How To Read Critically and Engage More With Books

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this is my guide to critical reading! How do you read more critically, how can you engage more with the stories you read? How do you articulate your opinions on literature in a book review? Whether you like reading fiction or non-fiction, we can learn a lot from books and I hope this video helps you learn how to read deeper (for personal development or just for fun!)

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Hi! My name is Leonie and I am a 22 year old girl who loves talking about books! From YA to non-fiction to classics, I read it all (although fantasy will always be my fave). I live in the Netherlands and go to university, but make booktube videos in my spare time :)

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this was a really helpful video so i made some notes, hope this helps someone!

critical reading is: analysing stories you read. asking why do i like this/why do i not like it?

objectivity vs subjectivity
/impossible to be objective. be aware of your own subjectivity, though, so you can empathise with how different ppl might enjoy different things in books
/what about this book is not for me but could be for other ppl? and vice versa?

goal of the story
/understand what the author is trying to do
/is there a flaw in the book or is there something you personally don't like?

questions to ask yourself
/if i'm not enjoying a book is: what should change to make this book perfect to me? and the answer is your critique of the book... you might not like certain tropes etc
/why do i feel connected/not connected to these characters?
/are the events plausible?
/is the plottwist foreshadowed or did it come out of nowhere?
/am i immersed in the world and why?
/why do i root for/not root for this romance?
/why do i never want to pick up the book again when i put it away/why do i always want to keep reading?
/does the story subvert common tropes?
/what makes me feel excited about the story? does it have any tropes i'm particularly fond of?
/what are my thoughts on the writing style?

tools (being able to actually remember what you read)
/tabs (ie. those coloured sticky strips)
/bullet journal/notebook where you write thoughts about every book that you read
/notetaking app (ie. notion) - if you suddenly have an idea about a book, you can immediately jot it down
/write in your books

/should put emphasis on the meaning has for us. instead of just focusing on story structure and how it is written, take time to focus and think about why a book touches you/why you have a strong aversion to other stories, think about what that book meant to you at a certain point in your life. this helps you "journal" using the books you read

two keys to reading critically
/understand when something is on you or when something is on the book and the writing
/always ask WHY ^


i think it's better to read 15 to 20 books and completely reflect and understand the whole book rather than to read 50+ but you only know the story of it.


Growing up, my parents were constantly making comments during movies and TV shows. I was annoyed by it then but I realize now that it was teaching me to have a critical eye. They would also want to discuss the books I was reading. My mom would corner me and ask me what I was enjoying about it and which characters I liked or disliked. Again, annoying when you're a kid, super helpful later on when you're an adult!

Great video! Thanks for the tips!


Ah! I got a shout out! Thank you so much <3

I loved this video, it was so thoughtful and informative


I loved this video! Especially the point of learning to differentiate between the goal of the story and your personal taste.


I read with respect, knowing how much work goes into a novel, and that does it for me.


I did not know I was reading critically until I watched this. I thought everybody read like that. This is actually interesting.


I enjoyed this video so much. I always loved books and stories and I went to university but I never picked up on the skill of reading critically. I am in my late 20s now and I've decided learning to read in this way will help me become a more observant, focused, and critically thinking individual who is capable of engaging with the world. I'm also not embarrassed to say how I felt about #3 basic questions:

I'm stunned how simple the questions are and I feel surprised that they’re mostly about how I EXPERIENCE the book and that it’s not about HAVING TO EVALUATE the text against a lofty set of standards. Maybe it says something about me how I’m so used to taking my thoughts and feelings out of consideration when it comes to things…

“Excited” “Root for/not root for” “my thoughts” “feel connected/not connected” “want to pick up or put away…” “fond of” I never realized the importance of my own personal feelings and subjectivity to reading. I know my enthusiasm to books stems from my need for comfort (which is a good reason to read) but a lot of times I’ve found myself looking at how others feel about it and decide that somehow that’s how I feel about it too… when you are not confident about what you’re doing, you can totally fall into peer pressure and public opinion like that.

thank you and i look forward to watching more videos (and acknowledging my own feelings and opinions in relation to specific parts and elements of the material from now on)


Yes! Thank you! It's literally impossible for us to be objective. Even some of the things we take for granted as "the way things are done" are that way because someone somewhere decided they liked it that way.


this video is put together so well! I feel like it can be super daunting, the idea of reading critically, but it's often a case of asking yourself more questions while reading. I think you did a fab job of making it seem less overwhelming, and more motivational instead!


I LOVE annotation videos, every one is so personal and makes me think about what works for me


Really love the way you're propelling your channel, Leonie! At the beginning of this year, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with my incapability of critically analyzing and articulating my thoughts and feelings from the books I've been reading - but as I kept going, it came naturally! I'm still anticipating to improve and this video was just perfect timing for me. I'm really looking forward to using your methods, how wonderful of you to share it with us! (:

And yes, I think we would all enjoy an annotating video! Your filming/editing style (and your energy) is just so calming and you're the only Booktuber that doesn't make me feel stressed about how many books I'm getting through. Can't wait to see your next video upload!


I feel sooo validade haha. I've been taking notes of the books for years and everybody always asks why if I'm not posting it anywhere. I was starting to think I was a weirdo haha. Thanks, Leo 😉


This is such a positive video we need these kind of videos in the community more great work leo love it❤ the inner philosopher and psychologist in me was always all ears (*also i like the calming background music to go with the vibe of the video, smart move😏*)


Just what I needed! I've been reading a lot lately and find myself not being able to articulate my thoughts on the book. I immediately feel like I have to read it again or take loads of notes to truly appreciate the piece 💕


for my journal entries I include the date, a full paragraph, and an exact citation with edition and page number - thx, enjoyed the video


Very concise and helpful. Thank you! I realized that when I don’t like a book I spend a lot of time mulling it over in my brain but now I’m thinking I should start writing those thoughts down to organize them better. Also I realized when I really like a book I don’t spend as much time asking myself why but that can be just as helpful as asking why I didn’t like something.


Thank you for sharing this! As a returning reader (I stopped reading for a year, a YEAR) I find this very useful now in my new reading journey. I think I simply read books before and ultimately just after finishing the book I forget about the story. I want to thank you again for this video as it will help me in 2021 to read more intuitively and with more intention. Love this so so much.💛


Love your points on what in a book that doesn’t work for you that might work for someone else!! Also yesss I like to look at books within the contexts of the genre they’re in and age category - not fair to hold romance books to the same standards as fantasy for example. I would add for questions: “if I’m not enjoying this story, what kind of reader can I see liking this story (ex. Someone who reads for escapism, someone who reads for character development, etc.) ?” which kind of goes off your point of trying to find elements in books that suit certain kinds of readers. I think that’s why I’ve always loved your reviews and wrap ups because you’re always so articulate about what you like and didn’t like in books and why, while still being mindful that others may enjoy those elements ☺️


Such an important skill! I think you’re right that a lot of people think that it’s ‘beyond them’ intellectually without giving it a real try. And yeah, you can learn a lot about writing by just asking “why?” something worked, didn’t work, or landed a certain way in a story. Nice video 👍
