Why You Don't Enjoy Gaming Anymore (and how to fix it!)

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I've seen a lot of youtube videos like "Video games aren't fun anymore". It seems to be a trend that more and more gamers are finding it difficult to enjoy gaming as much as they used to. So I wanted to come at it from a more positive perspective; gaming can be and is still as fun as it used to be. I hope I'm able to help you enjoy gaming as much as you used to.

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I stopped reading reviews for games. It really helped me enjoy games more.
I decide what I like and what I don't. Basing our enjoyment on reviews, makes us influenced by the preferences of others, often forgeting what we truly like


I feel like the biggest part is that I feel like playing the game wastes my precious free time (even though I often binge Videos otherwise). As a kid / student I had so much more time to kill, and so much less to worry about. But many of your points add to it too.


This is definitely something that resonates with me on so many levels. Thanks for the advice! Great video as always!


backlog and FOMO(Fear of missing out) goes hand on hand and thats what worries me as if there is not much time for me to finish all the great games in this Life. wish we couldve lived 500+ years


*This is the main side effect of having a large collection, for me. You play a game and subconsciously you want to beat it and get through it just to play the next game. This is why I tend to complete side quests before beating the main story, because if I beat the main quest first, I'll feel like the game is done already.*

*But I'm learning to control that bad habit, lol. I've got a PS3, PS4 and PS5 so I've learned to curate that by going back and forth between games on each of those consoles.*


There was something that happened to me after Devil May Cry 5 came out where I just felt like I finally experienced the best this medium has to offer. It may be surprising to read that if you've never played DMC or delved deep into its mechanics but the feeling those games provided me after (somewhat) mastering them is like nothing else I've ever experienced from a game, so I struggled to enjoy or beat anything after that. But then I revisted RE4 after ten years and had a blast with it, and played the RE1 Remake for the first time ever and it's become my all time favourite game. So I realised: I hate handholding and I have no patience for games that take four hours to get going or games that force you to walk just so you can marvel at the story. So many games today do these things. Give me a _game, _ one with fun mechanics or interesting level design, things that are unique to this medium.


This is all great advice. I would also recommend examining other things you enjoy. If you've lost interest in those, too, it might be depression. I used to rush home after work, log in to an MMO, and play until _way_ too late. I'd get maybe five hours of sleep, be exhausted at work all day, and rush home just to do it again. I realized all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed after work. I didn't want to play games, draw, play guitar, write, or spend time with anyone. I noticed the lack of interest in video games first. The rest quickly followed. If this resonates with you, talk to someone that can diagnose depression. Don't let it get as bad as I did before you try to find some help with it. I got help for my depression and, while I'm not back to the all-nighters because that isn't healthy either, I am back to enjoying everything again.


Too many times have I decided to install a game because I remembered playing it once and the great experience I had with it, only to never even load the game, to promptly uninstall it because I "just wasn't feeling it anymore." Too many choices leaves you with that sense of "I'll get around to it" but not ever getting around to it. This kept happening until I uninstalled all but 2-3 games I KNEW I was going to play. Same goes with my music. Once I had over 10, 000 songs in my collection, and you guessed it, I stopped listening to music too.
Minimize and then optimize!


Bayonetta 3 brought back the old feelings I had when I was younger. It was such a fun surprise and I'm taking my sweet time exploring everything in the game. I still haven't beaten it cause I'm having too much of a good time playing it. I had the same feeling with Subnautica too a couple years ago.


I think what almost killed gaming for many of us, myself included, was when we finally became old enough to make our own money; buying so many games simply because I saw them on discount, most of which I have barely touched, because I'm overwhelmed by my options now.


Your video is completly underrated. Very well editing and powerful message too!
My strategy is to just play 3 games for each console/system (I currenyly have 3DS, phone and PC). And delet or hide ALL the other backlog of games until you finish at least one of the 3 games you selected.


I would I also like to add that playing a certain genre you start noticing all the mechanics of each game and when you start playing the newest title in the genre it really does feel like your just playing the last game but with better graphics.
You need to challenge yourself so play something completely different to spark your brains creative side.


Amazing video. Hit the nail on the head!! I think all the reviews, hype and content out there gets me more excited than the game and feel I have to finish as others have finished... I miss the enjoyment😢


Ooh. This that's what holding me back. I'm too busy trying to play different games instead of just focusing on playing one.


I figured out that I just simply don't like new games.
I re-discover SNES or PS1 rpg's and play thru one of them every 6-18 months or so.
I try to beat them using my own rules/restrictions & that's entertained me for over 20 years!


I feel like I’ve gone from only enjoying a game because the gameplay is fun to I really enjoy the stories. So I csnt ever pick what I want to play because if it’s not a story game I just feel like I’m not making progress anywhere


Well I agree with you. It's not what it use to be anymore but still if you lost that feeling as you say don't rush the game just take your time and play and enjoy what it ass to offer and the hidden secrets in the game


Good video and valid points. I think another reason gaming isn’t as enjoyable is that there has been a shift to FPS as opposed to simulation or arcade style games. I’m currently playing Spider-Man and have to constantly look up how to make him jump, fight, run, shoot, etc. It’s a muscle memory exercise that’s frustrating and in each new game that comes out. Sometimes I just want to jump into my simulated X-wing and shoot stuff. That’s it. And that’s what gaming used to be.


Oh wow. You hit the mark. Nice video message for all of us gamers.


Actually, I found out why video games just weren't fun for me anymore. It was a simple mistake, despite what the video says it is. You see, I was just playing Nintendo games! Once I fixed that issue and stopped playing them, I was having a blast just like old times!