Does Atheism Require Intelligence?

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Do you have to be smart to be an atheist? Are atheist activists over complicating things?
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Yes, you need critical thinking to ask silly but important questions such as "Why does the description of god differ based on geography?" or "Why does god appear to a selected few to spread his message rather than, say, appear in the sky to everyone?".


I am 100% with you on this. When I watch W.L. Craig spout out his bullshit I have to pause the video all the time and say to myself ‘what did he just say!’ and then it’s a quick ‘facepalm’ and I move on to the next bit of his nonsense dressed up in long words.

But the upside to all this is that I have been debating atheism/theism for a few years now and when I look back to the early days and then compare myself to how I am now I am a virtual genius!  

You don’t need to be intelligent to see through the bullshit that is religion [most people in my country, the U.K. are atheists] but you do have to learn to hold your ground in the debates and that means we need to counter their crap with our own crap. [that last bit was a joke by the way] :)


I tell religious people simple ideas about atheism but I always use the Bible for my arguments because they believe the Bible to be infallible. I quote the Bible by saying "In Genesis God creates the light that governs the day and a lesser light to govern the night." I ask them "What does the lesser light mean?" The usually retort "The moon right?" Then I reply frantically "The moon isn't a light source and isn't emanating light but rather reflecting light from the sun."

"Science has provided empirical evidence to support that the moon isn't a light source because if it is wouldn't you think Neil Armstrong would of fried on the moon when he stepped onto it?" The subsequent silence and expression on the person's face is PRICELESS.


Do you have to be smart to be an atheist? Are atheist activists over complicating things?


Probably knowledge more than intelligence.


No, atheism does not require a significant amount of intelligence.
People come to be atheists for bad reasons just as they do for good reasons.
You do science everyday and engage in philosophy almost everyday.
You just don't realize it.
Epistemology is not "nonsense". It is, in fact, at the very heart of the differences between most theists and most atheists.
All the arguments that you seem to be railing against are the responses to fallacious arguments that come from theists, not atheists.
Honestly Courtney, this will probably hurt your feelings in some way but, I get the feeling that you made this video because much of what you've been watching and listening to made you feel stupid.
That doesn't mean you're stupid but it does indicate some intellectual "laziness" on your part. As in "I don't really understand what they are talking about and I just am not motivated to try and change that so, instead of looking at myself in the mirror, I will instead criticize them".
You don't need to feel alone in that regard. There are a LOT of people that feel that way and that's just fine but, just because you may not understand what some atheists and theists talk about does not mean that they should change their method of, or subjects of, discussion or "dumb down" their speech for your benefit.
It means that you need to make more of an effort to understand. It's not their fault that you do not understand.
I think you want to understand and that's why you made this video but if you really want to understand, that's on you, not on anyone else to change for you.
Responding to apologetics is not as simple as you would like it to be.
I'm sorry but that's just a fact.
