How to change the pressure on the ResMed AirSense 10 AUTOSET CPAP machine

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Best instructions ever under 1 minutes amazing voice as well what a professional . Thank u good sir


This is hands down the most helpful YouTube video I have ever watched. This video should get millions of likes!


Great voice, nice camera angle, and no bullshit. Straight to the point, this is how it's done, YT...


OMG!!! A MILLION thanks!! Yesterday was my first night and I felt like I was being waterboarded. Thanks to you, I was able to turn my pressure down. I need a more gradual learning curve. Bless you!


VERY HELPFUL. When I called Apria they said a doctor had to call me and do it remotely. Then they never called. This is great.


Thank you so much for this information. The VA wanted me to drive two hours away to the VA hospital just so they could do this for me!


Thanks. Been struggling with my CPAP since gaining 10lbs this month. Had to crank the thing from 9 to 15. Never understood why people had trouble with higher pressure, the low ramp pressure feels like suffocation.


I have been struggling so bad for the past month with the pressure getting too high and waking me up after less than an hour of sleep. It's gotten to the point to where I don't even use the machine most nights because of this so I am so GRATEFUL that you posted this. I'm going to try to adjust the settings tonight and over the coming days if necessary and see if it helps. THANK YOU!


I keep forgetting how to get into the Clinical Menu. I've now written down the procedure.

Thank you.


Wow, great video!!! Simple and quick. Could have used this info 3 yrs ago when I got my CPAP machine! I changed my settings and can't WAIT until bed time!

Its WAY more dangerous to not get a good night's sleep.

Common sense would tell you...If your not comfortable on your machine, your simply not going to use it!

However, common sense and Doctors dont always go "hand in hand".

I spent weeks fighting with my machine, complaining to the Dr when I first got it. He acted like he had NEVER heard before of anyone having the issues I was having. Turns out, LOTS of people do. Basically, I felt extreme soarness in the center of my chest after 3 or 4 hours on the machine. It would wake me up and hurt so bad, at first I thought I was having a heart attack! Like me chest was going to split open. And, even with it off, was hard to get back to sleep, and if I did, then of course, i was having apnea events so I really wasn't sleeping!

I had to do the research for the doctor to figure out what was going on! And, we are paying for his services? He should be paying me!!!

The dipshit Dr had my machine set to 20, the MAX pressure!!! Gave him what for when I finally found out later that 14 is the highest level recommended by the mfr! I looked him dead in the eye and said why wouldn't you start the other way until you balance comfort with enough pressure to reduce events? He said "Well, your numbers were high and we wanted to get them down quickly"...well, duh, it's not like my sleep apnea happened over night! Anything to start is better than nothing! I was sleeping before, perhaps not BREATHING right, now you got me breathing but, I'm not sleeping! I was in PAIN, my lungs were sore from forcing air down them! Having experienced this pain, I can imagine what Covid-19 feels like on a ventilator!!!

It's like these Dr never TRIED using one of these. Well, Dr, cure thyne self!

It's your machine affecting your body and sleep, YOU should be in charge of where to set the darn thing!

It's not like your self prescribing or abusing drugs!

Set the machine to a level that works for YOU!

5 events per hour or less is considered "cured" from sleep apnea!!! That's what my Dr told me. Ideally, you get it as close to zero as you can, but, 5 events is a HELL of a lot better than 50, or 85 events which is where I was at when tested, and my blood oxygen was below 77% when I slept! You think that's bad, I have a good friend who was at 135 events per HOUR! He looks and feels SO much better and his wife can sleep in same room with him!

I know someone who was prescribed a machine 6 mo ago, still isnt sleeping well. I shared this!

Do yourself a favor, adjust your machine until your comfortable!

Share with friends and loved ones!


New to CPAP machine and I woke up after an hour when it felt like a fist being crammed down my throat. And, of course, it happens on a holiday weekend. Thank you.


Thank you so much for the help, only just started adjusting my settings but it already feels much better.

The minimum setting of 4 preset on my machine was just about ok, but the airflow always felt restricted. Once it ramped up it was fine but made getting to sleep a bit difficult. There is also a starting pressure setting further down the menu as well as the minimum pressure setting that I recommend making the same as the minimum pressure (otherwise you start lower than your minimum pressure until ramp up). I am now finding 6 is much better but I’ll try between that and 8 to find my “Butter Zone” for starting pressure. Also dropped the maximum down from 20 as that just seemed unnecessarily high.

The EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief) setting I have also found can help as mine was off beforehand. This reduces the pressure slightly when you breathe out so you are not having to push as hard on the exhale. If you find this much better at the highest level of 3 it is possible you would benefit from a full BiPap machine as you may be struggling to breathe out.

To try out different pressures to get a feel for how they make breathing and mask fit etc… you can switch the therapy mode from Autoset to CPAP and then set the constant pressure. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this for sleeping with, but for testing then adjusting pressures it’s handy. You can set it at, for example 15, to see if that is too high as your maximum pressure rather than waiting for it to ramp up etc… or waking up feeling like a leaf blower is trying to become one with your face.


Thank you. Respiratory therapist was supposed to set machine = 11 and 16. It was at 4. Now my new machine is set at 11 and I didn't have to wait weeks to get help.


Lifesaver. Got a new BIPAP (same as the old), but they set it up wrong (18/12, I use 16/10) due to the doc not providing the current prescription--Stanford, what are you gonna do!). I tried to get Stanford and the equipment provider to address the problem for 2 weeks to no avail, dead air, cluelessness, incompetence, buffoonery all around. At one point the provider said they had made the adjustment over the air, they lied. This brief video allowed me to make the adjustment and good a good night sleep. MANY THANKS!! It is an outrage that this is kept a secret.


WOW. You are amazing. I've been really struggling with getting my APAP provider and doctor to get this adjusted for months. SO HELPFUL!!!


So it wasn’t my imagination, I’ve had this machine for approximately 6 months suffering more with it than without it. Thanks a million!!!


MANY THANKS! Been using CPAP therapy for a long time. Last night was the first night with the new machine and I was gasping for breath as I tried to get to sleep. Just adjusted my minimum pressure. Thanks to this video, I'll sleep well tonight! Definitely won't change anything else. Just needed to be able to breathe as I drift off to dreamland.


Wow. Thank you so much! What has taken much time on the phone with my former provider, was resolved in a few minutes with your videos help. No more gasping for air and pulling off my mask! This is amazing!


Really helped me. Im set to 30 but i still dnt feel its pumping enough pressure. Any tips would be appreciated.. take no notice to the thumbs down trolls. Your very very heloful. Thankyou ❤
