Rheumatoid arthritis vs osteoarthritis- what is the difference?

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Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are very different types of arthritic conditions. This video will answer for you what is rheumatoid arthritis and what is osteoarthritis.
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***About this video***
In this video Siddharth Tambar MD from Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine discusses how to tell whether you have rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, how do you know if you have rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, types of arthritis, causes of arthritis, what is rheumatoid arthritis, what is osteoarthritis, and different types of arthritis.
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Rheumatoid versus osteoarthritis, what are the differences, how can you tell whether you have one or the other.


Very well explained. Thank you for sharing


Could you elaborate on psoriatic arthritis and how it differs from RA & OA


Great detailed information, thank you. Very well done.


Just discovered your channel. I was diagnosed by osteoarthritis for my right arm when I was 35. Now, I'm 40 years old and feel some hip pain and the pills help. My father suffer the same for his right side, but my uncle suffer from rheumatoid arthritis chronically from his childhood. So, I believe our family joints are not that strong 😅. Exercises given are boring and I've tried badminton 🏸 recently and loved the game. I'm planning to go to court occasionally, but worried about my arm. Should I take rest or playing such a game is okay ?
2nd question is Physiotherapy. Most of the people say really helped, some say after a while it'll be the same. I always neglected myself about these pains, but it's getting worse in years.


I have a friend who had taken traditional medicine and a diet plan from Nze Njoku Herbal Home to treat Arthritis and High Blood Pressure and for some years now he looks normal. From severe pain always a sick guy for some years Now he looks so healthy and enjoying normal productive life😊 Praise God.


So I have constant pain in my left middle finger Metacarpophalangeal (MCP). It hurts so bad and is hard to grip anything and is actually starting to migrate to my Adjoining finger. My question is what doctor should I go see? I know rheumatoid arthritis Doctors are in high demand so I'm wondering if there's another doctor I should initially see or should I automatically get an appointment with a rheumatoid arthritis doctor.


Thanks for all the effort you put into your very informative videos. My question is how does Rh affect dupitrons. My hands, shoulders and knees are a mess but also have dup. In both hands and feet. Thanks


Thank you for making another informative video. For over 30 years I've been dealing with RA, followed by Hashi, Sjodren's, Cushing's and recently Drug - induced Lupus. I've been told that additionally I have OsteoArthritis and Degenerative Bone Disease, Osteoporosis. My DEXA showed a small amount of OsteoPena. Since the RA stopped responding to the meds, the only one that kept me walking was low dose (20 mg) prednisone. None of the RA drugs are safe to take, most are deadly. My Drs all copy each others opinion, that prednisone is to blame . I tried to get Emergortho to give me Stem cell therapy, but was told that I'm too old.
Is there an age limit? I'm 63 and determined to get my health back.


Would a diagnosis of morphea (affecting the lower legs), a skin condition caused by an autoimmune disorder, would morphea have a strong correlation with early stage RA? According to this explanation RA can involve other organs of the body such as the skin. So my answer would be "yes." Although I've been experiencing the symptoms of RA as described in this video for the past 6-8 weeks, my rheumatologist has made a diagnosis of OA and the prescribed meds are providing no relief from the pain, and stiffness. Thank you for this series of videos regarding OA and RA!


My daughter had this muscle pain initially at shoulder and hands. Legs and knees are very much moving. But, after a lapse of 2 months, now since two months the morning stiffness at theighs and legs of left side is grown significantly. Now, she is developing a cramp and folding foot, please guide me what type of orthirities. Is rehemothoartirities. We are applying oil message externally on legs since the beginning. Pl advice.


I swear I think I have RA; I’m negative on the bloodwork. I’ve had 9 surgeries within 4 years. Started at 53. My surgeon says rheumatoid. My rheumatologist says severe osteoarthritis 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hi, How do you treat knee bursitis and knee swelling due to osteoarthritis?


Tendonitis sir i am suffering from Tendonitis pain just confirmed by a professional dr, besides i practice homeopathy myself, but even treating them separately did not work, can you suggest some allopathic medicines which i can easily get in india without requiring a prescription?


I have pain in the ends of my fingers and toes, not at the same time, it will be in one finger, then disappears after a few seconds or a minute, then appear in another finger or toe later on. Can be constant switching between fingers or toes all day, or have no pain or just a few twinges. No swelling, no problems at all with joints, no pins and needles, just this damn pain. Appeared suddenly one day out of the blue, been like it for 2 months, had bloods done, vit b12 was 117pg doc said should be 192 or more, but i doubt that's the cause as i have zero symptoms of a b12 deficiency, and taking high strength b12 sprays pills etc dont help. Anyone ever heard of such a thing? Only thing i did the day before it happened that i would not usually do is eat some cooked pulled pork from a butchers...Pain feels like someone pushing a blunt knife on to the top of my nail, or hitting it with a hammer, not full force but about mid force. Its very weird. Once the pain is gone i can bring it back sort of by pushing on the area that hurt, but only for a short while then it goes back to normal. Been tested for diabetes, thyroid, liver, kidney issues, vit deficiency, blood count, blood cells, anemia, cholesterol and a few others i forget, only issue b12. Nothing at all on the entire internet seems similar and doc seems clueless also.Befre this i would sometimes get pains in arms and legs that felt similar but they were few and far between, not in the joins, more tendons if anything. Any vids about anything similar?


Management of combined oesteo, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. And complications of them combined. Very confusing!


Thank you for the videos, they are very helpful. I was diagnosed with RA at age 23. Then diagnosed with OA . I was told I couldn't take medication for RA due to having Tuberculosis when I was 12. Is this still true in 2022?


my dr suspects RA, i have swelling in fingers both hands, pain in wrists, ankles, knees, elbows and shoulders. Steroids helped alot.All my blood works came back negative for RA . pain bad what could it be ?


Can you have both RA & OA ? Being on Anastrozole after chemo and radiation is not good either 😟


I see people with a game plan and doing their work still having the disease progress. Best thing to do is not get it. It will kill you in the end.
