The 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition (preliminary round), session 2, 20.07.2021

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Sala Kameralna Filharmonii Narodowej w Warszawie / Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Hall

XVIII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina – Eliminacje – Dzień 9 – sesja 2 / The 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition – Preliminary round – Day 9 – Second session

17.00 – 17.30
SHUNSHUN TIE (Chiny / China)

Nokturn H-dur op. 62 nr 1 / Nocturne in B major, Op. 62 No. 1 (8:38)
Etiuda F-dur op. 10 nr 8 / Etude in F major, Op. 10 No. 8 (16:13)
Etiuda As-dur op. 10 nr 10 / Etude in A flat major, Op. 10 No. 10 (18:35)
Mazurek H-dur op. 56 nr 1 / Mazurka in B major, Op. 56 No. 1 (21:22)
Mazurek C-dur op. 56 nr 2 / Mazurka in C major, Op. 56 No. 2 (25:35)
Ballada g-moll op. 23 / Ballade in G minor, Op. 23 (27:37)

17.30 – 18.00
MATEUSZ TOMICA (Polska / Poland)

Nokturn cis-moll op. 27 nr 1 / Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 1 (40:08)
Barkarola Fis-dur op. 60 / Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60 (45:44)
Mazurek C-dur op. 24 nr 2 / Mazurka in C major, Op. 24 No. 2 (54:35)
Mazurek b-moll op. 24 nr 4 / Mazurka in B flat minor, Op. 24 No. 4 (56:54)
Etiuda e-moll op. 25 nr 5 / Etude in E minor, Op. 25 No. 5 (01:02:07)
Etiuda a-moll op. 25 nr 11 / Etude in A minor, Op. 25 No. 11 (01:05:35)

18.00 – 18.30
SARAH TUAN (Stany Zjednoczone / United States)

Mazurek gis-moll op. 33 nr 1 / Mazurka in G sharp minor, Op. 33 No. 1 (01:11:51)
Mazurek D-dur op. 33 nr 3 / Mazurka in D major, Op. 33 No. 3 (01:13:28)
Etiuda Es-dur op. 10 nr 11 / Etude in E flat major, Op. 10 No. 11 (01:15:57)
Etiuda F-dur op. 10 nr 8 / Etude in F major, Op. 10 No. 8 (01:18:32)
Nokturn H-dur op. 62 nr 1 / Nocturne in B major, Op. 62 No. 1 (01:21:16)
Fantazja f-moll op. 49 / Fantasy in F minor, Op. 49 (01:29:21)

18.30 – 19.00
PARKER VAN OSTRAND (Stany Zjednoczone / United States)

Nokturn cis-moll op. 27 nr 1 / Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 1 (01:45:37)
Ballada F-dur op. 38 / Ballade in F major, Op. 38 (01:50:57)
Mazurek As-dur op. 59 nr 2 / Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 59 No. 2 (01:58:15)
Mazurek fis-moll op. 59 nr 3 / Mazurka in F sharp minor, Op. 59 No. 3 (02:00:49)
Etiuda h-moll op. 25 nr 10 / Etude in B minor, Op. 25 No. 10 (02:04:33)
Etiuda C-dur op. 10 nr 1 / Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 1 (02:08:52)

19.00 – 19.30 przerwa / intermission

19.30 – 20.00
MÓNIKA RUTH VIDA (Węgry / Hungary)

Nokturn c-moll op. 48 nr 1 / Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1 (02:36:24)
Etiuda cis-moll op. 10 nr 4 / Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4 (02:41:56)
Etiuda a-moll op. 10 nr 2 / Etude in A minor, Op. 10 No. 2 (02:43:44)
Mazurek a-moll op. 59 nr 1 / Mazurka in A minor, Op. 59 No. 1 (02:45:05)
Mazurek As-dur op. 59 nr 2 / Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 59 No. 2 (02:49:02)
Ballada f-moll op. 52 / Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 (02:51:49)

20.00 – 20.30
BOCHENG WANG (Wielka Brytania / United Kingdom)

Nokturn E-dur op. 62 nr 2 / Nocturne in E major, Op. 62 No. 2 (03:05:30)
Etiuda F-dur op. 10 nr 8 / Etude in F najor, Op. 10 No. 8 (03:11:39)
Etiuda gis-moll op. 25 nr 6 / Etude in G sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 6 (03:14:08)
Mazurek As-dur op. 50 nr 2 / Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 50 No. 2 (03:16:30)
Mazurek cis-moll op. 50 nr 3 / Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 50 No. 3 (03:19:23)
Ballada f-moll op. 52 / Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 (03:24:39)

20.30 – 21.00
CHANEL WANG (Stany Zjednoczone / United States)

Nokturn c-moll op. 48 nr 1 / Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1 (03:39:39)
Mazurek g-moll op. 24 nr 1 / Mazurka in G minor, Op. 24 No. 1 (03:46:16)
Mazurek C-dur op. 24 nr 2 / Mazurka in C major, Op. 24 No. 2 (03:49:31)
Etiuda C-dur op. 10 nr 1 / Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 1 (03:52:27)
Etiuda Es-dur op. 10 nr 11 / Etude in E flat major, Op. 10 No. 11 (03:54:36)
Ballada F-dur op. 38 / Ballade in F major, Op. 38 (03:58:21)


