

#60Minutes #Dog #Dogs

"60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10.

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For those of you wondering, she outlived her owner by over a year. RIP both of them ❤


Wow, she trained that sweet old man to buy her all those different toys. Amazing.


I am honored to have Dr Pilley At Wofford College in the 1980s as a professor. He was a great teacher


I’m not only amazed by this dog but also his 86 year old agile owner!


They forgot to show the most amazing thing that Chaser did: the old doctor scattered all 1000+ dog toys around his house, and then told her to fetch a specific toy. The test was tricky because he used a new name he never taught her, and had put a new toy somewhere in the house. She went around the house, looking at the various toys, and eventually decided to pick up the new toy. She deduced that the unfamiliar word must be the name of the new toy. She's an incredible dog!


The fact that's his owner at 86 can still get down on his knees like that is a miracle within itself


I love that this man put so much work, love, and effort into raising and caring for his dog. Chaser enjoyed the challenges. Bravo to him and RIP to both! They are on the Other Side together. ❤️


The most impressive thing I saw was the 86 year old guy kneel down on both knees without help.


“When dogs look at you, they are hugging you with their eyes.” That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long time.


This guy teaches his dog better than most parents teach their kids in a lifetime


My Yorkie- Chihuahua 5 lbs is one of the most intelligent dogs I have ever known
Learning quickly me signing special words and commands.
Knew the name of at least 25 of her little stuffies, just like this dog..
I was always amazed by her level of understanding and expressing her love and opinions.”
Great ball fetcher and ball catcher
When hiking she knew in a sec when coyotes were present..
Now she is 13 and sleeps most of the day..❤
Still my best friend!


My service dog died yesterday. But damn it, we saw incredible things with him. The link with a service dog is something I cannot explain.


My senior dog lost his hearing two years ago and I've taught him sign language and I was shocked at how easy it was. He now looks to my hands to see what I'm telling him. This dog also saved my life when he was 6 months old. We have a tight bond but the last 6 months or so I cry just at the thought of losing him.


Mark Twain said "The more I get to know people, the better I like dogs." I enthusiastically agree.


When my hunting dog saw this amazing guy, he left me a note saying "off to a better boss"


Anyone whose had a wonderful dog knows how smart they are. Empathy, sadness, guilt, they smile, etc. Scientists just don't know as muchh.


I used to have a German Shepherd. She was smarter than most humans, with a wicked sense of humor. If we were late feeding her, she would get her food dish and throw it at us. She could snag snowballs out of the air and sling them right back at the person throwing them. She would also get her leash and walk herself. Gosh, I could go on forever about her. I miss her.


My grandfather and father were dairy farmers. My granddad’s Border collie Shep I believe essentially knew conversational English. You could say to her “Hey, Shep, go down to the end of the pasture and make sure we got them all, ” and she would go and do it. She probably saved his life once: He had gone into a small paddock where he kept a bull to fill the bull’s water trough. The bull knocked him to the ground and was beginning to strike at his chest with its hooves. Shep slipped under the fence, fastened her teeth onto the bull’s tail, and held on tight until the bull decided to go after her instead. She held on, according to my grandfather’s story, and he was able to roll away and escape while the bull chased his tail. At a strategic moment, Shep let go and darted away. She lived to be 17, or so they told me; I was a child when she died.


Totally agree 100%
My Beautiful Girl Shepherd
New every word
From small to big stick
Back of ute or inside the car
Have a bath, she went to the bathroom Sat there and waited for me.
She knew back from front door
We played hide and seek and tip, a chasing game, and All normal dog commands, she didn't wag her tail around the coffee table as not to wipe things off it.
She knew the English language.
One of the purest souls I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Australian champion 3 years running also. How Blessed are we to experience such pure divine Love ❤


My family has a Papillon dog about 4 years old. We scatter about 20 to 30 toys around the living room and then go to the bedroom. We ask her to get her toys by name and she brings them to us in the bedroom and she does it with very high accuracy. She’s knows the names of all family members and friends very well. She remembers people well even if she doesn’t see them for one year. She is amazing given the fact she weighs just 7-8 pounds.
