Can Scotland Leave Britain & Rejoin the European Union? - TLDR News

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With the Scottish Parliamentary Elections just around the corner, the topic of Scottish Independence has resurfaced once again. Some Scots are especially keen to leave the UK because they then want to rejoin the EU, so in this video we explore that. We discuss why some Scots want to rejoin the EU, the SNP position on it and how Scotland could actually go about rejoining the European Union.

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"Guys, you won't be able to stay in the EU if you leave!"
"Ok, we'll stay."
"Hey guys we're leaving the EU!"
"What! Bullshit! We want to leave!"


If the dates for the Scottish Independence referendum and Brexit were swapped, Scotland would have probably gotten independence


Imagine bringing a girl home and the first thing she sees is the 'TLDR news couch'


Lived in Scotland around that time. Can confirm, a lot of people voted remain only because they didn't want to leave the EU.


Man, that clip of Sturgeon saying it's possible that Scotland could vote against independence in order to stay in the EU, only to have the UK leave the EU... I didn't know that she was a sorcerer.


As a Scot it's cool to see someone take a balanced view on the issue. Whatever side of the debate you fall on we should all agree that open debate should take priority over propaganda.


Good video, but you have left out Latvia, Estonia and Finland out of your EU map 😅


It's up to the Scottish people to decide, but as a European, I'd gladly welcome them back and they have my full support if they decide they want to leave the UK and rejoin Europe


Man, I can't believe you advertised your sofa in this thing haha. Brilliant.


One of the more balanced views I've seen of Scottish independence. I'm pro independence at heart but always struggled a little with the economic side of the argument - many parallels exist with the pro Brexit argument, even though both sides are likely to refuse to admit it. This video is the closest I've seen to the discussion going on in my own head - well done guys.


The BBC would struggle to have such a balanced report on Scottish Independence.


Just to point something out, Spain already said they wouldn't veto, both the Spanish PM and then Minister of Foreign Affairs, who now is the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs


There's a 4 year old meme: Scotland stayed in the UK because it didn't want to leave the EU.


"We will never worry about Europe or Scotland again!"

_A few years later, it came up again._


Your EU map is missing at least 3 countries. From Sweden across the Baltic sea there are Finland, Estonia and Latvia. I'm pretty sure they are in EU.


Hey Scots I know for a fact most of us Euros would be very happy to have you back :)


Have I missed something but i though Finland, Latvia and Estonia are also members of the EU. As a Finn I am bit shocked about the map in 8:32.


I just love your videos! I'm Scottish and have my own opinions on this issue, which won't name as I have no desire to argue it in Youtube comments. However, it is so refreshing to see such a balanced summary of the issues involved. In politics there are often positives and negatives to every option, and different people have different priorities, needs and identities that shift their view. In a media landscape the emphasises drama and conflict you calmly and succinctly explain the issue and the arguments from both sides. You don't just educate people on a particular issue, you help them understand the views of those who might not share their opinion. I hope you and your team feel really proud of what you do! If every media outlet shared your ethos and integrity this world be an easier place to live in.


The National (a Scottish newspaper) today has an article on the EU assurances that we will be welcomed. The interviewee is yet another EU official who has reiterated earlier statements.

Strangely enough, none of these statements have been broadcast or printed in the disUnited Kingdom. And I know they are real events. I have watched von der Leyen and listened to Macron give the same assurances. And they have not been alone.

Scots CAN just rejoin the EU. The EU have repeatedly quoted our "unique circumstances" as the criteria for our acceptance. The EU judge 5 years sufficient for our full membership, ie for complete separation.

The LSE paper you quoted is discredited. The 60% trade with England includes goods passing to England for onward transmission from English ports. As an aside, Scotland is the only country in the disUnited Kingdom to have a trade surplus for every year records have existed.

Even Russia managed to come to an agreement with regard to breaking up the assets and liabilities with countries formerly part of the USSR. Why should it be such an insuperable problem for Scotland?

And, for the millionth time, Spain is repeatedly on record stating that there will be no veto. They opine that there is no equivalence between a region holding an illegal ballot, and a country exercising its right to self- determination.

While we are on the subject of debt and/or economics let me point out that Scotland's deficit is, in fact, not debt which Scotland has incurred. We cannot borrow. England loads us with proportional debt incurred by them. We pay for the London underground and HS2 and everything else that benefits England, and not us.

My second point is that the promise to work toward accepting the euro is just that; a promise. There are countries within the EU who haven't adopted the euro in over a decade. There is no pressure applied to them to do so.

My third point is that the Eastern European countries managed to introduce their own currencies within months of becoming independent. Why is Scotland considered so backwards that we can't do the same?

I am, frankly, angry with this post of yours. You have displayed all the inherent bias of the English to the Scots. You have not even bothered to do the deep research you would undertake for any post which was not about Scotland. You have lazily regurgitated propaganda.

I am deeply disappointed in this slipshod presentation.


I strongly support Scotland's independence and its admission to the EU. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦
