Corporate Bankruptcies are just not stopping

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In this comprehensive analysis, we tackle the severe economic downturn of 2024, marked by an unprecedented wave of layoffs and a surge in bankruptcy filings among major companies like Big Lots and Red Lobster. We dive deep into the factors contributing to these economic woes, including decreased consumer spending and poor financial management. Additionally, we explore the infamous Chase money glitch, explaining how desperate times have led to drastic measures, with people resorting to scams like check fraud to stay afloat. Join us as we uncover the dark side of the current economic crisis and discuss what it might mean for the future.

🔍 Key Points Covered:

Overview of the major bankruptcies and layoffs sweeping across various industries, detailing companies and the reasons behind their financial struggles.
In-depth analysis of the Chase money glitch, including how it worked and the legal repercussions for those involved.
Discussion on the broader economic impact, including how these events are affecting everyday Americans and their financial decisions.
Strategies for financial survival in tough economic times, offering advice on avoiding financial pitfalls and scams.
🚀 Why Watch?

Gain a clear understanding of the current economic crisis and its effects on both the corporate and personal finance levels.
Learn about the risks and consequences of engaging in financial scams during economic downturns.
Discover practical tips for managing finances and staying informed to make better economic decisions during unstable times.
💬 Join the Conversation: How has the economic downturn affected you or your community? Have you noticed a change in consumer behavior or an increase in financial scams? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

👉 Subscribe for more detailed economic breakdowns, real-time updates on the financial market, and expert advice on navigating economic challenges.

#EconomicCrisis2024 #FinancialScams #ChaseMoneyGlitch #BankruptcyWave #Layoffs2024
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As someone who posted a job available 5 months ago, I received over 2000 applicants in a week. Typically I would get 50-75. Things are not good. This is not normal.


The economy is great if you are a politician or upper management in any major corporation. For the rest of the people, not so much.


A few days ago, I went shopping for groceries, and I saw a lot of shoplifting. People putting an item in their cart, and putting another item in their purse or jacket. Buy one and take one without paying for it. I don't think a lot of people feel shame in doing lawless things like this.


Out of the 4 people who got cut from my Team last October (2023), only 1 has a low-paying job and the other 3 are still looking. It is definitely brutal out there! If you have a Job, you are one of the lucky ones right now.


I don’t follow the day to day business news like I used to but it makes me curious about the debt the companies are carrying.

If they’ve ever had a leveraged buyout, the people that do the buyouts are vampires since they buy the company with debt, then dump the debt onto the acquired company. Next they sell the business for a huge profit leaving the original company with crippling debt that usually ends up destroying the business.

Bad management or declining sales could be the cause.

I remember watching an article during the darkest days of Covid about a resort chain in Orlando. The owner was an older man who started the business & was the sole owner. The resort was stunning. He wasn’t worried about his company at all & was still paying the full staff even though they had no business. He said that THE reason he wasn’t worried was that the company had ZERO debt & healthy savings!


A living wage, a nice house, some kids and a dog. Doesn't sound like too much to ask for. Yet we can't seem to swing any of it with the cost of everything.


To paraphrase a George Carlin video. “ they dont care about you, at all!…at all!…at all!


This happened to me about 10 years ago, i check my account and it said i had couple of millions in there. I knew it was a mistake on their end. I logged out and logged in again, of course it was all gone😢


"The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves, and is not even a system at all. But rather an international criminal syndicate."- Eustace Mullins.


I'm surprised Starbucks hasn't filed. Over extended, way over priced averafe coffee. Time will tell. Good video, Mr. R as usual.


I can’t believe Big Lots survived this long. I been in the Midwest my entire life and it’s best days were early 90’s


I have concluded that bankruptcy is a planned business exit strategy. I have bought big brands and restructured management to flat hierarchy, revitalized business verticals. If you're one of the companies approach me for better weather.


Watched the movies Margin Call, The Big Short and Too Big To Fail over the weekend. Highly recommend everyone watches those. History is repeating itself.


There is the owner class and the owned class. The owner class isn't just millionaires. It's also mom and pop who expect a return on their 401k or IRA investments.


Rico. Very informative vids. Much thanks for your efforts


Six figure trucks are not selling, layoffs, retail coming up short on sales. I shop at Goodwill and Big Lots for some things and have for a long time.


Auto repos thru the roof, commercial RE is done, consumer CC debt over $1 trillion, record home owner and car insurance increases, food still high, we could go on but the delusional still think denial is a river in Egypt and until, they feel the pain, they will never believe it. Stay safe and strong and be prepared.


Where I live the stores closing in “troubled areas” are flocking here!
I know eventually those “troubles” will be here too.
By that time I’ll be too old for it to matter.


"Politics is now and always has been just the clever and deceptive art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism, and fear-mongering in order to dupe average people like you and me into accepting and demanding the chains of our own enslavement."- Larken Rose. The Dangerous Superstition.

"Politics is the entertainment division of the Military Industrial Complex."- Frank Zappa.


The most layoffs are happening in the tech industry. it is essentially the market correcting its self many of these companies over hired dramatically to meet the influx of millions of americans suddenly stay at home. you are seeing the derailment caused by stopping the world economy.
