1st Solo Sail Across an Ocean, 7 days alone on a 30 ft boat. Honduras to Cuba

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Before buying a boat, I crewed across the Pacific Ocean on a variety of different boats for the duration of about a year. I then thought I knew enough about boats, but really, I didn't. Looking back at these solo sail experiences, before setting off on long solo voyages, it would have probably been better to first get some more boat ownership experience close to shore. Which would be my advice to you. Nevertheless, I hope you learn something from the struggles I had to go through in these videos, in my learning process of becoming a comfortable boat owner



365 days I crewed on sailboats from San Diego, USA all the way down to Panama, stopping in Mexico and Costa Rica. After Panama crossing the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand stopping at islands like the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia, Tonga and Fiji

45 days I traveled through New Zealand from the Northernmost point to the Southernmost point, then

100 days I traveled by motorbike through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, then

365 days I traveled in my self-built campervan from Kyrgyzstan to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, then

365 days I traveled with this van through Iran and Pakistan, then

180 days I built an off-grid log cabin in the woods in Spain, then

180 days I restored an old sailboat in Guatemala, then

180 days I traveled with this sailboat from Guatemala to Honduras, Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and the Dominican Republic

Currently I am #learntosail while #livingonaboat doing #solosailing in the Caribbean
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One of your best videos so far. I like how you bring us with you through the problems and you and you give us the real concern without acting. Not afraid to hide anything. Good job


Joseph Campbell wrote about "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" over 70 years ago. It's about the myth narrative of the hero's journey. After separation comes initiation. You are on your way to to becoming a "monomythic" badass! Keep livin' it with gratitude Huub! ;)


You have a community of people you haven't met though we are all in your corner. You did a great job on your solo sail


Congratulations, Huub! True bravery is being scared to death and doing it anyway. So proud of you. You are a tough and honest guy. I've been following you for a long time now. I remember that van breaking down so many times and how you handled it. :) I hope Cuba is good to you. But they have so little, I hope it is not hard for you to get food and supplies. Your best video yet...you showed us what sailing is like when you are new to it. I'm sure Dirkje is relieved to see that you are safe and sound. Please stay safe.


That took a lot of guts, your first solo passage! Winds waves currents and some boat issues
But you bundled it calm and accomplished your sailing abilities and you know your boat better
Bravo 👏


Huub, you did a great job on your solo sail!! Remember, your dream may not be someone else's dream and thats ok. Live your life with no regrets. Thanks for sharing this experience!


Wonderfull video Huub, this is what you want to see on a sailing channel. Drama, setbacks, fear and eventually victory.


I give you so much credit for doing your 1st alone sail, and dealing with having to go into the water to check the issue with the propellor...I had hoped you would have tied a line to yourself which was attached to the boat to make sure you would remain able to get back on board in case there was an issue with that...yet so happy to see that you did do the process successfully. I look forward to see what your Cuba visit is like. I had a chance to visit there a number of years ago....lots of poverty for sure...so hope your boat and all are really safe.


You might want to move your spare fuel containers to middle of the boat to shift weight back so your bow doesn't dip down so much in heavier seas. During passages you could also detach your anchor and store it in the stern to reduce bow weight and reduce the slamming. Then put the anchor back up front when you are approaching your destination. Note: Waves get bigger in shallower water.


Heartbreak is horrible. Thankfully it will ease with time and moving forward and oh man Huub...you are doing an amazing job moving forward! I have no doubt that your future will include some great adventures, fun, beautiful days, and greater loves! 🙏💙


Jerry cans on the foredeck at sea is not a good thing. Keep weight out of the ends of the boat. The boat will sail much better and you will be much safer. Stow the anchor on passages. Congratulations and enjoy the rewards of all your hard work.


Wow Huub, what strength and depth of character you have, brave to the core💖 and a wonderful Sailor of the Seas. I have deep admiration of all you embody.
Well done.
Sending Love Light and hugs Beautiful Soul 💖☀️🤗
Enjoy Cuba😁


It would've never worked between you and the girl. You're 100% a free spirit and this is why we lover watching your vlogs. If in your heart you want to explore and travel the world do that especially while it's easier and you're young. There is someone out there as free spirited as you which is your perfect match. Until then enjoy the journey. Your story is a beautiful one.


I have been worried about how this journey would go for you! As always, your hard work and perseverance has been an inspiration! Much love and support for you. I hope you can get some rest now! 🌹💐🎉


Just saw your channel and immediately joined after listening to your 1st-5minutes into the video. Likes: 1- you avoid the drama, 2- you don't sit around complaining, 3- not filming partying/drinking bouts, 4- give details to sail wiser and better, 5- share details of a problem, 6- tell how you dealt with it, & show joy & gratitude every day . What a winner you are !
So many sailing channels think we want to hear 'drama', bad news, complaints, etc. You rise above that and lead the way . Thank you ! -Dk.


I must say this the best sailing YouTube channel he gave you the good and the bad most of the other channels will cut out those parts but he gave us the real deal no edit


I can see the sadness all over you but I can also see the strongest in your eyes and the determination you had me on pins and needles through this hole 30 minutes so glad you made it congratulations


Graag gedaan toen ik op reis ging de wereld over zei mijn vader:
Arjan als jij later oud bent en niet meer kunt lopen en misschien niet meer kunt praten of zelfs horen, dan kun je al je reizen en je bijzondere tijd opnieuw beleven vanuit je hoofd..
Dit is bijzonder, jij maakt herinneringen, misschien moeilijk en heel zwaar, de verantwoordelijkheid ligt nu helemaal bij jouw zelf! Dat is kracht!! Dat is er helemaal zijn!!
Groet uit Zwaag


Your a good man Huub honesty and courage shines from your face, bless you and all you undertake 💪👍


Wow this was a very exciting episode, I'm glad you are safe.
