LeetCode Explained - Squares of a Sorted Array [Easy]

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Getting ready for your next interview? Coding challenges got you frustrated? LeetCode Explained will help you understand all the popular coding interview questions! First we begin by deconstructing the problem into a statement we are able to understand easily.
This problem primarily tests your knowledge on arrays in the programming language of your choice. Even though this video is in Java, the solution will definitely transfer to all programming languages including: Python, C++, C#, Javascript, etc.
Then after that we start by writing it out just like how we would on a whiteboard. Next, after we come up with a written solution we begin coding. Throughout coding each step gets explained so you don't get confused.
Check out the problem here:
Tags: Java, learning to code, leetcode, algorithms, coding interview, coding challenge, programming, learning java, hard programming question, hacker rank, software engineer, software engineering, day in the life of a software engineer, how to code, median, arrays, binary search
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