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Рекомендации по теме

*SHUNSHUN TIE (China) 21 years old*
Nocturne in B major, Op. 62 No. 1 - 8:40
Etude in F major, Op. 10 No. 8 - 16:14
Etude in A flat major, Op. 10 No. 10 - 18:36
Mazurka in B major, Op. 56 No. 1 - 21:23
Mazurka in C major, Op. 56 No. 2 - 25:35
Ballade in G minor, Op. 23 - 27:40

*MATEUSZ TOMICA (Poland) 24 years old*
Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 1 - 40:10
Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60 - 45:46
Mazurka in C major, Op. 24 No. 2 - 54:37
Mazurka in B flat minor, Op. 24 No. 4 - 56:56
Etude in E minor, Op. 25 No. 5 - 1:02:08
Etude in A minor, Op. 25 No. 11 - 1:05:36

*SARAH TUAN (United States) 18 years old*
Mazurka in G sharp minor, Op. 33 No. 1 -1:11:53
Mazurka in D major, Op. 33 No. 3 - 1:13:30
Etude in E flat major, Op. 10 No. 11 - 1:15:58
Etude in F major, Op. 10 No. 8 - 1:18:32
Nocturne in B major, Op. 62 No. 1 - 1:21:17
Fantasy in F minor, Op. 49 - 1:29:23

*PARKER VAN OSTRAND (United States) 18 years old*
Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 1 - 1:45:39
Ballade in F major, Op. 38 - 1:50:59
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 59 No. 2 - 1:58:16
Mazurka in F sharp minor, Op. 59 No. 3 - 2:01:50
Etude in B minor, Op. 25 No. 10 - 2:04:34
Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 1 - 2:08:53

*MONIKA RUTH VIDA (Hungary) 25 years old*
Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1 - 2:36:34
Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4 - 2:41:56
Etude in A minor, Op. 10 No. 2 - 2:43:44
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 59 No. 1 - 2:45:07
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 59 No. 2 - 2:49:04
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 - 2:51:48

*BOCHENG WANG (United Kingdom) 24 years old*
Nocturne in E major, Op. 62 No. 2 - 3:05:31
Etude in F najor, Op. 10 No. 8 - 3:11:41
Etude in G sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 6 - 3:14:10
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 50 No. 2 - 3:16:31
Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 50 No. 3 - 3:19:24
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52 - 3:24:41

*CHANEL WANG (United States) 21 years old*
Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1 - 3:39:40
Mazurka in G minor, Op. 24 No. 1 - 3:46:18
Mazurka in C major, Op. 24 No. 2 - 3:49:32
Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 1 - 3:52:28
Etude in E flat major, Op. 10 No. 11 - 3:54:37
Ballade in F major, Op. 38 - 3:58:23


Shunshun Tie in the end of his performance showed his best, I think. I loved his interpretation of Chopin's great Ballade in G minor.


Sarah Tuan gave brilliant, uplifting performance, Mazurkas with light energy and Fantasy moved me the most.


Chanel Wang is blessed with the most memorable name (in contrast to Eastern European names). Just as I thought she has a habit of changing down a gear before every technical difficulty, she came up with the most exquisite performance of the second ballade, which is notoriously difficult to bring off. She made the opening lullaby the highlight rather than the boring preamble it is in lesser hands. When the presto con fuoco came, she unleashed fury like a woman scorned. What a finale for a memorable evening session.
Whether Chanel wins this competition or not, she is going to delight audiences worldwide and if the luxury brand is watching, they would do well sign her up and sponsor her from head to toe.


Sarah Tuan is amazing. Her sound is very delicate and I like her sound.


Mr. ShunShun Tie!! Just Amazing! How many young Chinese could make such a phenomenal music!!! Unbelievable!


I thought Monika has a delicate touch and played extremely well. I have to say that lovely color suits her, it was nice to see a little color on the stage. Beautiful color to match her talent. Bravo to all of them!


Chanel was phenomenal, she is an inspiration to me! Her performance was simply outstanding!


Shunshun is an incredibly sensitive artist and gave probably the most lyrical recital so far. He flatly refused to play an ugly note, in contrast to the flashy playing of some competitors. It would be interesting to hear how he tackles the more overtly virtuosic pieces in later stages of the competition.


Now I've totally forgotten of the competition! The 6 Pianists presented us 6 Recitals! Each of them has a detailed vision and has a big fun to create and realize own musical world, even with high risks! I'm very exciting for their musical futures!


Parker van Ostrand, superb Chopin, great Etudes.


I really enjoyed Sarah Tuan; she was amazing. I loved especially her Chopin Op 10/8....out of this world.

I just don't understand why they eliminated Chanel Wang; she was spectacular. She made it into the semifinals of the US National Chopin Competition.


Chanel's playing was really amazing considering her small hands. Great! I would love to see her in next round.


Bocheng is a Harry Potter at the keyboard, conjuring a kaleidoscope of colours while keeping a stiff upper lip. One of the most reserved performers in the competition.


Estoy sorprendida por la cantidad de excelentes pianistas que hay en el mundo. Nadie los conoce....Solamente unos pocos....Bravo x cada uno de los de estos conciertos!!!!


Emma!Thanks so much for all your trouble to put in the time slots.!


The judges have a hard time because there are so many good players. Monika is super good and is ready for prime time. She just looks more professional than most other competitors, such as her beautiful dress and her composure.


01:28:18 has to be the most beautiful shot I have seen in this competition.


Bocheng Wang is probably the top three
He’s so great


Nice Nocturne and excellent Etude A minor interpretation by Mateusz Tomica.
