Breaking the illusion of skin color - Nina Jablonski

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Nina Jablonski says that differing skin colors are simply our bodies' adaptation to varied climates and levels of UV exposure. Charles Darwin disagreed with this theory, however, as Jablonski explains, Darwin did not have access to NASA. Nina Jablonski is author of Skin: A Natural History, a close look at human skin's many remarkable traits: its colors, its sweatiness, the fact that we decorate it.

Talk by Nina Jablonski.
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I am a university professor who is teaching courses that center on race and this TED talk is a part of our course this semester. Looking forward to it.


Very interesting. I am curious to learn about the evolution of the human body structure such as differences in bone structure, the texture of our hair, eye color and eye shapes, etc.


Its amazing, different races allow each other to feed each other, clothe each other, entertain each other, laugh and cry together and yet somehow they still feel there is a race to win, whether its a beef dog, or a hot burger. It's really only the shape of the idea that changes and how it responds to the differences of change. Tradition, like that of concrete is only as strong as its foundation of flexibility. Too rigid and it all just crumbles.


Great talk! Very well presented. I had never thought of considering my skin's needs in my overall health. Interesting.


I was expecting her to also talk about how evolution by natural selection is no longer acting on humans, because most people don't understand that modern life and the ability to find food and shelter for most has diminished the effect of natural selection. She could have also mentioned the time scales in which the evolution of skin color would take place. Most of my friends find it hard to believe that 70, 000 years is enough. Although its equal to about an incredible 2500 generations!


Eskimoes have dark skin because they mainly live on fish, which contains high rates of vitamin D, it has worked as a substitute.


Its Not MORE important, Celebrate all your traits, Take Care of your body, Overall we should be proud we've made it this far. The skin is just one of the most noticeable traits we carry


adaptation is an individual in a species changing its behavior to better survive in its environment. evolution is the species as a whole changing over time.


Damn, this woman can talk. Another great TED video.


I actually learned something: that pale skin didn't develop just because people didn't need melanin in northern latitudes, but because people needed less pigmentation so they could absorb more UVA and therefore produce more Vitamin D. That makes more evolutionary sense.


This was a fantastic video! I hope everyone takes this and learns that skin color is just the product of evolution and not the order for divisions. We live in 2012 and we need to start acting like it.


This video made me cry... Is so beautiful...


Being anti-white doesn't automatically make you intelligent. LOL! Actually, being anti-white just makes you morally inept. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. "because of the Indians" is not a valid justification for the genocide of my race, by the way.


When you are one of those quite a mixed cosmopolitan big family like me, then this explanation maybe more meaningful (", ). Thank you, Nina - God bless you in all things you do for The Almighty GOD's glory!


Don't forget the others. Mammals generally share with us the things that we believe make us "human." The characteristics that people consider most "human" are found in other species as well. However, the way they communicate, express emotion, etc is unknown to an average person due to the general lack of real experience with animals. Love, forming essential bonds and relationships, working with others, communicating VITAL information, 2 different sets of 2 identical limbs, having a FACE, etc


You're right. I meant UV radiation actually effecting the population of today. Maybe some people are less healthy now from vitamin d deficiency but other factors like socio-economic etc. as you said are what makes the difference today.


Look at absolutely any sci-fi movie or book or game. Anything that tells of our future. We stand united as humans, not divided as nations and races. Before we can turn our eyes outwards into the skies and beyond, we must turn inwards to face these borders we make for ourselves.


Well, basically, the ozone layer in our atmosphere deflects most of the radiation back into space. Some radiation is able to get through but not enough to cause any sort of damage. The Ozone has just broken it down enough for us to withstand it and still feel the heat off the sun


I'm not entirely sure about this part but I think it's because the radiation hits the northern and southern parts of the Earth at an angle. So this makes the UVB dissipate as it enters. Since it's at an angle entering the Ozone, it has a longer distance to travel to hit the surface than hitting the Ozone dead on (like at the equator.). It's kinda like bouncing an object off a round ball. Hit it dead center and it will return to you. Off center and it'll deflect. I think anyway.


All? No but I read a recent poll taken that the number of people who consider themselves religious and believe the genesis version rather then evolution is growing in this country. Notice I said "rise" in my original note.
