Orthodox Christian Questions Muslim About Violence In The Quran! Muhammed Ali

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00:00 - Orthodox Christian joins
00:34 - Establishment of the 'Church'
03:49 - Nature of Jesus
11:29 - Violence In The Quran?
27:46 - Struggling to Submit
29:29 - Evidences for Christianity
34:44 - Evidences for Islam
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I’m a new revert of around 8-9 months that grew up in a Christian family and about a week ago my mother took her Shahada and accepted Islam! ❤️ MashAllah! I did my best to show her the truth and made dua for Allah to guide her. Subhanallah☝🏼Allah truly guides who He wills. Also I cannot forget to add my wife reverted the same day I did!! Alhamdulillah ❤️ no words can explain my thanks for Allah, only He truly knows what my heart holds.


I have a friend named Jason Loreza Ballesteros, please maake dua for him to understand and accept Islam. Thank you ❤


Alhamdulilah! May Allah guide this sister upon the straight path.


"Miracles" dont always suggest the person is truthful. The Dajjal will have what can be understood to be "miracles", and he will lead many to Hell. So, the message of Islam is more important than any "miracle."


Salam aleykum Mohamed I hope you can do live every night because our iman increase so much not only for no Muslim benefit even us. We ask God to increase your knowledge and give you wisdom ameen


May the Creator Guide You sister to Islam and then may he cause everyone you know to find Islam and then may we all meet in Jannat (Paradise)



"it sounds good when put in context"


Masyaallah its reallu rare to see normal christian who able to think and reason, and be logical


There was a Muhammad Ali of boxing (Rahimahullah), now there’s a Muhammad Ali of da’awah (Barakallah) 🫡


I left islam at 17, mainly because the Muslims I was around did not conduct themselves with Adab and Akhlaq so I just assumed Muslims were vulgar and horrible people.
I understood some basics of the religion like someone who has been around Muslims but I never went into much depth. I was terrible at reading the Quran in Arabic so it made me feel stupid, and I was told I had to read it in Arabic or it wouldn't be accepted. So I never read a translation and what I saw of Muslims wasn't good.

I then went to learn about many different religons from Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Spiritualism, Buddhism, Shamanism, Zorastrian, Baha'i, and Atheism. I particularly looked into different sects of Christianity (where I definitely didn't get answers) but every church I went to there was always "An Ex-Muslim" that I "Simply had to talk to!" and when I did they would tell me things I knew were not true, "Islam is all about hatred and violence, and conquest. Jesus is all about love, Jesus is love."
I clearly knew these people had either never been a Muslim or knew close to nothing about Islam. So I would be like, woah woah woah, like maybe I didn't like Muslims because of the conduct I saw but I knew that violence and hatred wasn't encouraged. It didn't sound like the little I knew about Islam.

Subhanallah, I wish I had just read a translation of the Qur'an and done as much research into Islam.

Alhamdulillah, Allah laid this journey down in my path and I came back to the fold of Islam.

I am so ashamed to say I was the worst of the worst of Kafir. I became strongly Atheistic, resenting Islam even though I didn't understand it. I would use false logic to shake the faith of Muslims who were unknowledgeable and had weak Eman. Eventually pushing them away from Islam Astagfirallah.

Strangely, after talking to a French Catholic girl that I was on a date with, she talked to me about faith, and I told her my opinions on it. But she calmly told me why it was beautiful. This annoyed me so I wanted to show her the holes in her religion, so I went and researched and a thought came to me that I should do this with Islam as well.

Where modern Christianity had its flaws, islam did not, it actually had answers to my questions. And when I heard the recitation it stirred something in my heart. But I refused to let emotions get in the way, I went to Imams and Muslims with my bullet proof questions, and to my surprise, answer after answer, and logical steps to understanding.

I decided to try praying just to see how it was. Then one morning, when I woke up, it was like something had completely changed and clicked in my mind, Islam was the truth, it felt right, and made sense. And just in my bed I took my shahada, I didn't tell anyone for months, but alhamdulillah I found my way back to the beauty of Islam.

Islam is truly the only religion where if you need evidence it can be found and it isn't tied up in some level of mysticism or quasi-knowledge, substance abuse, myths, or having the uncertainty of "we don't know but eventually science can prove/disprove all things".

Genuinely it is such a beautifully balanced religion with objective morals and something that is a guide for life. I'm trying now to guide people to Islam and your channel is one of the place I refer people to and the Sahih International translation of the Qur'an, and the book Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings which is a great introduction to the message of Islam.
Additional book recommendation is The Sealed Nectar by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri

Jazakallah Khair

Edit: I just want to add, that I was a completely hopeless case. I was a Kafir. I turned people away from their deen. Astaghfirallah. Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa illam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lanakoonanna min al-khasireen.
I am so ashamed I pray for forgiveness for us all and that all are guided to Islam.

But in the end I came around. And if I can embrace Islam, don't lose hope in people. Especially people you know Brothers and Sisters, make dua for them in all your prayers. Dua that you and your brothers and sisters in Islam are strengthened in their Eman, represent islam with excellent Adab and Akhlaq.
Pray that the non-muslims who are travelling through a dark ocean of ignorance find the lighthouse of Islam, in every prayer.
Make sure you and your family understand the beauty of the message from the prophet Muhammed (SAW) and know it well enough to transmit the message to the non-muslims in a beautiful way. This is your duty as a Muslim. Encourage the first read of the Qur'an someone does to be in their mother tongue. Understanding is important. And conduct yourself as if you are always being watched, because you are, you are under the scrutiny of society constantly but more importantly, the mercy of Allah. So conduct yourself beautifully with Eman, Akhlaq, and Adab. It is really easy, just keep asking yourself, how would the prophet (SAW) and the Sahaba do this?
Inshallah these dua will be answered.
The most hopeless person can be forgiven by the mercy of Allah, so long as they die after saying "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadur Rasul Allah." Inshallah ameen


Your upload rate is beautiful thank you for spreading Islam correctly.
May Allah grant us all jannat al firdous


Brother Muhammad Ali may Allah grant you the highest level of paradise. Mashalaah.


Islam is the only faith that can give you peace of mind, body and soul. Islam is intellectually satisfying, spiritually fulfilling and practically applicable.


May Allah guide her to this beautiful religion


This sister accepted Islam 2 weeks later.. we pray to Allah to make her firm in her faith especially with all the difficulties she's facing with her family...


She seems so genuine you can tell she’s have doubts for longtime but she needed a little light and push from someone like brother Mohamed.


Sense I reverted to Islam my knowledge have expanded so much.


She is a nice lady ❤
May Allah guide her to the truth


I converted to Islam in 1994 in prison, whilst suffering from schizophrenia. When I embraced Islam the illness was removed and replaced by love and peace through constant zikr
