Streaming Tips

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I read this as "Screaming Tips" at first and was ready for a wild ride


A few more:
0) Stream quality. Make sure it looks and sounds fine.
1) Don't just jump into most popular category, less popular category is better for small streamers.
2) Have at least few friends watching you. GL getting of ground with 1-2 views.
3) If you can piggyback of bigger streamer - do it after you get comfortable with streaming
4) Get viewers from outside platform. VODs, shorts, clips, guides etc help a lot.
5) Moderate your community or they will scare off new members.


That’s true, I used to stream for about 2 years during lockdown and the only times I was I was successful (gaining 200-300 followers a month with stable consecutive viewers and subs) was when I had 3 dedicated streaming days a week with stream durations from 3 to 6 hours. Twitch actually starts promoting you after a couple of weeks of doing that but will stop as soon as you can’t keep up anymore.


Schedule: So viewers can adapt to their own schedule.
3 days: So viewers won't feel left out for missing a stream.
4hours: So viewers have time to gather.


I just got hooked on to your shorts and every one is like a level up for my brain. Thank you.


Thor I'm not sure you'll see this, but I took this advice to heart. I took the plunge on streaming shortly after seeing this the first time.

It's been about two months but I already have 3-4 regular viewers, and am now averaging about 5 viewers a stream. I've already hit affiliate, and I don't think I would have done so that quickly without these tips.

I'm not necessarily in it to make money, I've fallen in love with the social aspect of streaming. Getting to share in games and asking for help from relative experts (chat) when needed. It's been an amazing outlet for me.

Thank you for all the boundless wisdom you just have and share freely on here.


The only thing that I would add to this is to make short-form content to push your first couple of streams hard before going to 3 times a week. Other than that he is spot on!


I don’t normally like yt shorts, but I gotta give credit where it’s really due. Bro hasn’t missed once.


As a small streamer I always enjoy your tips on these things because it encourages me a lot to keep doing it :D


To me there are 3 pillars of content creation that people need to understand if they want to be good at it.

1.) You have to have some kind of skill or knowledge base that makes you interesting. Even if it's just that you are funny, having something that makes people interested in you is super important. We see to many people who just play video games casually on steam and then they disappear into the ether of the internet because no one cares if you are just mediocre at Fortnite or whatever.

2.) Consistency. Like this short is talking about, you have to show up on the same days at the same times and stream for a consistent amount of hours. Even with youtube, having a consistent schedule of when you put videos out can help immensely.

3.) Actually having enough people skills to engage with your community and foster its growth. This means not only talking and responding to chat, but also moderating your community so you don't end up just having a cesspool of a community that no one new wants to enter.

I think if you can get all the of these things down almost anyone can make at least a semi successful career out of content creation.


it's also important for people to recognize if they want to be a successful streamer, or just do it for fun as a hobby and not grow. Growing as a streamer comes with a lot of stress and work to keep up with a growing community. That's not for everyone so it's important to be intentional about that.


This man writes with a mouse better than most people with a pen 👏🏼👏🏼 I salute you haha


You are one of my favorite people on the internet. You are intelligent, have major experience, and are willing to share your perspective to help others grow. That’s legendary status in my book. Keep doing you! I’ve been streaming for 2-3 years now and all of your advice rings true. Just got a mechanic job and still find time to gather with the community in order to have fun and share creative space. Thank you for the advice; all of it has been helpful.


Kind of reminds me of webcomics back in the day. The ones who tended to succeed and develop a dedicated fandom were the ones that updated at least three times a week at the same time. They didn’t always have the most polished art or the most groundbreaking stories, but they had passion behind them and they updated regularly.

On the flip side I also saw webcomics that had the most gorgeous art or the most intriguing storylines, but they failed to gain traction because they updated sporadically and nobody ever knew if or when they updated.

Consistency really is one of THE biggest keys to success in online entertainment


This is wonderful, thank you Thor. I needed this. I havent streamed in forever and keep giving it up, but seeing this helps out. You're amazing dude


thanks man, your stuff motivated me to actually finally make a stream schedule so thanks


Btw I freaking love your content. Your shorts are just never long enough, I want them to go longer lol 😂 it's so refreshing to hear a dev who cares about players and the game, not just his paycheck. Don't get me wrong, devs deserve their money, but it's nice to see someone trying to better the community and not just leach off of it. Thanks for being a positive shining light


I managed those three points once. Working full time in retail makes two of those difficult at best, so I gave up.
Honestly, seeing this boiled down in this format made me realise that I absolutely could do that. I just need to buckle down and commit. I'mana do that.


I wish the streaming community had more people like this guy


This has been big for me. My subject is a bit niche (sim racing) so I didn’t expect to be huge over night or anything, but I’m seeing steady growth and I’ve reached the first level of YouTube partner as well as I’m a Twitch affiliate or whatever it’s called when you can have Twitch subs and stuff. Thank you for this information and also just what you do in general. You’re kind, entertaining, smart, helpful, motivating and so much more. I’m glad you exist and I hope you’re doing well
