DALAI LAMA: Why Buddhism Will Never Be the Same?

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How the Dalai Lama Changed Buddhism?

Discover the extraordinary journey of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, as he transforms from a young boy in a Tibetan village to a global icon of peace and compassion.

Brace yourself for a mind-bending journey that'll shake up everything you thought you knew about spirituality and global influence. #DalaiLamaUnplugged

This isn't your average bio – it's a wild ride from the peaks of Tibet to the world stage, packed with "wait, what?" moments and "I never knew that!" revelations. #BuddhistBadass #CompassionRevolution

Ever wondered how a "simple monk" became a rock star of peace? Get ready to dive into a story so gripping, you'll forget you're learning something. #WisdomDrops #GlobalGameChanger

Warning: Side effects may include sudden urges to change the world, uncontrollable bouts of empathy, and a serious case of expanded consciousness. #MindBlown #wakeupcall

From political intrigue to scientific breakthroughs, this video's got it all. It's like House of Cards meets Cosmos, but with more meditation. #SpiritualThrillerRide #EnlightenmentUnleashed

Buckle up for a journey that'll make you laugh, think, and maybe even levitate (results may vary). Your worldview is about to get a serious upgrade! #ConsciousnessLevelUp #InnerPeaceOuterImpact

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00:00 - Introduction
01:46 - The Origin of the Dalai Lama
04:20 - Guardian of Compassion: The Dalai Lama’s Sacred Role
06:46 - From Humble Beginnings to Spiritual Leadership
09:43 - Exile and Emergence: How the Dalai Lama Became a Global Icon
12:23 - Bridging East and West
15:09 - A Beacon of Unity: The Dalai Lama's Global Impact
18:21 - Impact on Buddhism: The Dalai Lama's Modern Legacy
21:53 - The Dalai Lama Through Different Lenses
25:25 - Challenges and Future
28:59 - Conclusion
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What’s the most inspiring lesson you’ve learned from the Dalai Lama? Share your thoughts and let’s start a meaningful conversation below. 🙏


For a moment I thought we had lost him! We’re so blessed to have him in our world


Thank you so much for this very beautiful made video of H.H. the 14. Dalai Lama. He is my rood Guru since ever and for me, my live inspiration, as he lives Peace and Harmonie in himself, then talking about only. H.H. you donates your whole life for World peace and for Tibet issue. May your teaching and spirit spread eons of time in this Univers and bring peace in all sentences being
Long live H.H. the 14. Dalai Lama


🙏🙏🙏 I watched this video with interest on this September 2024 New Moon Day. Many blessings to the Dalai Lama for all the noble work he has undertaken in his present incarnation. Love, peace, goodwill and compassion to all sentient beings on this auspicious day.


My religion is kindness ❤️.... Hope there is no more war against different religions in this world ....we are one ----humanity...


Long live the Dalai Lama. Free Tibet. May peace and bell of freedom ring everywhere.


B E A U T I F U L. . . . lovely. The Dalai Lama is my rolemodel of practicing the dharma in my professional work as gardener & mother
im very content with that input 40 jrs ago.. . .
My kids learned kindness & compassion. . . .
Hare Hare to the Dalai Lama the most loving & kind tactfull person ever (except the buddha offcours!) ha ha ha (no defence please!)
His Holynes Thank jou very very much. . .
there i so much beautiful trad Tibettan buddhist knowlidges in charge of real Lamas of the tradition abailable in englisch translate. . .
jou can start learning to get a hold on jour life TODAY!

lets Free Tibet.
ole ole I go for that. . . .


Such an insightful video! The Dalai Lama's influence on Buddhism has truly been transformative, bridging ancient teachings with the modern world. It's fascinating to see how his approach continues to evolve, ensuring that Buddhism remains relevant and accessible to people from all walks of life. Thank you for shedding light on how these changes are shaping the future of Buddhism. 🙏


Long live his holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama


I will pray to the world communities to pressurized the Chines Government to announce Tibet as an independent country. H.H Dalai Lama is the true Ambassador of Love and Progress.


This man is no ordinary . His destiny is to free us from suffering and the causes of suffering . His profound courage and wisdom is for all to see, feel and follow. His way is the way of the compassionate master . We have no choice but be kind all the time .


Long live his holiness the Dalai Lama for teaching BODHISATVA ( Compassion) and SHUNYTA ( pure transcendent ) for all living beings happiness ☸️🪔🪷🙏🏻


My most inspiring lesson i learnt from the Dalai lama..is his tolerance, patience, & his compassion ❤
His courage to carry on .
He lost his country, & was driven into exile.but he carry on with his teachings.. he as been one of my most inspiring Buddhist teachers..❤🙏❤️

Thank you Peter for making this video...most interesting & inspiring ❤


Long live his holiness Dalai Lama 🙏🏻🙏🏻


If you can't help then at least refrain yourself from harming ..
Dalai lama


Interesting Story and Great Input - For Humanity …..Peace and Love ……🌞


I think it’s amazing that the. Dalai. Lama. Is. Already enlightened and is here to help others. His life is for others. What a role and position for a young boy. He is peace and love. Thank you for sharing.❤️❤️


☀️🌻🙏🏼🙏🏼Compassion is what he had practiced and what he has become and now it needs to be followed. May all beings enjoy restful mind!!🙏🏼🙏🏼☀️🌻


But the ccp government afraid of this simple Buddhist monk called HH the 14th Dalai Lama .. he even doesn’t have his own bank account. May he live long and healthy and guide us until we animals reach nirvana 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


'He knew before he learned kindness for all.' So, Hello Dalai yes Hello Dalai it's so nice to have you back where you belong!✌🏼🕺🏼
