Researchers debate why orcas are attacking and sinking boats

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Scientists and researchers are looking at a string of incidents reported after orcas appeared to attack and sink sailing vessels. Biologist and wildlife conservationist Jeff Corwin theorized these attacks are due to "rambunctious" or "playful behavior" or the animal could be coping after "a traumatic event."

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Something to pay very close attention to is the fact that the orcas are NOT physically harming humans. They are damaging one kind of boat, and only that kind. Gladys probably has a pretty legitimate reason for her anger. Those creatures need to NOT be messed with.


Let’s not forget about the Whale named “Moon” who was hit by a boat in 2021 and is actively traveling with a broken spine. Don’t think she ain’t telling all the others her story.
This is a clear protest. I love it. ❤️💯


I think the Orcas might have realized that when boats enter their hunting grounds they get less food, so they might now associate boats with a potential threat to their survival and might be attacking them because of it. After all Orcas are some of the most intelligent mammals on Earth ( though the same can be said about dolphins and whales in general):


It's only "weird" and "bizarre" if you think animals don't think, plan, and have memories and emotions.


To be honest, I'm surprised that they didn't do it sooner for the way we behave.


This is a defense, not an attack. You're in their home. Leave them alone.


These are extremely intelligent creatures. That's a fact.

If they are attacking boats, It's because someone in a boat, did something to aggrivate them.

Human beings are damaging the oceans for decades with garbage, sound, and extremely uncaring navigation practices.

How can anyone be surprised, knowing these facts, that humans are not sharing the planet in a caring way.

These are the last combative attempts by a species we hardly know.

Sad, horrible humanity at its worse, destroying another species and quizzical at their rebellious departure from existence.


I think this is example of how much we still have to learn about the ocean and it’s inhabitants, and incorporate more thoughtful behaviors when entering their habitat. 🐋


Reminds me of what used to happen with grey whales in Baja California. In the days of Mexican whalers, humans hunted the whales, and the local grey whales ferociously attacked and destroyed so many boats they were known as "devil fish". It wasn't until the 1970s - some 25 years after whaling in the region was finally banned - that the whales calmed down and began interacting with humans in a consistently friendly manner from then on.
So maybe some boat recently injured a baby orca off Spain and that's what has prompted them to start up these attacks.


Hmmmm just such a mystery….. maybe just maybe it has something to do with us absolutely destroying and poisoning their habitat. That might have something to do with it👍


I agree that this behavior is likely motivated by a shared traumatic event. Or, I wonder, if scientists have taken a closer look at the engines in these boats and if they are emanating a sound or frequency that could be interpreted as hostile by the whales.


And yet after sinking all those boats not one human was injured by an Orca. It's absolutely amazing that to this this day not one human has ever been attacked by a Killer Whale in the wild in recorded of course when they're taking away from their families and held captive to act as a dancing monkey for yucks and bucks. Whales/Dolphins are amazing creatures and should be respected as such.


I remember watching "Black Fish" that showed Orcas strategically planning their getaway when being chased by large fishing boats. The female took the calves one way, while the males diverted the boats. Very intelligent. As close knit as they are, its not hard to understand they are on the defense due to harm and capture. What's even more interesting is they have humans figured out before we really know what's going on with them, as with many animals, and we study them with sophisticated means, they study us through observation only.


Remember that video with the newly weds that had Orcas chasing the boat like that? I think it was the first video to capture this behaviour. I knew it was signs of aggression but everyone in the comments were going 'awww their happy and celebrating for them!' Orcas chasing a boat like that, to me, is showing their braveness and exposing themselves, their speed, size, power to us. Charging us to leave. I wish we would give them their right to have a natural life


Is it not obvious that when you are chased out of a place, you aren't welcome?


I believe the traumatic event is limited food. These orcas probably understand that these ships are taking food from their territory. Sea mammals level of intelligence is amazing and not to be underestimated.


Orcas are incredibly intelligent creatures. I would theorize that either several boats accidentally struck orcas, or were actually hunting orcas and now they are retaliating. The other possibility is competition for food. I would look to see if there was overfishing in the area where the attacks occurred.


The fact there are such low numbers of this specific whale and why its happening its beyond sad and a warning to what is to come if all of us humans refuse to change


If we kept hunting and ruining an environment, should we expect the animals of that area to never learn that we're the enemy?


If you did a little research, literally anyone at the NBC, you’d see that this’s been going on for a while, and it ties back to local fishermen and local orcas (of which there are several dozen) fighting over fish. Supposedly the fishermen went after the orcas for ruining their nets, and they think they MAY have injured (or killed) a calf, and since then they’ve been attacking civilian boats.
