Embedding Lua in C++ #4 - Calling A Lua Function From C

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These videos describe how to embed Lua into a native application and interface with the Lua C API. They do not cover how to use the scripting language itself.

The stub project for these videos is available here.

The tutorial is on Windows and using CMake and Visual Studio, but you could build this code on pretty much any platform.
Рекомендации по теме

constexpr char* LUA_FILE = R"(
function Return4()
return 4
error Серьезность Код Описание Проект Файл Строка Состояние подавления
Ошибка (активно) E0144 значение типа "const char *" нельзя использовать для инициализации сущности типа "char *const" Luaapp C:\c++\Luaapp\Source.cpp 12
