I Found my New Favorite Online English Dictionary!

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Let’s compare four major online monolingual English dictionaries: The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, The Collins English Dictionary, The Macmillan English Dictionary, and The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Which one is the best English-English dictionary? Have I found my new favorite English dictionary? I’ve been using The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and The Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary for many years now, and they are great, but it’s time to try out other options to make the job of improving vocabulary even easier and more pleasant.

Online dictionaries are excellent tools for boosting your English vocabulary and making your speech and writing more natural. Looking up new words in English-English dictionaries is also a great way to improve your reading and listening skills because having extensive vocabulary is the key to fast comprehension of spoken and written materials in your second language.

We’re going to discuss the overall look and design of the dictionaries, test their capabilities to search for simple English words, academic vocabulary, misspelled words, phrasal verbs, idioms, and slang. We’re going to find out how good they are at showing us collocations, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences, and word frequency. And, of course, we’re going to learn if these dictionaries are easy to use on our smartphones because most learners nowadays prefer to improve their English language skills on their phones.

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________Contents of this video__________________________

0:00 The best online monolingual English dictionaries
0:58 The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - design
1:30 The Collins English Dictionary - design
1:57 The Macmillan English Dictionary - design
2:07 The Merriam-Webster English Dictionary - design
2:34 The Oxford Dictionary - search
3:14 The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - search
4:01 Word frequency in English-English dictionaries
4:39 Merriam-Webster - synonyms, examples, medical and law dictionaries
6:01 Macmillan - thesaurus, collocations, emoji dictionary
6:57 Collins - video pronunciation, trends of usage, translations
7:17 Oxford - culture notes, examples, collocations, text checker
8:40 Idioms - search
9:46 Phrasal verbs - search
10:03 Academic vocabulary and fancier words - search
10:56 Misspelled words - search
11:10 Slang - search
12:12 Mobile optimization - dictionaries on smartphones

Рекомендации по теме

It is useful to have a set of criteria for comparing important features of learner dictionaries. Learners use dictionaries for meanings when reading and for much more when preparing to write and speak. They also use them for general vocabulary development. It is useful to consider how learners are taught to use dictionaries.


You are the most beautiful, kindest, and most active teacher on YouTube. I love you and everything you offer.


I've got this goal of devouring a paper pocket dictionary within a couple of days. That's why I'm really into those slim ones like Webster's Pocket or Merriam-Webster's Pocket. Collins? Way too bulky for my jacket, you know? I'd rather not carry around a heavy tome and attempt to finish it in just a day or two. No, I prefer my dictionaries to be compact and elegant enough to fit into a suit pocket. Do you have any recommendations in that size? Excluding the super tiny ones, of course.


I always use all of them to look up something


Hello Lady Giraffe (May I call you Giraffe?) I'm Korean who exploring some english dictionary to learning English.
This video helped me a lot. If it was not exist, I wouldn't know that each dictionary has various functions. Thanks for making this video. Have a great day. 😍


13:38 Thats what I thought some minutes ago. I agree.


The most favourite dictionary is the one, which you make on your own.


Dictionaries very good, video great…thanks.


I think there are collocation dictionaries


What is the best newspaper can I read regularly


Is the Merriam-Webster dictionary you used really intended for learners?


Hello this Is good Channel💝👍 gently according to yoir opinion or esperienze, i would like tò buy a dictionary complete of all aspects:of grammar, use of language, pharsal verbs, way of Say things, slangs, formal and informal, its better longman contrmporary vs longman combinations thesaurus, , Oxford advanced or Collins unabridged? i think I have level B1/B2 . Thanks a lot Friend ❤️❤️👍🙏💝❤️❤️👍🙏🙏💝 which One you suggest for Daily comunications and use of all verbs english complete? Thanks a lot 🙏🙏💝❤️❤️👍💝



I, m not english speaker iwant to improve it

Could you plz help


The Online Macmillan dictionary is no longer avalaible...So Sorry.


Learners won't usually come across words like Mycenaean? That got me thinking, aren't graded readers of great works like those of Homer usual? Seeing how ancient Greece is such a key component of our Occidental identity.
I thought stuff like that was really common for intermediate learners but maybe I'm mistaken.
Either way the fact that the Oxford one doesn't have a word like that is a huge red flag, and the other one that doesn't is just inexcusable.
