DEBUNKING Ukraine Lies: Russian Military STRONGER THAN EVER

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Saagar debunks the latest lies from Ukraine on the state of the war and how they're headed for a strategic defeat in the war against Russia.

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Lol, Sagar thinks the UK military is still powerful.


Russia lost 20 million people in 2nd world war and never quit.


"Not on par with forces from the the UK..." You gotta be kidding. The UK is not on a par with what Ukraine was, let alone Russia.


Officially speaking, russian now has a military with 2 years of battle experience.


The source for the figures of Russian losses in personnel and materiel was anonymous. I wouldn't trust those figures or the source or for that matter the news outlet on any of this report.


Does anyone really believe they have lost 300, 000 troops?


"300 thousand" Yeah right lmao


I'd say Russia is definitely getting stronger because of this war, they're getting experience in troops, logistics, war time economics against a modern enemy, testing their production capabilities, strengthen their relationships with nations across the world.

While the west is depleting their ammunitions, gaining no war time experience against a MODERN enemy, and their alliance resolve is completely embarrassing, no one but nato and the US support ukraine fully. This should make everyone second guess who they would support in a world ward


Lmao I remember when Krystal was lying about Ukraine winning like everyday hahahahah #freesaagar


It's funny how he says Russia doesn't care about the loss of human life, as if we did.


I don't understand where the amount of 300, 000 comes from !
Mediazona count today of Russian casualties in Ukraine is 38261 KIA ....
I see all these Americans talking about the Russians as if they know or understand the East,
all they manage to show is how ignorant and arrogant they are !


But those 300k are not based on hard facts. They are an estimate and an estimate based off of Ukraine and their version of reality.


It is crazy how we tend to think other cultures think like us, are we that dumb, out of touch?


If they arent already drafting men over 40, how is the average age 43?


If Russia has lost 300k men how many men Ukraine has lost?


Russia is not the Soviet Union. You realize that Bangladesh has a larger population than Russia does?


Saagar starts up by saying the mainstream press laps up the pentagon numbers about 300k russian death. Then in the same monologue uses the same numbers in his presentation

Which is it Saagar? Is the numbers accurate or not?


this is not how this works at all. Russia's economy is not stronger because they converted their entire industrial capacity to military production. They are paying for it. America's economy was rejuvenated by WWII bc we spent the war selling arms to the Europeans while incurring no damage to our homeland. The Russian's are just racking up debt while losing a considerable portion of their prime age population and existing military armaments which they are now forced to source from North Korea and Iran (hardly cutting edge tech). Ukraine is in trouble, there is no doubt. Especially with Trump ahead in the polls. But the idea Russia is stronger today than it was... is a bit silly. Inflation is 8%. They are currently in a technical recession with Real GDP at -2.1%. Which is pretty bad. During the Great Recession of 2008 US Real GDP was about -2.5%. As you pointed out they have diverted most other productive activity to military production. While they are now selling their oil above the price cap we ineffectively attempted to impose the oil market as a whole is weaker as global manufacturing is suffering, winters have been warm and US/non-OPEC+ production is hitting records. Oil was trading at $120/bbl last year and is now around $70/bbl. to my recollection their breakeven is around $40/bbl so they are still making money but a lot less while they are spending a lot to fund the war. The Russian Ruble began the war at 75 to the USD and is now around 90 despite the Russian central banks attempts to support it with what reserves they have left. Meanwhile NATO... has going on two new members essentially consolidating the entirety of Europe which is not at all what Putin wanted. Again, Ukraine is in trouble and the West is definitely getting fed up with the amount of money the are asking for given Europe is currently in a recession and the US (though currently showing good GDP growth) has a murky outlook for 2024. Politically it will be tough to keep average people not directly affected on board with tax dollars going abroad. But the idea that Russia has not suffered immensely for a few square miles of territory in the Donbas is... incorrect.


"Russia went from a country that in 2020 produced only 30 tanks to one that this year has delivered 2200 the exact number that they lost since the beginning of the Ukraine Invasion." Isnt it great when totalitarian regimes come up with numbers that fit the narrative to the comma. Also 70% of those tanks, whatever the actual number is, are refurbished museum pieces, a method that Saagar decries a few sentences later when the Brits do it.

"the West can do any about about it as for oil they are selling it at high prices to Nations who don't agree with the Western boycott"

Ural Oil is selling today for 56USD/Barrel, that is not a lot above their production cost, which was around 42 USD a few years ago. Russia also gets Rupee and Yuan for that oil, which in the case of the Rupees is just sitting there not being very useful. Which is why Russias foreign capital reserves are growing, because they cant do anything with it.

As for the rest: Saagar explicitly describes a nation running a war economy. Russia is creating MASSIVE problems and misalignments in its economy. Interest rates of 16%, banks are prohibited to call in debt of people serving, Companies are forced to buy Rubles, no capital is investing in Russia.... Even if you look at the tactical sparse data released by the Russian finance ministry things are looking pretty bad. Just google it it is freely available. From the outside it seems that Russia has about 1/3 less revenue and 1/3 higher costs since the war. Saagar even ADMITS to parts of it when he says "they have now dedicated 30% of their entire spending to just defense war production" That is not sustainable, that is not survivable.

As for the losses, both countries are big enough that such numbers dont matter that much. Sure Ukraine has less population but Putin will do anything to prevent his moscovits and st petersburger being called up. Those dont care if Buryatias are being killed in Ukraine, but Putin is running out of those. Also lets not forget that Putin had to kill off his caterer just a few months ago because he was staging a mutiny and marched with 5k people on Moscow. The rest of Russia just stood by and waited for the outcome. So, lets not overestimate Putins grip on power.

My main problem with Saagars take on Ukraine that it is obviously extremly lazy and at least partly in bad faith. Much of that information can be gathered in 30 minutes or less.


Saying Russians don’t care about human life is such nonsense. Imagine if Russia approached Ukraine like how Israel has entered Gaza? It would make more sense to say the proxies that are pushing Ukraine to fight and lose so much are the ones with no regard for human lives.
