I feel bad for Special Needs kids…

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I have ADHD and constantly need to fidget with something so that i can even begin to concentrate, but for some reason, like, half the school decided, that me fidgeting is something to bully me about. It's honestly so painful.


I hate how people assume special ed means dumb. Special education can be for behavioral issues, health issues, etc. Me personally, I’m in special ed for behavioral issues, but every time someone finds out they automatically assume I am dumb.


When the class clown IS the special needs kid, its incredible


Person with autism and adhd here and OMFG this is so relatable. I'm just sitting there with a book or fidgeting with a pencil minding my own business when jerk will just come up to me and annoy me. My worst instance was some girl trying to use my disorders to get likes on Tiktok. Not only is that F☆cked up, but she also tried to use my paralyzed dad.


There’s this one class clown kid in my art class and he’s one of the most intolerable people I’ve met 😭


I was diagnosed with autism but I am higher functioning and let me tell you I got made fun of soooo many times in school. Every day I got made fun of and was called 'retard' everytime I entered into a room. I feel bad for future children with special needs because I hate seeing people get treated as bad as I did.


This is so true, ADHD and autism not mix well I have both and needing to fidget with something constantly and trouble speaking to others especially with that one annoying kid that constantly annoys and harasses me or other is so frustrating.

Edit: reading other comments I had to search up what the symptoms of ocd were (since I always have the urge to explore and find/research stuff) I think I may have ocd to but am not sure.


omg this was so me in mainstream school 😭 I’m autistic and I used to have like this one friend that I relied on (she ended up ditching me but unrelated) and one time I couldn’t find her at lunch so I just decided to sit down at a table outside and eat my food there and then a bunch of like i think maybe year 11 or sixth formers (grade 10-grade 11 for u americans) came over and were like ‘hiii 🥺🥺 why are you alone?? 🥺☹️” any basically baby talking me and bc I have selective mutism and started to move away without speaking cause I was uncomfortable and they kept following me.. I think one of the guys in group (bless him) told them to leave me alone cause I was obviously uncomfortable and they finally did but like… why did they feel the need to do that 😭😭


WE NEED THIS. (I have adhd, ocd, and high functioning autism) After all this ableist crap about “sped” kids I love seeing this relatable amazingness.


Thought i was the only one, i could not tell wether someone wants to be genuinely freindly or not


Hi, a person with autism and ADHD here, and I'd like to say, I hate having it, it's not to where I need help with everything, but everyone thinks that, so, the annoying girls decided to take a huge advantage of that, saying "Hey best friend" or some annoying crap like that. I didn't even like them, they just assumed that because I had autism. Everyone kept saying, "Bro you don't have autism or ADHD, you don't act sped." It was because my autism wasn't the type where I needed so much help, and also, I was on an ADHD pill.


I'm autistic and dyslexic, but I probably have other undiagnosed stuff like ADHD. I can't sit still, I'm incredibly socially awkward, and I have a speech impediment. Since I'm also the nerd and a girl, I have the other girls call me their best friend and then they ask me for all the answers.


They all gangsta till he pull out the glock


If anyone sees this shout out to 6th & 7th grade math teacher Mr. R for seeing me for my actual intellect and not for my missing assignments and B- most of the year due to my special needs and putting me in the 8th grade advanced math because he is awesome and knows how to teach


9th grade was terrible for me I was relentlessly picked on and even beaten for being neurodivergent and dyslexic I didn't have sped class but I was called dumb and having hand motions that usually was mocked at someone who had neurological disabilities by boys and even girls


The thing is some kids with special needs are th popular kids an they're jerks to kids like me (who aren't popular) however there is a select few new nice special need such as my friend


ngl some kid does this and he decided to push me down a flight of stairs. true story💀💀

edit: apparently i have ‘low level autistic spectrum disorder’ but when i got diagnosed my mum lied about everything idek know if i actually have it or whether it was a false diagnosis💀💀

edit 2: oh and someone also legit put a box on my head for no reason😂😂


i have A.D.D and if i dont take meds i space out draw constanly and lay my head down because im board and sometime my freinds or someone i barely know messes with me but i do have classes with freinds that need extra help in certain subjects but it does get annoying when your minding your and a freind is an annoying idiot


Bro this is me and this happens so often


My 6 yo sister is a special needs kid 😭😭
