Semper Paratus #MilitaryMonday
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This #MilitaryMonday is featuring the United States Coast Guards hymn called "Semper Paratus" which translates from Latin meaning "Always Ready". This reflects the Coast Guard's service motto which reflects that they are always on duty 365 days of the year.
-History of the Coast Guard:
The Coast Guard's official history began on 4 August 1790 when President George Washington signed the Tariff Act that authorized the construction of ten vessels to enforce federal tariff and trade laws and to prevent smuggling. Known variously through the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as the "revenue cutters," the "system of cutters," the Revenue Marine and finally the Revenue Cutter Service, it expanded in size and responsibilities as the nation grew.
The Coast Guard is one of the oldest organizations of the federal government and until Congress established the Navy Department in 1798 it served as the nation's only armed force afloat. The Coast Guard protected the nation throughout its long history and served proudly in the majority of the nation's conflicts. The Coast Guard's national defense responsibilities remain one of its most important functions even today. In times of peace it operates as part of the Department of Homeland Security, serving as the nation's front-line agency for enforcing the nation's laws at sea, protecting the marine environment and the nation's vast coastline and ports, and saving life. In times of war, or at the direction of the President, the Coast Guard serves as part of the Navy Department.
-History of the tune:
The song's original words and music were composed by Captain Francis Saltus Van Boskerck, USCG. Captain Van Boskerck was Commander of the Coast Guard's Bering Sea Forces when he composed "Semper Paratus" in 1927.
-Semper Paratus Lyrics:
From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone
To Europe and Far East.
The Flag is carried by our ships,
In times of war and peace.
And never have we struck it yet
In spite of foe-men's might,
Who cheered our crews and cheered again, For showing how to fight.
We're always ready for the call,
We place our trust in Thee. Through surf and storm and howling gale, High shall our purpose be. "Semper Paratus" is our guide,
Our fame, our glory, too.
To fight to save or fight and die, Aye! Coast Guard we are for you!
filmed at: Riverside National Cemetery
Filmed by Dark Isle Productions
Recorded by Tress Maksimuk
Coast Gaurd filming by Hlcopters
-History of the Coast Guard:
The Coast Guard's official history began on 4 August 1790 when President George Washington signed the Tariff Act that authorized the construction of ten vessels to enforce federal tariff and trade laws and to prevent smuggling. Known variously through the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as the "revenue cutters," the "system of cutters," the Revenue Marine and finally the Revenue Cutter Service, it expanded in size and responsibilities as the nation grew.
The Coast Guard is one of the oldest organizations of the federal government and until Congress established the Navy Department in 1798 it served as the nation's only armed force afloat. The Coast Guard protected the nation throughout its long history and served proudly in the majority of the nation's conflicts. The Coast Guard's national defense responsibilities remain one of its most important functions even today. In times of peace it operates as part of the Department of Homeland Security, serving as the nation's front-line agency for enforcing the nation's laws at sea, protecting the marine environment and the nation's vast coastline and ports, and saving life. In times of war, or at the direction of the President, the Coast Guard serves as part of the Navy Department.
-History of the tune:
The song's original words and music were composed by Captain Francis Saltus Van Boskerck, USCG. Captain Van Boskerck was Commander of the Coast Guard's Bering Sea Forces when he composed "Semper Paratus" in 1927.
-Semper Paratus Lyrics:
From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone
To Europe and Far East.
The Flag is carried by our ships,
In times of war and peace.
And never have we struck it yet
In spite of foe-men's might,
Who cheered our crews and cheered again, For showing how to fight.
We're always ready for the call,
We place our trust in Thee. Through surf and storm and howling gale, High shall our purpose be. "Semper Paratus" is our guide,
Our fame, our glory, too.
To fight to save or fight and die, Aye! Coast Guard we are for you!
filmed at: Riverside National Cemetery
Filmed by Dark Isle Productions
Recorded by Tress Maksimuk
Coast Gaurd filming by Hlcopters